13:55:49 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Given David's 'tipping points,' you might note that I will be giving a uOttawa Foresight Synergy Network webinar, Nov 18th commencing at 1:00 pm Eastern via Zoom and titled Planetary Limits: Coming Future Threats? Detail are here and registration is required via this link: https://fsncanada.com/ 13:58:47 From Ted Manning To Everyone: Which countries or institutions have the best grasp on the human security issue and how do they integrate this into their decision processes of influence others? What are the lessons? 14:02:31 From zack jacobson To Everyone: Question: Would you comment further on climate change regarding humanity security? 14:05:03 From Gordon kubanek To Everyone: Q: What does Canada need to do about the northwest passage? 14:06:08 From Jon Legg To Everyone: Q: What is your reaction to the following thought? Politics seem to have become trivialized, and deals more with personalities and less with issues. 14:07:08 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Q: Given your perspective what is the time horizon in years for forward thinking planning (e.g., scenarios)? 14:08:51 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: The World Academy of Sciences. [Apparently the reference was to the World Academy of Arts and Science. Ed.] https://twas.org/ 14:09:21 From Charles Hall To Everyone: My personal "thing" is energy supply: working with two of the world's leading oil analysts, I have recently published a paper indicating that oil resources are only half of what is normally assumed from "official" sources. Europe is learning the price of depletion, and Canada (and to some extent the US) is buffered by huge resources of low quality resources. No one talks about "energy security" as something important, but I find it critical. How do you get energy resources on the agenda of security entities? 14:09:54 From Sharon Matthias To Everyone: C. - re National minister of education: That’s because the feds have done such a great job of managing passports, FN health etc etc!!! For goodness sake. Think your neat point re Leadingship and do your pitch to FPT Ministers of education. 14:13:52 From Gord Deinstadt To Everyone: Sometimes risks entail opportunities. There you mentioned cherry-picking. However, as a society we are too risk-averse. 14:16:30 From Ruben Nelson To Everyone: World Academy of Art and Science https://new.worldacademy.org/ 14:18:03 From Peter Bulkowski To Everyone: Is there not a need to know history? Flood: Hurricane Hazel. Hurricane: Isaac's Storm. Fire: Porcupine, Ontario. 14:20:39 From Rick Carpenter To Everyone: Question: In the hierarchy of threats to Human Security might there be merit in acknowledging humans themselves as numero uno? 14:22:50 From Bill Pugsley To Everyone: Question: To what extent is the lack of progress on human security a reflection of the top down approach assumed via the UN or NATO or from the national level as opposed to the bottom up approach where problem resolution is focussed at the community or municipal level? 14:23:46 From Art Hunter To Dave Dougherty (CACOR)(Privately): 14:26:34 From Sharon Matthias To Everyone: Q. Following your point re the ‘moving earth’ approach and should have gone upstream, and considering the futility of prioritizing risks in the polycrisis collection you identified, what would you consider as the ‘upstream risk’ we’re not seeing, and what would be the most appropriate priority? 14:30:32 From Michael Marien To Everyone: RE: Zack Jacobson concern for a taxonomy of degree and urgency of threats, and DH call to prioritize them: the World Economic Forum has an annual survey of Global Risks, organized by Top Ten in Urgency and Top Ten in potential impact. Also see the annual list of threats from the Global Challenges Foundation in Stockholm. [ < https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/world-economic-forum-lists-biggest-global-risks-of-2022 > Ed.] 14:33:18 From Paul Maillet To Everyone: I'm not sure we want to militarize the Arctic, the issues seems to be natural resources and the northwest passage. Hopefully treaty issues will be sorted out peacefully on resources and environmental protection, and we should be generous regarding international passage. I do not see sovereignty risks here. 14:37:30 From Michael Marien To Everyone: RE: DH concern about need to teach climate change etc. in Canada's schools, see "Teaching Climate Change When the Curriculum Avoids It" (New York Times, 2 Nov 2022, A12) on the widespread lack of teaching about climate in US middle schools, based on book by Katie Worth, "Miseducation: How Climate Change is Taught in America." The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network reports that much of the info on climate for teachers is outdated or inaccurate. I imagine that Canada has a similar problem, despite efforts by David Suzuki! 14:42:23 From John Meyer To Everyone: Have not the militaries of many countries, including the USA, and Germany not created reports on the threats of all manner of biophysical threats to the security of their countries and world order and stability? Did politicians read these? 14:43:50 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: C. Our 4-year-old grandson explained things about climate change to his mother yesterday. He just began kindergarten. Perhaps he got it there, but I think he got it elsewhere. 14:52:20 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: US military is the world's biggest organization in terms of emissions. https://bigthink.com/the-present/us-military-greenhouse-gasses/ 14:54:17 From John Meyer To Everyone: Money is a claim on real resources. It is not real resources. To get oil, you need energy, not printed paper. Hence the importance of the EROI (energy returned on energy invested). 14:56:00 From Gord Deinstadt To Everyone: The transition to renewable energies passed a tipping point this year (2022). It is accelerating at a much higher rate than any plan; this year global solar will increase 60 to 100%. Globally, we will reach net zero for electricity generation around 2030. This is entirely predictable because industrial revolutions follow an exponential curve until they are nearly complete, but people think linearly. 14:59:05 From Charles Hall To Everyone: Just for starters, CO2 release (implying fossil fuel use) increased substantially again this year. Solar is being ADDED to increased fossil use, at least for the moment. All renewables are made at substantial fossil energy cost. I am not at all convinced by your statement. 15:10:18 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Artificial intelligence will be a game changer. 15:10:32 From Charles Hall To Everyone: The best discussion of Exponential is that of Albert Bartlett, which everyone should see on the web. Exponential growth of a different energy source is a lot tougher , as one would need an exponential increase in investments, new copper mines (with decreasing grades), silicon, nickle, neodymium etc mines let alone all the infrastructure to use it. A nice idea, difficult and VERY energy intensive in practice. [< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqcHG7QUK9k > Ed.] 15:28:51 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Corporal Cerillo was killed in 2014.