Collapse 2050 is one of the most popular publications on substack, dealing with possibility of collapse, environmental crisis, ecological overshoot and future survival. Recently the writer raised an interesting point of view, validated by facts and emerging studies. She says “Intuitively, one would conclude that there are too many humans. If there were fewer humans, we’d consume less and resource exploitation would be more sustainable. But is this correct? … I’m not disputing the fact the collective ‘We’ have overshot equilibrium. What I’m wondering is whether the outcome would be any different if we had half the population. There’s no real way of knowing, so this is a thought experiment that I’ve love you to help me with. Hear me out. First of all, most of the accumulated planetary damage has been inflicted by a small proportion of the global population…”
Overshoot: Is Overpopulation Really the Issue? An open discussion by Sarah Conner
Attribution: Samrat Bharadwaj