13:57:19 From Jeff Eder to Everyone: They US system closely parallels the Canadian system. https://progressivemoney.ca/ 14:26:14 From Paul Beckwith to Everyone: Can you comment on carbon taxes, fuel prices, cryptocurrencies within Just Money. 14:26:38 From Bill Tyson to Everyone: The Bank of Canada plays a central role in influencing money supply and inflation. Is there an equivalent in the USA? 14:26:44 From John Meyer to Everyone: Question: Money system is a clerical function, and a wealth creation enabler not a source of wealth creation that is it presented as now. How do we take the money system and move it back into a technical support system rather than the power base and generation of unsupported claims on wealth it is now? 14:27:16 From Jeff Eder to Everyone: Progressive Money Canada has a just money proposal that advocates money creation for the public good similar to Virginia's presentation. Visit the home page to learn more. https://progressivemoney.ca/ 14:27:21 From OH165478 to Everyone: Someone I met yesterday told me that the Government of Canada told him they would keep his credit on his taxes since they know he will pay tax next year. I have never heard of this. Is that reasonable? 14:28:23 From Ryann (they/them) to Everyone: https://justmoney.org https://www.monetary.org https://www.monetaryalliance.org https://positivemoney.org https://publicbankinginstitute.org 14:29:56 From Derek Paul to Everyone: I needed to think about some of these questions when writing “A Leap to an Ecological Economy.” Much of the needed change can be achieved by recognizing non-profit action as requiring zero interest by limiting total interest integrated over time. Your plan might require major changes in the constitution. What is your opinion on this? 14:30:03 From Ryann (they/them) to Everyone: https://internationalmoneyreform.org https://howwepay.us 14:33:21 From OH165478 to Everyone: What would our central bank think of this idea? 14:33:27 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: The NEED Act - monetary reform bill introduced in 2010-11. https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/2990 14:34:19 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: I have a question. 14:34:45 From Andrew Welch to Everyone: Every Just Money revolution, large or small, has soon been shutdown and quashed by the status quo. I cannot imagine any serious changes to our money system coming from the top. It is simply not going to happen. The current system has to collapse first. Fortunately, all of your graphs point to that being in the quite near future. What are some of the key points of the preparation needed for when this happens? 14:36:55 From OH165478 to Everyone: What happens to the value of Canadian Savings Bonds in this proposed system? 14:39:23 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: Just money reconnects money to our politics instead of the money power controlling government. Most new bank money goes to speculation producing nothing but more billionaires. 14:40:47 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: Bankers will not lend money to fix the climate. We need a government that can. 14:42:25 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: In a Just Money system, oil companies will not have access to the huge amunts of credit required for their operations giving gov't power over it. 14:44:26 From Jean Dougherty to Everyone: The Canadian Government stopped selling these Canada Savins Bonds in 2017. Bonds no longer collect interest as all bonds matured in 2021. 14:45:01 From Jeff Eder to Everyone: I wrote a peer reviewed letter to Parliament explaining the problems associated with allowing privately owned commercial banks the extraordinary privilege to create money and charge interest. "The Cost of Money Creation and Complexity" https://progressivemoney.ca/letter-to-parliament-1 14:54:33 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: A positive attitude is essential. 14:54:35 From John Meyer to Everyone: There are no optimists here Andrew! 14:56:38 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: Just money reverses the psychological consequences of money from negative influences (usury) to positive influences, more cooperation and collaboration. Not changing is not an option. 14:57:33 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: Demurrage may be important to get more done faster, thinking about climate change, as an emergency measure. 14:58:22 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: Yes, kudos to Andrew Welch. 14:59:37 From Ted Manning to Everyone: Back to the Gold Standard? Where we may also pay someone to store it for us? All of this will be very hard to sell to the public. Remember Social Credit who would print you into safety. 15:00:36 From Lucille to Everyone: Jean, do you know why the Canadian gov't stopped selling bonds to the public? 15:02:18 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: Now we have unelected leaders controlling the money, we need elected leaders who control the money. 15:03:19 From Howard Switzer to Everyone: V, put it up on YouTube so we can share it. 15:04:16 From Ted Manning to Everyone: The Club of Rome International has a group studying similae. See https://www.clubofrome.org/ 15:17:32 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Progressive Money: A HEALTHY ECONOMY SHOULD BE DESIGNED TO THRIVE, NOT GROW! https://progressivemoney.ca/doughnut-economics-1 15:25:04 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: https://canadiancor.com/governance-reform-different-thinking/