01:03:59 Jeff Passmore: William, have you had this conversation with any politicians? If yes, what has been the response? 01:30:37 John Meyer: I think that some of the reason humans fail to act is not just the structure of our brain, but the structure of interests in our now extremely stratified society. A good portion of our elites cannot survive in terms of power and wealth with out growth. 01:31:57 Mike Nickerson: More Fun, Less Stuff 01:33:20 Herbert Girardet: Here is a text on reframing economics I have just published that may be of relevance to this discussion. https://theecologist.org/2021/apr/27/reframing-economics 01:35:17 Barry Bruce: Fantastic!! 01:36:01 Bill Tyson: My imagination sees you as a modern Elijah. He didn't have much luck trying to educate his audience. 01:37:56 Dave Dougherty: I see Jeff Passmore had to leave. We should ensure his question is posed: "William, have you had this conversation with any politicians? If yes, what has been the response?" [Question was posed by Ruben Nelson] 01:38:30 Bill Tyson: What are the chances of electing a government that would do what has to be done? Is there any way that a democracy can address the problem? Do we need enlightened monarchies? Or, heaven forbid, enlightened autocracies? 01:38:53 Thorhaug Anitra: What is your opinion of multiple solutions to the problems which includes decisions to tightly limit population, eating far lower on the food chain, reforestation, restoration and regeneration of the sea, limiting and multiple other "sound" solutions which regenerate and limit? 01:39:53 Derek Paul: Thank you very much, Bill Rees. I am in complete agreement with your scheme for human survival. 01:41:38 Ted Manning: What institutions could begin to serve the clear need for planetary survival? Will the "powers" ever concede enough of the stage to such a body...as you suggest, before a biophysical intervention of planetary scale? 01:42:15 Barry Bruce: Can even education overcome what seems to be the basic problem--the dominance of the limbic and reptilian brain in making decisions? 01:42:42 Derek Paul: Do we have to construct the shock you suggest? 01:46:43 Dave Dougherty: I have a question about well-being with all out increased consumption of food, energy, and other resources. Aside from ability to fight infectious disease and (perhaps) less war, are we really any better off than our grandparents were? 01:51:55 Art Hunter: I have a question. 01:52:00 Derek Paul: If politics isn’t working, even in the democracies, shouldn’t we be redesigning or form of democracy? 01:52:42 Mary Hegan: I have a question. 01:55:08 John Meyer: Our "Pearl Harbour moment" is more likely to come in the form of a series of major environmental disasters which are the unmistakable sign of climate change/scarcity than a Gorbachev moment when a politician stands up and says that the system which made him doesn't work anymore. 01:56:28 Zahra Tooyserkani: Thank you very much, Bill Rees! It is scary to deal with all these contradictions! 02:02:49 Susan Tanner: Apparently, I directed my question incorrectly, having sent it directly to our speaker. 02:03:13 zack jacobson: I have a comment. 02:07:37 Barry Bruce: AI may be the disruptive event--“we” become totally rational... 02:11:36 Dave Dougherty: https://billmoyers.com/content/the-powell-memo-a-call-to-arms-for-corporations/ 02:12:32 Barry Bruce: That’s a feature of fascism--corporate values replace human values. 02:16:08 Dave Dougherty: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spirit_Level_(book) 02:21:15 Arna Einarsdottir: Thank you. I know more after this meeting than I did before. Need to leave now for another meeting.