20:05:55 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: What trends do you see toward full-cycle nutrient management? 20:06:05 From Anitra Thorhaug to Everyone: I have some questions. 20:06:19 From Walter Knitl to Everyone: I have a couple of questions. 20:08:22 From Walter Knitl to Everyone: Also, I'm wondering if you have figures on what efficiencies can be achieved with precision agriculture [Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)] relative legacy farming, whether in yield terms, or cost, or decreases in fertilizer and pesticides? 20:18:44 From Jon Legg to Everyone: Q: Which specialized agency or agencies of the U.N. could have a role in getting some of the new ways of food producing you mentioned? A broader question is how, in terms of private sector, governments, and international organizations, do you see as playing a part in this, and in what proportions? 20:19:48 From Lynn Oliphant to Everyone: Other than Polyface farm, all your examples appear to be costly, high tech examples using science and technology to remove limits to growth--business as usual! 20:26:02 From Susan Tanner to Everyone: I wish that we were talking more about renewable energy and do not understand why you attack renewable energy. It is a partner concept in my mind. Such an excellent presentation otherwise but alienating allies. [In post-session discussion Julian Cribb explained that it was not his intent to attack renewable energy but to focus on the even more necessary renewable agriculture. Ed.] 20:27:10 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: We now have enough questions. I'll not be able to take more. You're welcome to stay for post-session discussion. 20:29:21 From Art Hunter (CACOR) to Dave Dougherty (CACOR)(Direct Message): To survive, we need shelter, energy, and food/water. All 3 are required so one is not more important. 20:53:08 From Lynn Oliphant to Everyone: You are talking about billions of dollars! 21:12:36 From Walter Knitl to Everyone: I agree that with another statement made that we must go to a Circular Economy to improve sustainability. Tech like IoT and AI can leveraged for that … see summary article Circular Economy and the Internet of Things--doing more with less, available at this link < https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/circular-economy-internet-things-doing-more-less-walter-knitl/ > 21:13:30 From Rosemary Kralik to Everyone: I can comment as a farmer. 21:14:51 From Walter Knitl to Everyone: That was great! Thanks.