14:05:32 From Jon Legg To Everyone: Q: Does Garth agree that, as part of how we can improve our thinking, getting rid of issues in advance that are really NOT important problems. For example, when we reach the final stage of discussions, the way the United Nations works--or DOESN'T work--IS NOT an important problem. 14:06:43 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Q. Do you have some observations on the Dunning-Kruger effect (overestimating you skills and abilities) and on cognitive dissonance (knowing something is wrong but doing it anyway)? 14:07:14 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Well, I see my question has just been addressed. 14:10:18 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Q. Have you encountered The Cranky Uncle? https://crankyuncle.com/ 14:21:09 From Jean Dougherty To Everyone: How much do you think social media has impacted critical thinking in the general population? 14:22:24 From John Hollins To Everyone: Question: You’ve been contributing powerully to cacor-climate for some time. Would you like to serve as consultant and say what you think should be CACOR’s approach to advocacy? 14:29:01 From Claude Buettner To Everyone: Dr. Leon Festinger 14:31:11 From Claude Buettner To Everyone: One of many good 1950s film's on Dr. Festinger's work on Cognitive Dissonance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kmVy1QPXn0&t=3s 14:38:17 From Art Hunter - CACOR To Everyone: Q Donald Trump is not recognized as a critical thinker. Is he really a critical thinker? 14:43:27 From Craig McNaughton To Everyone: Many thanks, Garth. I’m left mulling over an existential proposition for the Post-Anthropocene. Less, ‘I think, therefore I am’ and more, ‘I listen, therefore we are.’ 14:43:32 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Q: What about the breakdown in trust, integrity, truth, and ethics, especially related to young people? 14:54:51 From Phil Reilly To Everyone: What is the influence importance of the Prime Minister’s office vs a political party? 14:55:31 From Claude Buettner To Everyone: Remember Jorgen Randers' recent speech where he says he doesn't think the problem is that people in power don't understand the thesis in The Limits to Growth? The problem is the message was not liked and rejected: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx-TVmqg9xE&t=3738s 15:02:37 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: He (Trumpf) can't remember his lies. 15:05:51 From Claude Buettner To Everyone: Following up on the discussion of listening to our elders, see the link above. Our problem is not that the "powers" don't understand the limits we are facing, it's that they won't be doing enough to deal with it. If we believe based on the scientific evidence that we might be heading towards extinction we might have to act accordingly with Extinction Rebellion... See their website. 15:24:34 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: We have lobbyist rules. 15:25:52 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: The lobbyist rules are useless. I used to monitor lobbying of the Minister of Health. The meetings were usually described as having been held to discuss health.