13:09:42 From Ruben Nelson To Everyone: Mike Marien will welcome follow up questions, challenges, and conversation. His email: MMarien@twcny.rr.com 14:00:24 From Ruben (Butch) Nelson To Everyone: As questions or challenges arise for you, please add them to the chat. 14:04:32 From Ruben (Butch) Nelson To Everyone: < https://securesustain.org/ > 14:06:44 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Q: Based on your extensive knowledge about Futures organisations and the people involved, can you comment on which national governments are using futures studies (e.g., Foresight) in strategic policy development? 14:10:24 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Q: The concept of Planetary Boundaries has emerged in futures studies in this century, can you comment on this concept as a way of viewing what we might call the current 'polycrisis'? 14:14:35 From Ruben (Butch) Nelson To Everyone: World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) < https://new.worldacademy.org/ > 14:20:07 From Sirkka Heinonen To Everyone: In Finland, we have futures studies as academic discipline. Finland Futures Research Centre at University of Turku, celebrates next week its 30th anniversary. We have both Master's and Doctoral Programme in Futures Studies. At national level: government has used futures studies since 1993, preparing a government futures report every fourth year, submitted to Parliament's permanent Committee for Futures for comments. 14:26:23 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: The Finnish Environment Institute also undertakes futures studies as in contributions to the planetary boundary literature. 14:27:08 From Stuart Candy To Everyone: The willingness to question myths and deflate pretensions of futures is appreciated and necessary. I’m a professional & academic futurist (PhD earned with Dator in Hawaii, and now an associate professor of design at Carnegie Mellon), and I agree it’s not a discipline, although I do think it’s a field, if a fuzzy, multifarious, transdisciplinary one. However, the way this argument is couched in your list of myths seems to suggest that being anointed as a discipline would be necessary for it to be a success. So: is that what you think? The volume of futures awareness and practice has clearly grown immensely, since I first started coming to conferences in 1997, and especially in the past decade, and especially in partnership with other fields, like design, and other kinds of institutions, like museums, which in my experience appears to represent an alternative route to social foresight. 14:28:19 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Q. Are you familiar with Schumacher's Small Is Beautiful and, if so, do you think it still relevant? 14:34:58 From Victor V. Motti To Everyone: Great presentation and much appreciated. Q1: Do you use the term Fragmentation in the negative sense? How about thinking of the diversity in the field more like pluralism as a more positive framing? Q2: Given your interest in sustainability, do you think that environmentalism might be another relevant description? If so, isn't it a type of 'ism,' an ideology, some futurists like Tom Lombardo do not support sustainable worlds and point out the importance of purposeful evolution, that might need collapse in the path? Q3: How do you measure the effective impact of a futurist or a futurist organization, number of book citations, membership, only? How about a deep inner integral transformation of just one individual, a new leader that can make change at larger scales later. 14:35:07 From Peter Padbury To Everyone: Do you have any thoughts on efforts to build futures literacy into existing public education, professional, and management training programs? Any ideas about how to accelerate and build futures literacy and capacity faster? 14:35:46 From Gordon kubanek To Everyone: How to get regular people to think about the future in their lives? 14:37:20 From Stuart Candy To Everyone: @Gordon Kubanek The Futures of Everyday Life < https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305280378 > The Futures of Everyday Life Politics and the Design of Experiential Scenarios. 14:37:57 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Saudis' new city: The Line. < https://www.npr.org/2022/07/26/1113670047/saudi-arabia-new-city-the-mirror-line-desert > 14:39:56 From Victor V. Motti To Everyone: DMS Academy in Washington DC is also providing strategic foresight training for the US Federal Agencies < https://dms.academy/ > 14:50:20 From Sirkka Heinonen To Everyone: The newest report to the Club of Rome is 'The Limits and Beyond: 50 years on from the Limits to Growth: what did we learn and what's next?' < https://www.clubofrome.org/publication/limits-and-beyond/ > 15:01:35 From David Harries Canada To Everyone: Background on SECURITY foresight; little mentioned today, I have been engaged in since 1974, due to involvement in the predictable Turkish invasion of Cyprus. For understandable reasons, foresight on security is usually held close to the chest of the security organs of a country...indeed even of many big organizations. I participated in security foresight in Finland and Norway in the 1990s, the US often, usually via the Proteus Consortium in the 20xxs until it was defunded,Singapore in the late 1990s,...and... Today, arguably the US military is leading a lot of foresight activity into the national security implications of climate change. 15:03:27 From Sirkka Heinonen To Everyone: You are all welcome next year to our Conference on 'Empowering Futures' in Turku, 14-16 June, < https://www.utu.fi/en/news/news/welcome-to-the-futures-conference-2023-empowering-futures-call-for-papers-is-now-open > 15:09:28 From David Harries Canada To Everyone: It is suggested that indigenous communities/cultures have been 'big' on sustainability for a long time, even if they did not use that (English) word. 15:20:13 From Sirkka Heinonen To Everyone: Thank you Michael, Ruben, and All, I have to leave now. Here's one more reference that might be of some interest to you 'Landscapes of Our Uncertain Futures.' < https://www.utupub.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/154522/FFRC-eBook-7-2022.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y > 15:20:47 From Stuart Candy To Everyone: @Gordon, a few weeks ago we published a toolkit with the BBC < https://thefuturesbazaar.com/ >. It is designed to enable and encourage playful, social engagement with alternative futures & public imagination. So it’s geared to high school teachers, among others. 15:37:48 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_boundaries > The authors of this framework was a group of Earth System and environmental scientists in 2009 led by Johan Rockström. 15:39:16 From Victor V. Motti To Everyone: Recently we established a think tank in Washington DC called Planetary Futures < https://www.apfi.us/ > 15:41:15 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: < https://www.fs.usda.gov/research/treesearch/39052 > 15:42:18 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: < https://www.wri.org/insights/living-within-earths-planetary-boundaries > 15:42:42 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: The title this Friday is Planetary Limits: Coming Future Threats at < https://fsncanada.com/ > for abstract and registration for Zoom, 1:00 pm ET, Friday, Nov 18th. I will be the speaker. Normally I chair this group on behalf of Jack Smith. Ruben talked to the group just recently. 15:42:50 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: < https://www.wri.org/insights/living-within-earths-planetary-boundaries >