13:58:15 From John Meyer to Everyone: Question: Corporate media is on a search and destroy mission for any one or any group that challenges growth, population growth and mass immigration. Are there any institutions and/or political parties which will touch this? 13:59:39 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: https://www.earthovershoot.org/ 14:00:17 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Some say Canada could house 100 million people. What do you think the consequences of that would be? 14:02:08 From Lynn Oliphant to Everyone: The Century Initiative is promoting the idea that Canada reach 100 million by the end of this century. 14:02:40 From William Rees to Everyone: The same crowd want the USA to accommodate a billion people. Apparently, population insanity is a communicable disease. Your thoughts? 14:03:57 From Jon Legg to Everyone: Q & C: I have a two points that would improve your message. I would like your comments about them. 14:05:09 From Ted Manning to Everyone: Some Instigating Questions Is the goal to save the planet not my NIMBY? Do we allow others in--Ukrainians, Afghanis, Cubans--or to service our aging population. Do we help Africans, Latinos? There? Let them in? Carrying capacity is global (but can be emulated locally). Can we devise ecological standards which can support greater human densities (doing what?)-–hunting, farming, recreating. These all affect the discussion of optimal immigration. 14:05:31 From Lynn Oliphant to Everyone: How do you feel about “single species management" which is often our typical approach. I got sucked into the peregrine recovery effort and it sent a bad message: just poor money into “captive breeding and release.” 14:05:45 From Andrew Welch to Everyone: This is obviously a global problem. 88% of American population growth comes from immigrants, but what is the impact of immigration on WORLD population? Zero percent? It seems to me that making this about immigration is the most problematic perception issue. Why go there? 14:06:03 From Mike Hanauer-Boston to Everyone: Karen, was this pretty much the same kind of presentation that was rejected by IWS [International Wolf Society]? I think your talking of that would provide insight. 14:09:23 From Vic Buxton to Everyone: Is not the root cause limits to population growth? Limiting immigration is often a moral issue. 14:09:38 From William Rees to Everyone: One way to reduce immigration pressure is to stop messing up other people's countries. In fact, if other countries were not over-exploited and depleted to serve wealthy nations, fewer folks would want to leave. 14:10:28 From Andrew Welch to Everyone: Agreed 1000%, Bill Rees. 14:11:01 From John Meyer to Everyone: The Globe and Mail and the other media corps are fully supportive of the Century Initiative because they are owned and fused at the hip with banks and developers. They don't care what their readers think--their job is to wield influence and deliver growth, not truth. 14:11:50 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Karen's website. https://www.movingupstream.com/ 14:13:34 From John Hollins to Everyone: Take the message to young people? 14:23:10 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Taking in the best and brightest, and the richest, from less developed countries depletes the resources of the source countries. Bill Rees just voiced that notion. [No need to go over it again.] 14:29:30 From John Meyer to Everyone: The current immigrant stream to Canada sees its carbon footprint increase by a factor of 4.2. How is this good for the planet? 14:30:24 From William Rees to Everyone: Thanks again, Karen. I have another obligation in a few minutes so must leave. All the best. 14:31:44 From Lynn Oliphant to Everyone: Canada is the second largest country of the world with a low population density, well educated people (perhaps debatable), and huge resources. We should be able to “model” sustainability if it can be done anywhere. 14:34:13 From Peter MacKinnon to Everyone: The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences 'Next Einstein Initiative' has been designed to address the issue of robbing top talent from the developing world through the use of mathematics across their developing economies and societies. This project won the TED Prize, I wrote the Business Plan that raise $100 million to create 15 such centres, with 6 already in place, each is pan-African. 14:35:52 From Mike Hanauer to Everyone: I think the audience here is North America, which has few tigers and elephants. "Think globally, act locally, set the example." I think people have to especially see the local and personal impact of overpopulation. 14:38:21 From John Meyer to Everyone: The only country that, on paper, can go cold turkey on renewable energy today is Norway. Canada has a lot of hydro power, but far less than Norway per capita. Our energy demand is even higher. We need a biophysical model to put structure to this question. 14:45:33 From Madeline Weld to Everyone: I would like to comment on the argument that it is not so much overpopulation of the poo, but overconsumption by the rich that is the problem. 14:47:20 From Peter MacKinnon to Everyone: Asians go through billions of chop sticks every meal time! Most are one time use. 15:01:52 From Art Hunter (CACOR) to Everyone: Comment only: I read today that loss of Biodiversity would cost the financial world $44 Trillion and business must consider this. 15:03:44 From HENRY BARBARO to Everyone: The Big Green organizations (e.g., Sierra Club) bring in new members and funding by alerting their readers to environmental carnage in America. Save the forest. Save the wetlands. Save the habitat. So, rather than playing whack-a-mole trying to extinguish brush fires in America, we need to focus on the root causes. As long as America's population continues to grow, environmental emergencies will continue. America needs to serve as an example, to the rest of the world, of a sustainable society. Is it realistic or timely to solve the world's problems before we can expect resolution of America's? 15:08:59 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: I think this link is for the centre just discussed. https://www.idrc.ca/en/initiative/african-institute-mathematical-sciences 15:11:20 From Peter MacKinnon to Everyone: Dave's link is about the Canadian contribution to this math initiative. I met with Harper when he present $20 million on behalf of Canada. IDRC is managing that CDN contribution. 15:12:50 From Peter MacKinnon to Everyone: https://nexteinstein.org/ 15:17:23 From Peggy Atherton to Everyone: Does anyone remember the zero population growth movement in the sixties? 15:27:08 From Peter MacKinnon to Everyone: Integrity has been mentioned in this meeting, I might mention that there is a group of scholars and business executives on both sides of the Atlantic who are establishing an International Research Institute on Integrity. I have recently created the Business Case for the Institute, the chair of the founding Board is a professor at the University of Vienna. Website under development.