14:03:18 From Art Hunter to Everyone: Will community gardens, vertical farming, and winter greenhouses provide significant reduction to food insecurity? 14:09:34 From John Meyer to Everyone: A plug for the Lowdermilk study "Conquest of the Land Through 7000 Years." Can technological improvements out-run climate change impacts on food output? 14:24:04 From Peter MacKinnon to Everyone: I did not hear you mention the concept of circular economy in an agricultural context. Therefore, I am wondering if you might comment on this concept? 14:30:11 From Ray DESJARDINS to Everyone: We have just published a paper in Highlights to Sustainability on "A knowledge of GHG protein ratio of agricultural food," which should help consumers make reduce their carbon footprint. 14:31:34 From Mary Hegan to Everyone: In rebalancing food production and climate crisis, in N. America, what is value of increase of personal food gardening? community gardens? and CSA-type food production and distribution locally? versus big agriculture? People with land/air space for growing food, who want to play a useful role, and question value re using time and new knowledge towards food growth. What is best approach for rural and suburbites in large cities? 14:35:37 From Mary Hegan to Everyone: What are pros and cons of families naturalizing front and back yards towards increase in food knowledge and production? Are there studies avocates can use in asking municipalities to change land use regulations to support them to do so? 14:37:25 From Jean Dougherty to Everyone: I've always been interested in the loss of the most productive farm lands to urban development. What makes a top class farmland (precipitation and when it falls, soil chemistry, organic contect etc.)? Will these areas likely to move with climate change? 14:38:42 From Art Hunter to Everyone: Satellite IR scans of the Earth have been used to identify species, stage of growth, and potential yield. Is this a leading technology being used in a major way even in the less developed countries? 14:41:14 From Ted Manning to Everyone: If you buy Milorganate fertilizer it comes from Milwaukee/s sewage system and it has sold effectively for years. 14:41:59 From Paul Beckwith to Everyone: Jeff Rubin (ex CIBC World Markets economist, now author) says that with another degree or so of warming, northern Ontario (former regions of glacial Lake Iroquois) has great soil and will allow Canada to become the global breadbasket. What do you think?? 14:47:43 From Thorhaug Anitra to Everyone: When everyone finished asking questions of speaker, I am ready to give a brief summary of meeting on Celebration of 50 Limits to Growth and Voyageurs. 14:57:16 From Jean Dougherty to Everyone: Glacial Lake Iroquois covered a relatively small area of what is now around Lake Ontario. Most of the glacial lakes produced what are now soils but are only found in the southern Ontario. Areas of Ontario north of the Lake Huron and Lake Superior are primarily Precambrian Shield Rock and do not have much soil cover. The "soil" area adjacent to the Hudsons Bay is muskeg and not great soil possibilities. [Information on Lake Iroquois < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glacial_Lake_Iroquois > Ed.] 14:57:29 From Ted Manning to Everyone: Thanks Ralph for your ref to the Agricultural classes. [Ted worked on this for years at Environment Canada. Ed.] 14:59:10 From Ted Manning to Everyone: I published the first output on this some years ago and it is great to hear it still resonates. We showed Canadians that they could see 37% of our Class 1 agricultural land from the CN tower. 15:06:17 From Ted Manning to Everyone: The BC Agricultural land reserves began in 1976 to preserve most of the good land in BC for farming. It has largely succeeded but also is seen to contribute to raised housing prices. It has persisted and led to BC being one of the stoongest sources of fruit, wine, vegetables, etc. in Canada. [Information on the BC land reserve < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agricultural_Land_Reserve > Ed.] 15:20:07 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4OBcRHX1Bc&t=4s [This is a video about regenerative agriculture in Australia. Ed.]