13:55:15 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Q: Have you just blown "if you can't measure it, you can't manage it" out of the water? 13:57:07 From Ted Manning to Everyone: I THINK WE COULD CHANGE THE STATEMENT TO: IF YOU CAN'T PERCEIVE, IT YOU CAN'T VALUE IT...HOW? 14:03:27 From Art Hunter - CACOR to Everyone: Q: Is there no room for quantitative more as a good idea? For example, I strive to reduce energy consumption--more saving of energy is a good thing. 14:08:23 From Ted Manning to Everyone: Can we use numbers to define and discuss what we mean bu enough, or to define levels of necessary effort to redress the mess in which we find ourselves? 14:27:02 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: Do your "sustainability" and "new" values system provide for eight to ten billion people? 14:30:05 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Q. As I have, have you reached the conclusion that employment is a modern form of slavery? 14:36:30 From John Meyer to Everyone: Point/maybe question: When I use the term "Pearl Harbour Moment," I mean an event that allows us to change almost instantaneously and deal with the real threat. However, will we instead experience a "9/11 Moment" where a huge blow triggers a completely wrong response. "We, the West, invaded countries and triggered wars in countries which had absolutely nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. When crises come will we be able to identify the causes well enough to attack the real problems?