13:33:26 From paulhenrybeckwith@gmail.com to Everyone: Do you have the title, or a link of the geothermal article? 13:43:42 From Art Hunter to Everyone: This is the article. https://cascadeinstitute.org/a-big-bet-on-geothermal-could-help-prevent-a-climate-catastrophe/ 13:45:38 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: A bit more on deep drilling technologies, which were being discussed before this session began. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_drilling_technologies 13:52:10 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: The Gini Coefficient is one measure of the rich-poor gap. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient 13:58:33 From Art Hunter to Everyone: How difficult is it to gather data that supports the Genuine Progress Index? Is it well defined? Could it be prepared monthly or once a year? How about retroactive estimates of GPI? [This question was answered, so Dr. Hunter changed to a different one. Ed.] 14:07:29 From Andrew Welch to Everyone: Any index which shows that the current government is failing the population will never be adopted by that government. Similarly, predictive indices which use net accounting will not be used because governments do not get credit for *avoiding* disasters in the future. How do we force this change to happen? 14:10:29 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: This is a 2021 report on the Genuine Progress Indicator for Canada. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/services/publications/measuring-what-matters-toward-quality-life-strategy-canada.html 14:14:08 From John Meyer to Everyone: Saving money and improving public welfare makes no money for banks, speculators and developers, in fact it makes them lose money. Their business models no longer work in a full-cost accounting market. Why would they be expected to embrace it? 14:16:29 From paulhenrybeckwith@gmail.com to Everyone: In Kim Stanley Robinson’s book, “Ministry for the Future,” there are great sections on progress indices. 14:18:40 From Andrew Welch to Everyone: It seems that only the GPI reports that save money are the only ones considered good news and "policy-relevant" and thus adopted. Why is monetary wealth still the only indicator of well-being that is considered as counting what really matters? 14:26:09 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Should the people to educate be professors and students in economics and accounting? 14:26:41 From Ralph Martin to Everyone: Evidence alone may not convince policy makers and politicians, but is it not true that we need evidence as part of whatever strategy is effective? 14:31:07 From Nigel's Weir to Everyone: Excellent presentation, Ron, if somewhat discouraging. 14:38:05 From Doris Wolter to Everyone: Great work, hope it will soon find its way into our dying while „growing“ economy systems. 15:01:17 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: Governance Reform https://canadiancor.com/governance-reform-different-thinking/