
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
March 25, 2023
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter.
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It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website. Signup and previous weekly newsletters are available here.
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To CACOR Members:

Seeking editors for the CACOR Website. Contact Art Hunter at [email protected].
Four CACOR members have volunteered to make occasional posts into our Breaking News listing.
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Do you want to contact your Federal MP or Senator?
List of emails for Canadian Members of Parliament and Senators. (


Archived Articles Revisited:

This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.

Latest Presentation

Hector Garcia | Intergenerational Alliances to Counter Silo Mindset on Economic Growth vs Humanity, Nature, and Reason | Mar 22, 2023 13:30 ET - CACOR Zoom

Speaker: Hector Garcia Topic: Intergenerational Alliances to Counter Silo Mindset on Economic Growth vs Humanity, Nature, and Reason. Time: Mar 22, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary:  Humanity is experiencing great trauma and crises during the current phase of globalization.  Where and how are we looking for solutions? We keep focusing on areas where we have invested the most and are doing …

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Upcoming Events

Heidi Radford Legg | Will knowing who runs and funds our media rebuild trust | 2023-03-29 | CACOR Zoom Presentation

Heidi Radford Legg | Will knowing who runs and funds our media rebuild trust | 2023-03-29 | CACOR Zoom Presentation

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Speaker: Heidi Radford Legg Topic: Will knowing who runs and funds our media rebuild trust. Time: Mar 29, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 868 7812 6220 Passcode: 675649 Summary: Heidi Legg is focused on increased transparency into who funds our newsrooms. With the massive …

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Latest Articles

Are We Living in a Zoo?

Are We Living in a Zoo? Are the socially deviant behaviours we see normal for any caged animal? Part 1: Questions and No Answers Recently I have been reading about CORs favourite topic: overshoot and collapse . Although this topic can become a negative “doomer” path to despair I see it in exactly the opposite way. I look at …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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Are We Living in a Zoo?

Happiness Exists!

Happiness Exists!
The world’s happiest countries for 2023 By Marnie Hunter, CNN Updated 9:21 AM EDT, Mon March 20, 2023 1. Finland: For the sixth year in a row, Finland is the world's happiest country, according to the World Happiness Report. Aleksanterinkatu (Aleksi Street) in Helsinki is pictured. peeterv/iStockphoto/Getty Images World's happiest countries 2023 in photos 1 of 10 PrevNext Editor’s Note: Sign up …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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Immediate Next Step

What is one thing I can do right now, from where I am, with what I have, that will lead me in the direction of what I yearn for. Sometimes the next step is something major … sometimes it’s just a small “next step” but the truth is, persistence in taking “next steps” are what led Sir Edmund Hillary to …

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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CACOR Writers Quill Pens

The Earth's Population Carrying Capacity—From CACOR Archives.

CACOR Writers Quill Pens
Andy Clarke was a member of the Port Charlotte Junta, a group of concerned individuals who met regularly with an old and valued member of CACOR, Ken Hammond, during their annual hibernation in Florida, USA.  Andy read Full House by Lester Brown and Hal Kane, which he summarized in this article along with a 1994 article, written in light of …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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Environmental Threats Hit List

Seven Biggest Environmental Threats By Vijayalaxmi Kinhal Ecologist The seven biggest environmental threats to the Earth are issues every person should understand. Once understood, you may choose to take action to see that these threats are eventually eliminated. Earth's Seven Biggest Environmental Threats Examination of the various threats to the Earth's environment includes human impact on the planet. Catch phrases …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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Environmental Threats Hit List

Should You Get a Solar Carport in 2023?

Should You Get a Solar Carport in 2023?
As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, solar carports are becoming increasingly popular along with solar panels. Solar carport installation provide an efficient and cost-effective way to harness the power of the sun for your energy needs. They are also aesthetically pleasing, with sleek design of  rooftop solar panels can enhance any home or business. But before you …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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The political standoff stopping Australia from finally kicking its fossil fuel addiction

From Down to Earth, the email newsletter, The Guardian sent to their subscribers on March 2, 2023 By Adam Morton Sometimes, the further you are removed from an argument the less sense it makes. I suspect for many Down to Earth readers this may be the case with the debate over climate politics currently playing out in Australia. It is …

Categories: Articles, Climate

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The political standoff stopping Australia from finally kicking its fossil fuel addiction

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

Take a step closer to a cleaner and greener future

To tackle climate change we all need to do our part. That’s why the Government of Canada is investing in programs and incentives to help you take climate action. Discover hundreds of online resources to get you get started.

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Catastrophic Carbon Removal. How the 'Big Solution' is failing badly

Just Have a Think Carbon Dioxide Removal is our only chance of keeping the atmosphere of Earth at a habitable temperature in the 21st Century. That's what our scientists tell us anyway. And they say we will need to remove billions of tonnes of the warming gas in the coming decades if we are to succeed in this ambitious goal. …

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Just Happened! Elon Musk Reveals 5 NEW Batteries Tech for 2024, Revolutionize Everything!

Just Happened! Elon Musk Reveals 5 NEW Batteries Tech for 2024, Revolutionize Everything! In recent times, the need for dependable, effective, and sustainable energy storage solutions has been rising. This is mainly because of the increase in the use of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, as well as the need to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. As …

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Nature-based climate solutions

See nature as something new Human beings have survived on this earth for thousands of years in relative balance with our natural surroundings. However, we are now witnessing a unique period in history when human activities are out of balance with nature, causing planet-wide climate change and biodiversity loss. Increased GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions in the atmosphere are changing the …

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Building Canadian Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise Program

Although there are many climate change adaptation resources and tools available, organizations and individuals often lack the capacity to use them. That’s why the Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) Program invested in training, knowledge-exchange activities and practical action to increase the capacity of organizations, professionals, communities and small- to medium-sized businesses to undertake climate change adaptation actions. Twenty …

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The GENIUS Of Tesla's Next GEN Motors!

As Tesla moves from scrappy startup to established carmaker, they're looking to streamline and optimize every part of their supply chain. And while a lot of attention is given to battery materials and supply chains, Tesla has been working on a next generation electric motor that elimiates rare earth metals, that are expensive and in short supply. They believe these …

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The weekend read: Sodium-ion batteries go mainstream

The text is the title of an article that discusses the development and potential of sodium-ion batteries, which are an alternative to lithium-ion batteries. The article explains the advantages and challenges of sodium-ion batteries, and how some companies are planning to scale up their production and use them in various applications. The title suggests that sodium-ion batteries are becoming more …

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STUDY: Emissions of Hydrogen Could Undermine Its Climate Benefits; Warming Effects Are Two to Six Times Higher Than Previously Thought.

STUDY: Emissions of Hydrogen Could Undermine Its Climate Benefits; Warming Effects Are Two to Six Times Higher Than Previously Thought. Scientists say leakage risk has been overlooked and understated; warn careful measures are needed to achieve promised advantage. Clean hydrogen is increasingly seen by governments and industry as the Holy Grail of climate-friendly energy solutions, with vast sums flowing into …

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As a homeowner, you may be searching for ways to lower your monthly utilities. Water conservation has always been one way to do it. But today, saving water is becoming more of a necessity than a cost-saving measure. It’s now critical to ensure we all have enough. Recent droughts and water cleanliness issues are making accessing adequate amounts of clean …

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IPCC Assessment report 6 of 2023,

This is a summary of the full document. As you read this, you should keep three things in mind: All IPCC reports have been vetted by many national governments.  As always, this one says only what the governments are willing to have said in the public square.  Many (most?) of the scientists would have released a stronger report if they …

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