Nandita Bajaj | Confronting population denial amid the unraveling polycrisis | 2024-06-19 | CACOR Live

Speaker: Nandita Bajaj Topic: Confronting population denial amid the unraveling polycrisis Time: Jun 19, 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: Human population has doubled in the last 50 years, growing from approximately four billion in 1970 to eight billion currently. There is rising public awareness that overpopulation and rampant overconsumption are driving climate […]

Paul Martin | Hydrogen, Hopium, and Scale. | 2024-06-26 | CACOR Live

Speaker:  Paul Martin Topic:  Hydrogen, Hopium, and Scale. Time: Jun 26, 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: EV vs hydrogen trucks and the materials and primary energy fallacy myths. Biography: Paul Martin is a Toronto based chemical engineer with extensive experience in consulting engineering.  He has about three decades worth of experience with a […]

Rosemary Kralik and Dr. Barry Bruce | Agriculture, Climate and Health – How Regenerative Agriculture and Plant-Rich diets Could Reverse Climate Change and Improve Human Health | 2024-07-03 | CACOR Live

Topic:  Agriculture, Climate and Health – How Regenerative Agriculture and Plant-Rich diets Could Reverse Climate Change and Improve Human Health Speakers:  Rosemary Kralik and Dr. Barry Bruce Time: Jul 3, 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Biographies: Rosemary Kralik was born in Egypt, moved to the UK when she was 4 years old then […]

James Howard Kunstler | A Disturbing and Provocative Viewpoint on Breaking through the Fog of Unreality | 2024-07-10 | CACOR Live

A CACOR Live meeting. Topic:  A Disturbing and Provocative Viewpoint on Breaking through the Fog of Unreality Speaker:  James Howard Kunstler Time:  10 July 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary:  Kunstler takes you on a deep dive through the broken consensus about reality now be-setting the nations of Western Civilization in the essential […]

Dave Rollo | Keep Our Counties Great: Implementing Limits to Growth at the Local Level. | 2024-07-17 | CACOR Live

A scheduled CACOR Live meeting. Topic:   Keep Our Counties Great: Implementing Limits to Growth at the Local Level. Speaker:  Dave Rollo Time:  17 July 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary:  Economic growth requires ever expanding materials and energy throughput that is unsustainable, and at odds with planetary biophysical limits. Dave will describe the aim of CASSE's Keep Our […]

Dr. Robert Walker | Thermal Networks and Nuclear Energy – a pathway to decarbonizing building heating | 2024-07-24 | CACOR Live

Topic:   Thermal Networks and Nuclear Energy – a pathway to decarbonizing building heating Speaker:  Dr. Robert Walker Time:  24 July 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary:   In Canada, about as much energy is used to heat buildings as is delivered as electricity for all purposes. Current plans for achieving net-zero buildings include retrofitting the millions […]

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