16:06:57 From Stephen Fanjoy To Everyone: Past and present are not "known." 16:12:28 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: C; Most of Cribb's risks are part of the Planetary Boundary Framework, which I'll present to CACOR on 15 Feb 2023. This Framework also links to Doughnut Economics. 16:27:10 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Q: What is the role of weak signals and nudges in your views of Foresight? 16:33:38 From Art Hunter To Everyone: Q: Can you give us an example of a Canadian foresight group, you helped establish, that is still assisting with policy and planning? 16:47:12 From Peter Meincke To Everyone: Who can take part in a foresight exercise? 16:48:11 From David Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Can you describe one or two more examples of situations where foresight found something really major? 16:55:04 From David Harries (Canada) To Everyone: In my experience, foresight does not always find something major. However, I cannot remember an exercise in nearly 40 years of 'doing' foresight in which the process did not make me a 'wiser' person, because a good foresight process is, as John superbly explained, synthesis, which is inherently inclusive of all participants' biases, assumptions, and interests. 17:13:06 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: C: A key to a successful Foresight exercise is having a good facilitator who can explain Foresight to the uninitiated. Also, the best groups of participants are generally broadly based rather than a narrow focus (e.g., up and down the org and across an org). 17:30:13 From Phil Reilly To Everyone: Are there competing conversations about foresight? 17:33:08 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: C to Phil's Q. No, to my knowledge there are not any fundamental differences in various approaches to conducting Foresight exercises. For example, Policy Horizons (GoC) has its version published on its website. 17:33:43 From Claude Buettner To Everyone: Maybe a good question would be how Synthesis can be used dynamically to manage unfolding disasters. 17:34:14 From John Blackshaw To Everyone: It seems AI has a place in this analysis either at the corporate or government level. I am sure Microsoft has a model that drives its energies and products to its customers and threats possible and otherwise. The model as described here could be mathematically calculated. 17:40:13 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Q: Anyone have an example of running Foresight backwards (e.g., Hindsight)? 17:40:40 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: As a test of its utility, for example. 17:48:03 From David Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Here is a link to my paper on governance. https://canadiancor.com/governance-reform-different-thinking/ 17:56:01 From David Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: https://qurex.com.au/dee-clarke-uluru-statement-from-the-heart/ 17:59:51 From David Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: https://planetaryboundaries.kcvs.ca/