Adopted 2015 May 27
Canadian Association for the Club of Rome:
Annual Action Plan 2015-16
Strategic Plan 2020
CACOR has re-examined its vision and mission, and considered programs and projects that will enable it to succeed. This has been done in the light of achievements to date and the current and potential ability of the members to initiate and carry out different types of activities. The relationship that CACOR has with the international Club of Rome and with other national associations — particularly those in the Western hemisphere — has been considered.
Please find below the Annual Action Plan for 2015-2016 based on this five-year Strategic Plan.
Annual Action Plan 2015-16
The following Annual Action Plan (6) will outline approaches, policies and activities that are based on the vision and mission statements accepted by our members and will identify those projects and initiatives that are a priority for the coming year.
CACOR’s Vision is that:
CACOR members in Canada and beyond contribute to restoring and sustaining the natural systems of the planet and the welfare of humankind within them.
CACOR’s Mission is to:
- Promote analysis and discussion of important issues related to the sustainability of humanity and the planet, and to take action to address key problems and their interdependence within Canada and beyond.
- Encourage a systematic and integrated approach to issues and their solutions, combining social, ecological and economic considerations at all levels of individual behaviour and governance.
- Actively engage the public and decision-makers on key global and Canadian issues by encouraging members to speak to the public good individually and collectively; informing and motivating citizens and decision makers to take action to limit, stabilize and reverse demands on local ecosystems and the global ecosystem.
- Provide a forum and means to facilitate members’ contributions to the global and Canadian work of the Club of Rome through on-going activities, which mobilize members and others to work with CACOR on key issues.
Dialogue and Understanding
CACOR will continue to hold monthly lectures and discussions. CACOR’s programme committee has selected topics for:
- The 2015 calendar of events based on themes suggested by the CACOR Board and areas of interest expressed by CoR.
- The 2016 calendar the committee will focus more specifically on those areas identified by members during consultation on the Strategic Plan (e.g. values, water, food sustainability, energy).
- A few more events are being planned for July and November of 2015 and CACOR members will be notified.
Information and Knowledge
CACOR will continue to facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge among its members.
- Since last April 2014 CACOR has established a new website at and is in the process of merging this site into a new website. John Hollins has done a wonderful job as web manager.
- Ian Whyte has set up an informal Climate Group to share news and views by email by using a mailing list server. All members interested in joining this ‘list serv’ should email Ian at [email protected].
- Since February 23rd CACOR has hosted three meeting of a ‘Special Communications Group’. In 2015 this group and its members will become CACOR’s Communication Committee. This committee will publicize the work of members: blogs, book reviews, sources of relevant knowledge, commentaries, and opinion pieces. It will also try and extend CACOR’s work to a large audience through our website, networking and publications.
CACOR will facilitate study groups proposed by members, which may include the participation of partners.
- In the coming year work will occur to support an event in 2016. CACOR is supporting the planning of a symposium/workshop on energy. John Hollins and Robert Hoffman are working on this initiative and will involve other members as the event plan is developed.
- The Strategic Plan consultation luncheons identified the area of values as being very important to our members. Sheila Murray has spoken about this area at our luncheon as well as several other members. In 2015-2016, an ad hoc group will be established to discuss this area and make recommendations to the Board for further action.
- At the last Club of Rome AGM in Mexico a standing committee on ‘Women’s Perspective and Issues’ was accepted by the CoR membership. In order to help the Club of Rome in this area it can be useful for National Associations for the Club of Rome to also have similar identified groups. Over the course of the next year we will support such a group for CACOR.
Advocacy (1)
CACOR is a partisan for the health of global and local ecosystems and the place of humankind within them. Several members have already suggested that a meeting and discussion on CACOR’s advocacy status should be the focus of a special meeting or ad hoc discussion group. This will be on the agenda for the coming year.
CACOR is a small organization that cannot expect to achieve all its objectives on its own. Where appropriate, CACOR will seek to engage partners.
In response to this area of activity, CACOR has engaged in a conversation with Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society/Ottawa Chapter and has worked areas of agreement to work together on in the coming year they include sharing information, posting each others events on website; collaborating on educational projects; and producing joint projects. The model used for this arrangement will be used with other like-minded groups and association in Canada.
Management Activity
Institutional Initiatives (Building the Infrastructure to Sustain CACOR)
Central to the success of CACOR is its ability to carry out programs and activities.
This year CACOR will:
- Present to the Annual General Meeting of Members for approval an Action Plan for the following twelve months.
- Continue to support the work of its Membership Committee, Programme Committee, a newly formed Communications group and possible new ad hoc groups
- Integrate the financial plan into the annual planning process.
a. Examine sources of finance, including the potential for project funding and joint projects.
b. Support CACOR committees for publications materials and venue need. (e.g. new application forms, bookmarks… )
4. Review annually and revise, as necessary, the:
a. Tools of governance: bylaws; rules and regulations; and governance manual;
b. Provide a revised ‘Governance Manual’ for all members on our website
5. Develop and maintain succession plans for the Board and standing committees.
6. Seek opportunities for the recruitment of new members and the retention of existing members:
a. As appropriate, seek individuals with specific skills and interests who can expand the capacity of the Association;
b. Seek opportunities to create regional CACOR events and branches;
c. Increase our efforts to involve youth in CACOR
(1) CACOR, a registered Canadian charity, will respect the regulations on lobbying and political activity.