13:59:25 From Art Hunter to Everyone: How to prevent misuse of the Precautionary Principle? 14:00:36 From Vic Buxton to Everyone: The problem historically with implementing the precautionary principle is where lies the responsibility for burden of proof. GMO management historically is a classic example of this problem. 14:01:27 From bill pugsley to Everyone: Question: why doesn't CEPA address vehicle emissions especially those deemed as hazardous to human health by ECCC standards given that CO2 has been considered a pollutant thus enabling carbon pricing and CO2 reductions by vehicles? I recognize that air pollution is usually regarded as provincial mandate but so is COVID where the feds have a role 14:03:24 From Richard van der Jagt to Everyone: Regulators need to be informed by science which links data on exposure to toxins and adverse health outcomes 14:03:34 From Vic Buxton to Everyone: Environment Canada regulated lead in gasoline. It is again an issue related to burden of poof. 14:15:37 From John Hollins to Everyone: Meg: “Only for people”. Do CEPA, S-5 address the health of the national or global ecosystems? 14:17:48 From John Meyer to Everyone: Question: Over the decades I assume that industry has lobbied up to mitigate damage to their business models and I wonder how the investigation/pushback balance is in Canada compared to leading nations? 14:19:50 From Richard van der Jagt to Everyone: industry lobbies the government all the time and that is the nub of the problem, the government listens to them and not to the scientists who even feed them the data demonstrating the toxic effects of their chemicals. Money talks! 14:29:05 From Silke Popescu to Everyone: You have both pointed to several gaps/failures of this legislation. Do you have any thoughts on why these issues are not more of a priority for the government? Is additional research needed? A lack of government will or public interest? 14:30:26 From Art Hunter to Everyone: If time is available, I have a questin as well. 14:45:42 From Vic Buxton to Everyone: I'd like to comment if there is time. 15:04:38 From Richard van der Jagt to Everyone: Cosmetic pesticides that were supposedly banned in Ontario after Meg and I fought for that, are still being distributed 15:21:22 From Richard van der Jagt to Everyone: little do the regulators appreciate how many billions they spend on illnesses that are linked to environmental toxins 15:23:46 From Richard van der Jagt to Everyone: check out : Paediatr Child Health . 2006 Apr;11(4):229-34. Pesticide assessment: Protecting public health on the home turf Meg Sears 1, C Robin Walker, Richard Hc van der Jagt, Paul Claman 15:26:53 From Richard van der Jagt to Everyone: As a cancer specialist with over 28 years of experience working at the Ottawa Hospital, I can tell you that I saw a steady rise of cancers ( ie lymphomas) related to environmental toxin exposures and they are more difficult to treat 15:29:53 From Barb P's chat & voice to Everyone: Here is where on Meg’s Prevent Cancer Now website you can see the White Paper about EMR and much commentary about it. https://preventcancernow.ca/canada-has-no-due-process-in-law-to-assess-and-regulate-wireless-radiation/