[My introductory question was: how do we avoid civil unrest over reforming our energy system? Ed. (Dave Dougherty)] 13:55:40 From Paul Beckwith to Everyone: On a per capita basis, do you know the present fossil fuel subsidy and renewable energy subsidy in Canada? Do you foresee our government zeroing fossil fuel subsidies? When? [Here is a report on Canada's subsidies. https://www.iisd.org/system/files/publications/canada-fossil-fuel-subsidies-2020-en.pdf However, there is no value for per capita subsidies. Here is another. https://www.energypolicytracker.org/country/canada/ It mentions that subsidies have a value of at least $1,115 per Canadian per year. Ed.] 14:02:18 From Vic Buxton to Everyone: There are lessons to be learned vis-a-vis a successful treaty negotiation from the experience of the Montreal Protocol. There are 3 legs on the required "stool" that need to be in place. 14:06:45 From Jean Dougherty to Everyone: Your comparison to Nuclear Non-Profliferation Treaty is good. Nuclear disaster is immediate and all can see that, so contributes to many endorsing the treaty. Do you think that the last year of climate disasters in Canada will help push Canadians to accept the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty? 14:08:43 From Zachary Jacobson to Everyone: This is a wonderful idea! Now, do you think the proposed fossil fuel treaty [or treaty framework] will envisage nuclear power as acceptable clean energy? [Nuclear power is a set of technologies which CACOR has begun studying but on which the organization has no current position. Ed.] 14:08:44 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNT) has failed. The one country, Ukraine, that gave up nuclear weapons, is now being re-colonized by Russia, which has threatened to use nukes in the invasion. Iran? North Korea? What value could possibly be placed in anything signed by Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim, or Ali Khamenei? [Here is a discussion of the NNT. https://nuclearnetwork.csis.org/has-the-nuclear-nonproliferation-treaty-limited-the-spread-of-nuclear-weapons-evaluating-the-arguments Ed.] 14:08:47 From Art Hunter to Everyone: What weight do you give to population and consumption of the products from the Earth's crust? [Population is the major challenge facing humanity. Several decades ago, CACOR took a position on the matter, which was that we need to find ways to control our numbers, our consumption, and our waste generation or we risk severely damaging the ecosystems that sustain us. Ed.] 14:09:41 From Paul Beckwith to Everyone: Many, like myself, think that deploying geoengineering like MCB (marine cloud brightening) and OPR (ocean pasture restoration) are vital, safe, and certainly much less risky than not deploying them. Do you consider all geoengineering too risky; if not, which do you favour? [Geoengineering is a set of technologies which CACOR has not yet studied in detail and on which the organization has no current position. Ed.] 14:11:03 From Roy Culpeper to Everyone: It is good to reference the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons since the "old" NPT has been stalemated for some time. Unfortunately, Canada and most rich countries have refused to endorse the TPNW. [Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_on_the_Prohibition_of_Nuclear_Weapons Ed.] 14:11:09 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: While necessity is the mother of invention, when renewable sources can’t make up for the reduction in fossil fuel production, energy crunches seem to result. How do you address the problems arising from reduced fossil fuel production? 14:12:56 From Peter Meincke to Everyone: I helped Senator Roche with a prepcom for the NPT meeting and have been discouraged by the lack of any real progress. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is gathering support. Is that a better model? Fantastic work. 14:15:37 From Susan Tanner to Everyone: Thank you for this excellent presentation and all you have done to date. This bold idea puts the rich countries in the penalty box--even as they refuse to sign it. There is a backlash to every social change. [In case someone may not know it, when Ms Berman mentioned the CCPA she was referring to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Ed.] 14:22:19 From Alyn Ware to Everyone: I am fully supportive of the Fossil Fuel Treaty. Some are criticizing the approach saying that the example of nuclear weapons is not promising, as the nuclear armed and allied states are not implementing their disarmament obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, nor joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. However, I think Tzeporah is correct--if a treaty on fossil fuels is negotiated, it provides a framework to push governments to join and then to push them to implement its obligations. Climate change must be reversed at the source--the mining/extraction of fossil fuels. [Disclosure: I signed the FFNPT. Ed.] 14:24:01 From Alyn Ware to Everyone: Might the campaign by World's Youth for Climate Justice to take the climate change issue to the International Court of Justice help build legal and political support for a Fossil Fuel treaty? 14:25:53 From Tzeporah Berman to Everyone: https://www.iisd.org/publications/fossil-fuel-subsidies-canada-covid-19 14:32:31 From Susan Tanner to Everyone: Vic received a UNEP award for his work on the Montreal protocol and, at the same time Friends of the Earth received an award on work that I led with an NGO partnership from "north" and "south" groups participating cooperatively in the negotiations. [UNEP is the United Nations Environment Program. NGO is a nongovernmental organization. Ed.] 14:33:53 From Susan Tanner to Everyone: I would be delighted. [This was in response to Ms Berman saying she would like to work with Susan and Vic Buxton. Ed.] 14:40:33 From Phil Reilly to Everyone: Nature is resilient? Yes, but destroyed ecosystems need decades and centuries to renew back to an ecological system. 14:48:53 From Raymond Murphy to Everyone: Very insightful presentation, but could you elaborate on how you solve the problem of restricting supply running up against increasing demand? 14:52:23 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: Tzeporah has to leave us shortly. Sorry, but Art Hunter's will need to be the last question. I hope you can stay for some minutes to discuss things informally. 14:54:53 From Tzeporah Berman to Everyone: I don’t disagree Phil, but I guess I find hope in the resilience of natural systems and am constantly surprised by how little we know. 14:55:26 From Alyn Ware to Everyone: You can find out more about the Climate Change in the International Court of Justice action, which could build political and legal support for a Fossil Fuel treaty, at http://baselpeaceoffice.org/article/world-court-and-climate-change-roads-and-bridges 14:57:32 From Roy Culpeper to Everyone: Thank you for an inspired talk and bold initiative. There is a lot of potential in the international strategy you propose, since it also looks to civil society and communities like cities and not just governments for its traction. 15:01:20 From Tzeporah Berman to Everyone: Pls check out our campaigns at www.stand.earth