14:04:03 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: Q: Are the city councils not just as much pushing densification, as they are claimed to be pushing "sprawl"? Are they thus making the living environment, less pleasant, more expensive, and in fact less healthy? 14:14:09 From Jon Legg to Everyone: I presume that there is a good potential for an op-ed article which will put together the probably upcoming recession (simply, a period of non-GDP growth) and the teachings of "Limits to Growth." I would appreciate your (John Meyer) views on this. 14:14:14 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Q. Should we have a waste index to show us how much waste goes into goods and services we might buy? Presumably we ought to want things that involve less waste production than alternatives. 14:14:26 From Ted Manning to Everyone: I have a comment on work on this from Club of Rome International affecting finance and wellbeing and a question on how to foster this kind of societal change. 14:15:38 From John Hollins to Everyone: Q. re immigration/population. 14:26:31 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: C. In Ontario, developers are the biggest contributors to campaign funding, particularly at the municipal level. They drive the agenda, which is to develop more and more new suburbs regardless of the long term consequences. 14:31:38 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Q. How much of Canada is ice, rock, muskeg, near desert, water, and so on as opposed to habitable land? Do we really have a lot of unoccupied living space? 14:31:39 From Madeline Weld to Everyone: Is the flow of resources really one way, developing countries to developed ones? What about food exports from developed countries and the export of finished products? 14:48:02 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Everybody: you might be interested in my paper on the CACOR website about how to improve governance. It deals directly with money in politics. Link to follow. 14:49:48 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: https://canadiancor.com/governance-reform-different-thinking/ 14:50:56 From Charles Hall to Everyone: I have a comment 14:56:38 From Jon Legg to Everyone: Rick: Please my question to John Meyer above. Thanks. 14:58:14 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: @Dave, ironically, we might have more habitable land as the climate warms... 15:00:35 From Peggy Atherton to Everyone: Comment 15:01:16 From Peggy Atherton to Everyone: I have ordered a heat pump, drive an ev, and am still working on getting approval from the condominium to install solar panels. 15:01:19 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: @Ray, we will have much less new occupiable land than one might think. Soils take ~1,000 years to develop from rock. We don't have 1,000 years. 15:03:19 From Peggy Atherton to Everyone: I am eligible for the zero percent loan from the federal government. 15:03:54 From Madeline Weld to Everyone: Regarding the question of how many people really can live in Canada, I have some date for ON which has 40% of Canada's population; 93% of the population lives on 16% of the land in southern and eastern ON; 7% live on the 61% of the surface area that is the Canadian Shield; only about 5000 people live on the Hudson Bay Lowlands, which is 23% of ON's surface area. So we're pretty crowded in the south. 15:20:49 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: Temporary foreign workers program is essentially legalized slavery in my opinion.