13:28:09 From Michèle Pasture (freelance) to Everyone : Hi everyone. Michèle (Bruxelles) 13:40:03 From Ted Manning to Everyone : Please post your questions here. 13:40:03 From Michèle Pasture (freelance) to Everyone : evening in Belgium 14:01:51 From Michèle Pasture (freelance) to Everyone : Wood tension already occuring. Price are getting high. 14:06:10 From Ted Manning to Everyone : Upcoming conference on organics next week in Brussels called Soil Protection and Building Up Organic Matter (Humus) and European section of Club of Rome is involved. https://bettersoil.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Invitation_SoilProtection_25.05.2021.pdf 14:13:01 From Michèle Pasture (freelance) to Everyone : Brussels also 30 km / h limit. YES. 14:13:40 From John Meyer to Everyone : I have a general observation and question on Norman Alcock and progress. 14:15:11 From Thorhaug Anitra to Everyone : I have a question about his views, which I would appreciate being called on to ask Derek. 14:15:18 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : I have a question about universal basic income, employment, and automation. 14:15:57 From Adele Buckley to Everyone : If we need government-owned banks, could the mandate of the Bank of Canada be expanded? 14:19:56 From Rick Carpenter to Everyone : Much of what you have covered in such clear and persuasive style Derek was missing from the education of our contemporaries. How do we get these ideas into the schools of our succeeding generations? 14:21:18 From Julia Morton-Marr to Everyone : Rick, I agree. 14:22:23 From Christine to Everyone : Thank you so much for allowing me to join in this. 14:22:48 From Ted Manning to Everyone : How do we convince the majority that they really want to change, particularly regarding material consumption? 14:23:07 From Sorpong to Everyone : Very interesting. How do we know for sure that this vision for a better world would be one as expected? Does this require the creation of world government? The questions have much to do with collective-action problems. 14:27:18 From Joy Kennedy to Everyone : Perceptions matter. Recent polling indicates that about 70% of Canadians want and believe Canada is doing a good job on climate policies and actions, but we have never yet made our targets in reducing emissions. Communications matter to correct misunderstandings. 14:27:53 From Joy Kennedy to Everyone : So we need accountability. 14:31:02 From Julia Morton-Marr to Everyone : Why are you all using trees writing books? 14:32:16 From Julia Morton-Marr to Everyone : We need 'Positive News" media. 14:32:34 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : I have a question about limitation of advertizing (as with ads to kids and ads for cigarettes). 14:33:09 From Julia Morton-Marr to Everyone : Derek's book is now digital and it is beautiful. 14:33:28 From Julia Morton-Marr to Everyone : I agree, Dave. 14:34:30 From Steve Kurtz to Everyone : Ted asks about convincing the majority about change, which I take means reduction. The vast majority (6.5 B out of 7.8) on earth are in Asia, Africa, and the Latin-Caribbean. Most are consuming at a far lower level than Europeans, N. Americans, and UK/AU/NZ. Thus the majority aren't overconsuming on average, and they're striving to increase their throughput. 14:36:19 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : On books, mine is an e-book. Never even printed a draft. 14:38:18 From Julia Morton-Marr to Everyone : Good Dave, what is the name of your book? 14:41:48 From Pat Canavan to Everyone : Has anyone seen the latest David Attenborough doc called the Year the Earth Changed. It was about the recovery of the environment when humans remained at home. It is an astonishing practical example of what is required for us to be balanced with the planet. 14:45:15 From Julia Morton-Marr to Everyone : Another film is 'Seaspiracy.' 14:47:21 From Julia Morton-Marr to Everyone : I think Singapore has been doing this for years. 14:54:20 From John Meyer to Everyone : Definition of full employment: where everyone is working at a level which makes the most of their potential and at the intensity that allows them to achieve a very high level of life satisfaction. 15:07:02 From Steve Kurtz to Everyone : I had no question! I answered Ted's question. 15:21:10 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : Julia asked about my book: The Odd One: Reminiscences from the Great Disruption. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07NQ8SH36?tag=sa-symca-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1 15:22:54 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : As Julia raised it, I highly recommend the movie Seaspiracy. It is on Netlfix, perhaps other platforms. Like anything it has critics, but it is quite enlightening. 15:39:49 From Ted Manning to Everyone : Wonderful presentation and discussion.