13:51:02 From John Hollins to Everyone: Peter, how do you rate Ottawa as a ?smart? city? 13:51:58 From William Rees to Everyone: Cities are products of abundant cheap energy; the continuing provisioning of cities depends on abundant cheap energy, abundant food and other essentials, no significant climate impacts on agriculture or geopolitics, the maintenance of global supply chains etc., Can there even be mega-cities or large cities if these preconditions thing break down? 13:53:09 From Richard van der Jagt to Everyone: Peter, there is a huge development proposed for Manor Park, with a huge increase in density of housing and population with no integration of SMART city characteristics. This is going to council tomorrow, How do we address this? 13:54:03 From Raymond Leury to Everyone: All cities are unique, but they do share the same kind of pressures which should lead to shareable solutions to these common problems. How do you see sharing this knowledge between the individual smart cities so that good solutions can be implemented faster? 13:54:16 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: Is not the largest challenge facing Canadian cities the unaffordability of housing for working class & middle class people, especially younger people? How will "smart" actually lower housing costs? 13:56:03 From paulhenrybeckwith@gmail.com to Everyone: Smart Cities should be readily defensible against convoys. 13:56:46 From Phil Reilly to Everyone: How will Smart Cities provide food for its residents? Many cities are constantly expanding onto nearby food production lands! 13:57:36 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: If defensible against convoys, what about defensible against bombs, missiles, and invading armies? 14:01:20 From William Rees to Everyone: Typical high income cities draw on a productive/assimilative land-base several hundred times larger than the city proper -- the is the city's true 'ecological footprint'. A city cut off from it's footprint area would starve and wither. This is already beginning. How "smart" of it for city planners to continue assuming the status quo? 14:08:51 From Bill Pugsley to Everyone: Question- how vulnerable to interruption are smart cities that depend on internet and communications to operate? i.e. to what extent do we need manual backups to ensure continuous operations? 14:16:15 From paulhenrybeckwith@gmail.com to Everyone: Smart Cities need to monitor indoor air quality; specifically CO2 levels indoors as a proxy for ventilation levels and thus virus risk in this pandemic and all future pandemics. 14:17:54 From Bill Pugsley to Everyone: good point Paul but we also need real time monitoring of roadside air pollution tied to a system to regulate traffic emissions etc 14:21:52 From Phil Reilly to Everyone: Lack of ecological “smartness” We are a product of the interconnectedness of species pyramids! How will cities provide required food? They are encroaching on agricultural lands! Members of “Smart” high tech cities are not geared to provide the physical labour needed to operate agricultural industries. They want beauty and happiness rather than sweat and tears! “Smart Cities” depend on supply chains … how will they survive if the electronic communications systems break down? 14:22:55 From Richard van der Jagt to Everyone: this presentation needs to be given to City Council. Would he agree to do this? 14:23:06 From zack jacobson to Everyone: Can cities [and mayors] impact the supply end of hydrocarbon production? 14:37:40 From paulhenrybeckwith@gmail.com to Everyone: Peter, can you run for mayor? 14:38:32 From zack jacobson to Everyone: I'll sec0nd that! 14:42:27 From Meg Sears to Everyone: People interested in improving planning in Ottawa should check out https://www.ottawaclimatesolutions.net/ 14:47:31 From Richard van der Jagt to Everyone: I think Peter should run for mayor!! 14:51:22 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: Not wanting a political position should be the first qualification for the office. 14:55:15 From Richard van der Jagt to Everyone: I agree that a utube version of this talk should be sent to I all city councillors as long as Peter agrees. The right form of introductory letter needs to be sent with it 15:28:40 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: Embrace biology.