13:49:13 From Peter MacKinnon : Q: Slide 13 seems important, why is the chemical used for at the scale of production you indicated? Is there any alternative that is 'safer'? 13:52:43 From Jean Dougherty : We seem to be saving people from lung cancer and heart disease, only to see them get really expensive illness later. If we treat the earlier diseases, how likely are people to die later of more expensive illnesses? 13:53:09 From Peter MacKinnon : What do you mean by reference to planetary boundaries, is this in the context of (for example) the UN Office of Disaster Risk Reduction? 14:02:40 From Ted Manning : To what extent are we now considering the precautionary principle and the sensitivity of which species (or any specific indicator species beside humans) are central to this analysis/policy? Plants? 14:13:11 From Phil Reilly : Interested in ground waters west of Ottawa. Can you broaden this comment? 14:18:19 From Meg Sears : Phil, there has been contamination from firefighter training off of Upper Dwyer Hill Road. 14:25:22 From Peter MacKinnon : Do you feel our regulator has sufficient expertise and what new teeth do they need for enforcement? 14:31:03 From Art Hunter : Meg, can you give us a sense how the senate accepted your presentations and how you see the bill being treated in the House? 14:37:08 From Dave Dougherty : To what extent is regulatory capture by industry present within the federal regulatory agencies? 14:38:13 From Peter MacKinnon : Meg, you mentioned scientists and managers and somehow the scientist message changes at upper management. Is this a reinterpretation of data, changing the data or ignoring the data or some combination or something else...e.g., industry lobbying?