13:39:57 From Jon Legg to Everyone: Question for Dr. Hall: Assuming that, as you said in the introductory slide, some oil will be left in the ground, is it fair to say that the future of oil will be, above all, a political one? 13:54:46 From John Meyer to Everyone: Comment: We need to differentiate between "economists" who are really commercial economists who deal in $ and biophysical economists who deal with the real, physical world. 14:05:36 From John Meyer to Everyone: Question: On second thought, would Charlie please give a brief outline of the differences between a commercial economist (GDP etc.) and the "new" field of biophysical economics. 14:31:18 From William Rees to Everyone: Nafeez Ahmed now sees a technologically rosy future. 14:36:48 From Gordon kubanek to Everyone: what do I tell my kids how to prepare for this future? 14:42:22 From Ruben Nelson to Everyone: How widely is this understanding understood by the critical elites in OECD countries, e.g. the academy, national governments, senior bureaucrats, senior military officers. the intelligence community, senior folks on Wall Street 14:43:36 From Carlos Rossi to Everyone: HELLO What is the total ENROI for the world today in your estimate- Great presentation by the way looking forward tp getting it if it is possible 14:43:48 From William Rees to Everyone: Charlie, many thanks for refilling my realist's tank. Seem the world remains willfully blind to Hubbert's history and what logically flows from it. Continue plowing ahead with at least the equivalent of 33 horses. 14:50:26 From Ted Manning to Everyone: Comment Agree totally with Bill Rees. We are here not to educate and change economists or economics but to save human occupancy on the planet. Is there any real convergence between them? 14:50:30 From Peggy Atherton to Everyone: comment 14:51:02 From Peggy Atherton to Everyone: The federal government's green energy plan wu 14:51:27 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: Q. Given that there have many cries of wolf, that we are running out of energy/oil/gas/coal/oil sands (first one in1913 by Danby) and hyped by Heinberg, how do you convince us that this is not just another false cry? 14:52:19 From Peggy Atherton to Everyone: ill support homeowners who wish to pot solar panels on their roof with up to #40,000 zero percent loan repayable over 10 yeatrs. 15:02:38 From Ruben Nelson to Everyone: I must run. Thank you ever so much.