13:41:38 From Claude Buettner : Carbon footprint is more related to income and spending I believe the data would say. Immigrants tend to be poor and underemployed even if educated (in the US experience). 13:43:26 From John Meyer : Rich or poor, living in a northern country like Canada requires much greater energy and resource inputs than the average country of origin of Canada's immigrant stream. 13:48:17 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) : Why is it that the highest oil consumption per capita countries are closer to the equator than Canada (e.g., Gibraltar, Singapore, US Virgin Islands, Malta, Saudi Arabia)? 13:49:56 From Mike Nickerson : The mice also started to turn homosexual. 13:50:42 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) : If I recall correctly, the mice also started attacking each other, especially the males. 13:51:34 From John Meyer : Can't imagine why oil consumption would be high in Malta, USVI, and Gibraltar unless oil consumption by ships is included. Saudi Arabia is obviously high as they do things like produce huge amounts of oil, air condition everything, and build an indoor ski hill. 13:55:41 From Raymond Murphy : Is it not true that growth of consumption of fossil fuels by the affluent is a bigger driver of climate change than population growth by the poor? 13:59:17 From John Meyer : Fossil fuel use is growing in most regions with only Europe I think declining. The mass adoption of SUVs is a very large driver, but so too is the increased mechanization of agriculture in LDCs which increases their dependency on FF and fertilizer. There are no clean hands in this but certainly affluent countries, particularly the affluent, in affluent countries can clearly cut their consumption with the least amount of pain. 14:15:22 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) : Is the New World Order not the same one that was established after the Second World War? 14:15:36 From John Meyer : Question: I don't think globalists have anything against Canadians of for any other group. They just need the market to grow and will attack anything or anyone that interferes with this. Globalists seem to me to be totally non-discriminatory--they like anyone that makes them money. 14:19:26 From Raymond Leury : We are expecting large increases of climate refugees in the coming decades. Where should those migrants go if not Canada? [Watch the 5-minute video by Beck referenced at the end of this chat to find Beck's answer. Ed.] 14:20:13 From Raymond Leury : We have an acute shortage of skilled and unskilled labour in Canada. How should we address that? 14:31:44 From Raymond Leury : All of the islands that Dave is citing are using fossil fuels to make electricity. Hopefully that changes soon. 14:33:00 From Claude Buettner : Anyone know the statistics of French citizens emigrating to Quebec? 14:33:37 From Raymond Leury : Claude, I don't know the exact numbers, but at least 100,000 residents of Montréal are French citizens. 14:39:15 From John Meyer : A well-managed labour shortage can be used to drive strong productivity growth. Canada has had the lowest rate of productivity increase in the OECD over 5 decades and has had the highest rate of immigration/population growth. Cheap labour is a social pox and an inequality driver. 14:49:12 From Mike Nickerson : I’ve a comment about cosumption vs. appreciation. 14:52:21 From John Meyer : Foreign aid by Canada is abysmally low. We can't absorb foreign problems, but we should help solve them where they originate. 14:56:34 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) : Beck / Gumball https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-s1_nfs7f4 15:00:22 From Mike Nickerson : Imagine if just 1% of the material advertising budget were to be spent pointing out how much we have to gain from relationships, learning, and appreciating the wonders of the world.