14:22:20 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : In 2020, the Antarctic ozone hole was one of the biggest (~25 M km2) and longest lasting in the last 40 years. How confident are scientists that the Montreal Protocol, which has essentially eliminated CFCs, will eventually prove sufficient to close the hole and allow ozone levels around the globe to return to natural levels? https://public.wmo.int/en/media/news/record-breaking-2020-ozone-hole-closes 14:32:56 From Bob Jones to Everyone : Comment from Bob Jones. I invited Alex Chisholm to this session but his internet in rural central ontario was not sufficient to join. Alex, Bill Pugsley, and I were on the same meteorologist course. 14:32:59 From Tim Leah to Everyone : Vic, any comment on recent (in the last couple of years media reports indicating a recurrence of CFC-11 ( I believe) production in China? Haven't heard anything lately. 14:36:02 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : BBC News said R-11 was traced to China. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-48353341 14:36:33 From Jon Legg to Everyone : Considering that the political belief seems to be that growth is good. We now know that growth of demands on the planet is an underlying reason for climate change. Would a group of this be too large and unmanageable? 14:49:20 From Peter Stoett to Everyone : Thanks this was excellent—need to run, but I hope Vic will write down his unique perspective as future historians of global environmental governance will benefit immensely. 15:04:35 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : CO2 equivalents can be found here, among many places. https://climatechangeconnection.org/emissions/co2-equivalents/ 15:08:51 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : China home to about 1.44 billion people and India to 1.38 billion in 2020. https://statisticstimes.com/demographics/china-vs-india-population.php