13:20:01 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.3137/ao.420404 13:20:18 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : Cloudiness in Canada https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.3137/ao.420404 13:36:02 From Rigo Melgar to Everyone : Can people please mute their microphones thanks. 13:36:19 From Thorhaug Anitra to Art Hunter(Direct Message) : Still some members who do not understand mute button. 13:36:31 From Thorhaug Anitra to Art Hunter(Direct Message) : HOpe you are well. Happy Easter 13:43:51 From Dick Vodra to Everyone : make sure everybody is muted. His voice stops when random peoples pictures show up. 13:44:34 From Rigo Melgar to Everyone : I notice there are participants who have their microphones on and when that happens Charlie loses his audio this happened a few weeks ago too with another presentation I organized for him. All participants need to make sure they are muted to avoid that glitch thanks. 14:01:32 From Dave Dougherty to Art Hunter(Direct Message) : iPhone el Salvador. Suspicious? 14:35:13 From Rigo Melgar to Everyone : Department of Energy 14:38:05 From Peter Bulkowski to Everyone : What solutions do you propose? 14:39:01 From Art Hunter to Everyone : I have a question 14:41:03 From Rigo Melgar to Everyone : If you were invited to a US congress hearing next month what would you tell them to focus on investing in their next infrastructure packages (might be worth $2-4 trillion) aimed at accelerating the energy transition? 14:41:32 From William Rees to Everyone : Are we willing to contemplate that some problems are essentially unsolvable? Industrial society in recognizable form cannot (should not) be "saved". 14:42:09 From Bill Tyson to Everyone : If almost 50% of a sophisticated, wealthy populace could vote for someone like Trump, what hope is there for a rational solution to the pickle that we are in? In other words, "the voters are always right" is a trap. 14:43:43 From Solis Norton (NZ) to Everyone : Charlie, great to see you. It seems the body of literature on EROI is growing steadily? Do you see similar increases in its awareness amongst university groups around the world? are our networks growing? 14:45:17 From Dave Dougherty to Everyone : Question: what is the evidence on whether those spending 3 to 5 x the energy are leading better lives than those who have enough to meet their basic needs for food, water, shelter, and security? 14:46:59 From Roland Moreau to Everyone : What about the fact/data that we have to leave fossil fuels in the ground anyway because their combustion would lead to excessive CO2 emissions to stay under the 2°C rise in temperature. This means that depletion is less important than Climate change, doesn't it? Any other solution than soberty/sufficiency? 14:48:19 From Madeline Weld to Everyone : In case anyone is not discouraged enough, yesterday I attended a webinar hosted by the Globe and Mail for the Century Initiative, whose objective is a Canadian population of 100 million by 2021. The final speaker was former PM Brian Mulroney, who strongly endorsed the objective of 100 million to achieve "Canadian greatness." The Century Initiative seems to be driving the Trudeau government's immigration policies. How can one oppose the madness of the elites? 14:49:05 From Thorhaug Anitra to Everyone : A large part of the problem is the objective to have financial goals as the pinnicale of achievement. If we were as concerned with wellbeing of the earth, its peoples and its ecosystems, we would be headed toward a different future than everyone accumulating material wealth. 14:53:11 From Rigo Melgar to Everyone : Capellán-Perez 14:53:13 From Steve Kurtz to Everyone : Lotka and Odum developed The Maximum Power Principle which applies to human behavior as it does to other species. Free will is questionable, being the result of heredity and our total history. Decisions occur, but they are results, not independent. 14:54:27 From johnday to Everyone : I agree that human behavior has not changed over the past millenia 14:55:02 From Solis Norton (NZ) to Everyone : about the sun!!! 14:55:52 From johnday to Everyone : A renewable transition must occur on a much more rapid time scale. 15:04:01 From Thorhaug Anitra to Everyone : John, I have to go sorry. Happy Easter everyone. 15:04:50 From Tania Taylor to Everyone : I have a question regarding shifts in human behavior 15:05:56 From Solis Norton (NZ) to Everyone : A lot of change due to the pandemic. We can change! 15:06:44 From Solis Norton (NZ) to Everyone : Greta Thunberg probably would have more impact than Bernie. 15:06:49 From Jessica Lambert to Art Hunter(Direct Message) : I have to leave. I have another meeting. Thank you for a wonderful experience. 15:10:59 From Steve Kurtz to Everyone : Technology is unlikely to solve what is primarily a scale problem. Of the 7.8B, 6.65B live in Asia, Africa, and Latin-Caribbean. Most of them as well as most in the rest of the planet are INvoluntarily simplistic. Voluntary Simpkicity will never be more than a tiny tail on the Bell Curve. I agree with the last challenge by Charlie to Bernie and all. Also agree with Bill Rees that solutions are not coming intentionally. 15:12:19 From Solis Norton (NZ) to Everyone : at an individual level, there are absolutely solutions. Even if the greater thermodynamics are fixed 15:18:20 From Rigo Melgar to Everyone : We need to invest in energy programs. Im one of a few studying energy and economics in my “natural resources” program most others are studying species or other ecological issues such as nutrient at lake Champlain, but few of us actually doing the stuff Charlie talks about. 15:18:45 From Ted Manning to Everyone : Should the discipline of traditional Economics be considered eligible for the Darwin Award? 15:19:01 From Jed Dorsheimer to Everyone : I have a Comment/Question 15:19:47 From William Rees to Everyone : Let's keep in mind the vast gap between what can be done theoretically and what will be done -- i.e., what is politically and socially possible -- in the real world. In other words, we often know what we should do, but don't have a clue how to do it particularly at the societal level. 15:20:31 From Ruben Nelson to Art Hunter(Direct Message) : Please put the url of Charlies new institute in the chat. 15:24:48 From William Rees to Everyone : There is no real possibility of meeting the Paris 1.5 Celsius degree warming limit and almost none of meeting the 2.0 degree limit given current emissions reduction commitments and anxiety to get back to "normal" --- i.e., 2-3% fossil fueled growth. 15:25:20 From William Rees to Everyone : Thanks again, Charlie - 15:26:57 From Rigo Melgar to Everyone : Canada has one of the highest energy conceptions per capita in the world more people will mean more need for fossil energy and at very high levels. 15:27:16 From Rigo Melgar to Everyone : energy consumption* 15:30:54 From Art Hunter to John Meyer(Direct Message) : Can we think about styopping the recording? 15:31:20 From William Rees to Everyone : Gotta go. Stay well, everyone. 15:35:02 From Steve Kurtz to Everyone : Must leave. Thank you Charlie and John. 15:35:53 From Art Hunter to John Meyer(Direct Message) : This is getting too long for YouTube. 15:37:20 From Tania Taylor to Everyone : Thank you for this discussion. I may need to drop off, however here are my questions/comments: I don’t think you will get widespread adjustment on population growth as long as people enjoy sex, children, and grandparents. However, I think we are seeing shifts in human behavior in terms of value for quality that includes simplicity and relationship over things. Tis frequently results in shifts to energy and resource use. What are your thoughts on this shift having an impact on your models. Mya second question is what do you consider a responsible timeframe for EROI - expensive investments in renewable technologies now should result in a drop in energy later 15:38:29 From iPhone de Salvador to Everyone : Can I have a question 15:44:43 From Art Hunter to iPhone de Salvador(Direct Message) : You should jump in with your question. 15:47:19 From Robert Hoffman to Everyone : Must run. thankyou Charlie and all for a great discussion. 15:48:25 From Jean Dougherty to Everyone : Thank you for a very thought provoking discussion. 15:49:38 From Tania Taylor to Everyone : Thank you