14:09:16 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: Are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) being stored? How about wild-types for organisms that are now widely grown as GMOs? 14:23:25 From Ted Manning to Everyone: I see that Canada is associuated with the partnership. Which institution(s) in Canada or government(s) are involved? 14:31:34 From Art Hunter to Everyone: Climate-change-induced migration of insects, plants, and animals is happening. How is this impacting your record keeping? 14:44:34 From Jon Legg to Everyone: Do you also use duplication of seed-banking (e.g., in other seedbank locations) to prevent loss from unplanned events? Norway would probably be a candidate, I would think. 14:47:37 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: It is indeed the National Tree Seed Centre. https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/science-and-data/research-centres-and-labs/forestry-research-centres/atlantic-forestry-centre/national-tree-seed-centre/ntsc-seed-collection-and-conservation/23984 14:49:30 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: From Jean Dougherty: How are new collections added into the global system? She will expand when posing the question. 14:50:42 From Rick Carpenter to Everyone: Am I right in thinking GMOs present a threat to biodiversity? Have we examples of this actually happening? 14:59:13 From Catherine Smith to Everyone: How do you avoid contamination when seeds come in from the field? 15:08:49 From Ted Manning to Everyone: In Canada, "delicious" apples have been marketed to dominate. Tasty Macs or crunchy varieties are less popular in the market. Granny Smith's or similar often are hard to sell as consumers fully programmed for red, not taste.