13:20:54 From Phil Reilly to Everyone: Hello all, Just checking in but will view the presentation at the ned of the day. This is an outside day! 13:47:14 From Thorhaug Anitra to Everyone: I have a question for Ian. 13:49:43 From Peter Meincke to Everyone: I have a question. 13:50:45 From Adam Fenech to Everyone: I have a question as well. Ian says "all adaptation activities in Canada are uncoordinated, non-cohesive." What is an example of something well coordinated and cohesive in Canada? 13:53:04 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: What, if anything, is different about COP26? Are we headed for the same sort of blah, blah, blah (per Greta Thunberg) and no meaningful result? 13:53:48 From Zack bson to Everyone: What do you expect from Glasgow? Anything??? 13:55:47 From Ted Manning to Everyone: It is becoming more and more obvious that communication continues to be critical, but what do we have to do to change enough minds? Is humanity capable? 13:56:41 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: Most proposals for adaptation are technical fixes aiming to continue the conventional order. Can you picture a shift from the consumer-growth model to one that is focussed more around people and what we did before we were trained to become consumers? (Relationships, appreciation, service, sport, creativity, learning and the like.) www.sustainwellbeing.net/Getting-From-Here-to-There.html 13:57:28 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: Calgary has had a flood on average every 15 years. The people who are constantly haranguing us and will force us to make sacrifices to save the planet, are spending a half billion taxpayer $ to build a hockey rink for the NHL on the Elbow River flood plain that was under water in 2013. Plus a half billion for an "entertainment district" and to encourage billions more of private investment on the flood plain. Where is the credibility for "resilience"? 14:02:11 From Jeff Passmore to Everyone: I agree with Anitra that a large part of the problem stems from Genesis. Man shall have dominion over nature. We need to realize we are just a small part of the overall ecosystem. There is an entire school of thought on this, but it is hard to get it across to Joe Blogs. I'm sorry, but I need to leave for another meeting. 14:07:49 From Zack Jacobson to Everyone: How far do you reckon adaptation can help humanity, perhaps in terms of how much warning can be ameliorated? Will it be 2,500 separate questions? 14:15:47 From Elizabeth May, (she/her) to Everyone: May I ask a question? I'm not a member but want to ask about a significant correction in our MEAs by reforming the WTO. [For anyone who may not know, Ms. May is a federal Member of Parliament in Canada representing the constituency of Saanich-Gulf Islands for the Green Party of Canada and was it leader until about a year ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_May She mentioned Dr. Digby McLaren, who was a distinguished Canadian geologist and paleontologist, who served as the Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, and was, for a time, the Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (CACOR). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digby_McLaren Ed.] 14:22:30 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: For those who may not have encountered it before, MEAs: multilateral environmental agreements. WTO is the World Trade Organization. 14:23:27 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: I have a question. 14:26:18 From Vic Buxton to Everyone: Comment on Elizabeth's question. 14:27:21 From John Meyer to Everyone: Question. Humans seem to be very good at adapting to virgin resources very well but adapts poorly to declining resources. Exploiting virgin resources benefits everyone, but cutting back hurts some groups far more than others. [At times, local people are veryb uch damaged by resoruce extraction. Ed.] How do we isolate and marginalize the groups which although powerful are very small who cannot survive without endless growth? 14:28:37 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: John, trade cannot be other than secondary to environmental protection. 14:30:33 From Peter Meincke to Everyone: Https//group78.org/event/2021/-annual-policy-conference/ 14:30:44 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: UNFCC and WTO foundational documents need to be reviewed and rewritten to subject trade to environmental protection. 14:35:30 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: I sense we need another Great Transformation (referring to Karl Polanyi's book). 14:36:03 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: By the way, I'm now on my second book in a series entitled The Great Disruption. 14:42:02 From Thorhaug Anitra to Everyone: Let me give an example from Gulf of Mexico. 14:44:51 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: As a long-time Calgary resident, I can attest to the poor leadership that has come from city council and staff, but there is now a chance, with the new council, to address things in a transformational way. 14:47:01 From Ted Manning to Everyone: Would anyone pay attention if the insurance companies set their rates with good scientific knowledge of risk and governments didn't come in to rescue those who don't buy insurance but expect government rescue? 14:50:39 From Peter Meincke to Everyone: The insurance companies are doing a lot. Blair Feltmate of the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation at U Waterlop discussed in the G78 conference. 14:56:29 From Mike Nickerson to Everyone: Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty aims to deal with this. https://fossilfueltreaty.org/ 15:02:26 From Bill Pugsley to Everyone: I wonder about Climate Clubs and trade sanctions because of the increased involvement of bank leaders, such as Mark Carny, in the organization of COP 26, noting my link to a series of references to Climate Clubs found here. https://pollutionfree.wordpress.com/?s=climate+clubs+trade Can Climate Clubs and Community-Based Initiatives overcome International Free-Riding to Reduce Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions?