13:43:28 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: Dec. 6, 2021 415.41 ppm Dec. 7, 2020 413.26 ppm 1 Year Change 2.15 ppm (0.52%)https://www.co2.earth/daily-co2 13:54:48 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: https://ukcop26.org/ 13:56:29 From Zack Jacobson to Everyone: He's not showing slides. 13:56:40 From Art Hunter to Everyone: Question: There were 500+ Fosil Fuel representatives at COP26. Did you meet any of them or what was the impact you could sense from their activities to greenwash and avoid the use of the term "fossil Fuels"? 13:58:18 From Zack Jacobson to Everyone: Does anyone know why Russ George was shut down?Any official explanation? 14:05:21 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: Article on the iron fertilization experiment. Essentially, it was illegal and unauthorized ocean dumping. http://www.planetexperts.com/two-years-russ-george-illegally-dumped-iron-pacific-salmon-catches-400/ 14:15:52 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: Example...cooling suit https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/cooling-suite-7260359362.html 14:19:37 From John Meyer to Everyone: Question: Was anyone at COP discussing how practical changes can be made and we, as a society can investment in low or no carbon consumption and infrastructure and reduce our overall consumption? It sounds as though there was a lot of "need to" discussion but very little "how to" change our societies. 14:22:40 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: More on the Russ George situation. So far, no luck finding resolution of the case. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/oct/19/geoengineering-canada 14:24:10 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: How much GHG went up to hold this conference? Was it worth it? 14:29:13 From Ted Manning to Everyone: What was the take on behavioural change as opposed to competing tech fixes? Were there specific sections on reducing the human footprint? 14:29:21 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: More Fun, Less Stuff 14:30:23 From Mary Hegan to Everyone: What were some of good processes and outcomes from COP26 gathering? What is worth monitoring in coming months? 14:34:07 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: Credibility. If you wish others to accept "climate crisis" and to make huge sacrifices, the travel half way around the world for a big annual party by tens of thousands of climate activists would not seem to leave you with much credibility. How do you move from a "do as I say, not as I do" to leading by example? 14:34:36 From Jon Legg to Everyone: A general question for Paul, before he has started his presentation, is as follows. Are there some ways that this sort of IPCC can be more likely to succeed in its most important role (i.e., the lowering of greenhouse gases)? 14:49:51 From Meg Sears to Everyone: I was glad to hear that Biden was going to promote electrification by driving an electric car … then it was a Hummer! A stark example of being “tone deaf” and counter-productive. 14:52:14 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: Don’t abandon ship until the lifeboats are launched. 14:53:09 From John Meyer to Everyone: Peter, a fair percentage of the people on this forum and likely the people who attended COP have made substantial changes to their lifestyles. It's a start and a direction. 15:06:51 From Mike Nickerson to Dave Dougherty(Direct Message): Lifeboats to solar homes & local food.