13:02:35 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: How the EU works. https://canadiancor.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/McClintock-How-does-the-EU-work.pdf 13:42:15 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: Daily CO2 Nov. 23, 2021 = 415.26 ppm 14:03:44 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: Would compensation be paid at the same rate to former fossil fuel workers in Malaysia and Canada? What is the record of compensating people who have lost employment in other industries? 14:04:43 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: How do you would we avoid capture of the World Climate Union by big business and devotion of the system to corporate profits? 14:05:02 From William Rees to Everyone: If we significantly and rapidly abandon fossil fuels in the OECD (which we should) there will be a corresponding contraction of the economy, thousands of job losses, etc., far beyond the FF industry. What to do? (PS: Wind and solar cannot replace FF in any climate friendly time frame.) 14:05:38 From John Hollins to Everyone: Re Toronto Conference on the Changing Atmosphere. 14:08:13 From Phil Reilly to Everyone: How long would it take to establish the “laws”? 14:08:36 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: Where does the government get the money to subsidize everything? Other than printing money? 14:10:40 From John Meyer to Everyone: I see the three mechanisms for reducing emissions is price, standards, & incentives. How can we manage a balance of these to make it broadly fair? 14:11:32 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: So the solution is "world government" and a police force to impose restrictions on the citizenry? 14:14:28 From Myles Flaig to Everyone: In Canada we convinced a lot of people that smoking is bad for their health. There is a lot of evidence that mea and dairy is unhealthy, personally and for the planet. We could stop deforestation and go proforestation, if, and only if, we stop the feeding of 16 units of plant food to get one unit of meat. However, like cigarettes, we have to believe what I just shared. 14:18:44 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: So a 55-year-old will get half pay for 5 years after 30 years in the industry? And will survive on that? And be retrained? Retrained to what? 14:22:47 From Myles Flaig to Everyone: My question: poll question to everyone: are you willing to change your diet ? 14:26:07 From Zack Jacobson to Everyone: I would. 14:28:22 From William Rees to Everyone: Electricity is ~19% of global energy demand. Geothermal electricity (any electricity) cannot adequately replace fossil fuels in the 80%+ of the energy uses that requires fossil fuels, at least not for the foreseeable future. 14:29:31 From Martyn Riddle to Everyone: No change to diet...sorry!!!! 14:35:44 From Art Hunter to Everyone: Population. This is the major issue. Comments on how to manage population. 14:36:59 From Phil Reilly to Art Hunter(Direct Message): One snip at a time!😀 14:37:02 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: We have already been changing our diet. Eventually, we will all be forced to change our diets if we are still alive. 14:37:50 From Ted Manning to Everyone: Note that some of the world's authoritarian governments can now redeploy people at will, determine how much food, energy or anything else you get, and tell you what is your "fair share". How about that model? 14:42:46 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: In 2018, Ensign Energy Services Inc. drilled Canada's longest land-based well to-date, with a measured depth of 7,770 metres. We know how to drill. We also have thousands of abandoned wells--perhaps they could be reused for geothermal heat extraction. [One does not need to go very deep (certainly less than 1000 m) to get access the heat sufficient for use in space heating. < https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Depth-temperature-plot-for-geothermal-resource-from-EGS-Inc_fig1_281406138 > Ed.] 14:45:22 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: Interesting that we might consider an oil worker in Canada not getting compensation as unconscionable, but displacing indigenous people in less developed nations--even killing them--is completely acceptable for extraction of wood, minerals, and oil. 14:55:24 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: The world went into lockdown in 2020 and emissions only fell about 6%. This requires much more than individual behavioural changes.