13:43:02 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: As your host today, I'm going to ask the first question, which is: do you see public ownership, private ownership, P3 contracts, or some mix as most likely to provide the most reliable water supply? Please add your questions to the chat line at your convenience. 13:43:58 From billblann to Everyone: Public, even with well regulated private 13:48:14 From Art Hunter to Everyone: Question: Desalination and Green H2 involvement? 13:49:15 From Ted Manning to Everyone: Small islands understand the importance of scarce water resources. Balancing water solutions are often fossil fuel dependent. Your advice? 13:54:22 From Vic Buxton to Everyone: Water quality is very important but global governance of water is and equally important concern. Water access is quickly becoming a war and peace issue as the global population rises exponentially. Any Comments? 13:57:27 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: What is stabilized hydrogen peroxide? 13:57:59 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: For information, HAA means haloacetic acids. 14:00:04 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: For information, "Due to efficacy issues with pure hydrogen peroxide solutions, many hydrogen-peroxide-based disinfection products also incorporate stabilizers such as silver ions, to produce a more stable and powerful disinfectant..." 14:02:05 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone: Question: what is your method of dealing with selenium in mine wastewater? 14:05:48 From Art Hunter to Everyone: Also, what about Tar Sands water contamination? 14:06:05 From Vic Buxton to Everyone: What about medical prescription drug disposal that ends up in the sewage treatment system plant but not addressed. This then enters the water supply and can then be reintroduced in the drinking water. What can we do about this? 14:08:00 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: What new (not yet broadly commercially used) treatment processes do you see for potable water? 14:08:20 From Jon Legg to Everyone: I'm still not clear about the title: "Go digital or go dark". 14:09:57 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone: Do you see a need for major changes to the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines? 14:16:06 From bill pugsley to Everyone: Question: Are there more examples of real-time water quality monitoring, such as how wastewater analysis is used to detect COVID for all of Ottawa as a proactive alert system? 14:25:40 From Thorhaug Anitra to Everyone: There are some larger issues we are not facing due to much wealth of water in Canada. 1) Ownership and use allocation of water vs. social justice of water. 2) The question that much of the thought and management has been from a mitigation viewpoint rather than a regenerative aspect. 14:26:23 From Jean Dougherty to Everyone: Given the rapid loss of mountain glaciers which supply the watersheds in the west, what do you foresee as the future of the water supplies for cities and towns on the Canadian prairies? 14:39:17 From Rick Carpenter to Everyone: Assuring safe drinking water for our native populations in remote communities has been a perennial problem. Are there durable solutions or are these communities condemned to face repeated failures with safe water supply unless they are prepared to relocate? 15:00:55 From Bill Blann to Everyone: A good session Els, thanks.