
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
December 31, 2022
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website. Signup and previous weekly newsletters are available here.
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To CACOR Members:

Seeking editors for the CACOR Website. Contact Art Hunter at [email protected].
Do you want to contact your Federal MP or Senator?
List of emails for Canadian Members of Parliament and Senators. (
Happy New Year all.

CMOS Ottawa member John Reid passes on the following:
All lectures will be on Monday evenings at Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre, 355 Cooper St., Ottawa
He further advises the presentations will be streamed.


Archived Articles Revisited:

This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.

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‘Amphibious’ houses are designed to float during floods

"Buoyant blocks are installed under the building. When floodwaters rise, the house rises with it. Vertical rails anchored in the ground ensure it floats straight up and returns to the same spot when the water subsides... "A few other amphibious homes exist in rural Louisiana and the Netherlands. But current building codes around the world do not cover the approach, …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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‘Amphibious’ houses are designed to float during floods

It’s a Miracle!

It’s a Miracle!
It’s a Miracle! Musings on Magic & Wonder Yesterday our GP did a home visit to remove stitches from an amputated toe for my 93 year old mother – knowing she had Covid!  It’s a Miracle! Thanks to his goodwill we did not have to go to the ER, and that would have been the 3rd time of the week. …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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Governments scientifically illiterate

A note by John Hollins The letter below was sent to a brother-in-law on 2021 April 24. I have seen no evidence in the following 20 months to change my observation that the governments of Ontario and Canada are still scientifically illiterate. I dedicate this note to the memory of Robert Hoffman. Dear Percy, The Government of Ontario is scientifically …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Writers

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Governments scientifically illiterate

Jørgen Randers, Author of "The Limits to Grow," renews his pessimism and suggests we join

Jørgen Randers, Author of "The Limits to Grow," renews his pessimism and suggests we join
"Part of the 50th Anniversary of ‘The Limits to Growth’ Seminar Series, hosted by the Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (CEENRG) at the University of Cambridge, in collaboration with the Club of Rome, Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge, and the Global Sustainability Institute at Anglia Ruskin University. Jørgen Randers – Professor in …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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COP 15 Agreement Achieved; Now Action Needed

Statement by UN Development Programme Administrator Achim Steiner on the outcome of COP15 DECEMBER 19, 2022 UN Convention on Biological Diversity today to agree a new plan to preserve and protect nature with the new Global Biodiversity Framework Costa Rican Sloth The UN Development Programme (UNDP) welcomes the historic agreement reached at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity today to …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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COP 15 Agreement Achieved;  Now Action Needed

Financing Retrofits

Financing Retrofits
The homeowner should not have to finance retrofits any more than they are asked to finance the next power plant. CACOR member Ralph Torrie, Corporate Knights, Fall edition, 2022.

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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10-Minute Charge Time Paves Way for Mass Adoption of Affordable Electric Car

A design breakthrough has enabled a 10-minute charge time for a typical electric vehicle battery. A paper detailing the record-breaking combination of a shorter charge time and more energy acquired for a longer travel range was published on October 12 in the journal Nature. “The need for smaller, faster-charging batteries is greater than ever,” said Chao-Yang Wang, lead author on the …

Categories: Articles, Climate

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10-min fast-charging car battery

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

If you can't see a solar panel, that doesn't mean it's not there.

If your building is part of a protected world heritage site such as the Roman city of Pompeii, how do you go solar?   The answer comes in the form of traditional roof tiles that hide their photovoltaic elements under a polymer skin that looks for all the world like a traditional Roman pan tile. The manufacturer says the tile uses conventional …

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Sanity 101: Living Fully in an Age of Decline (Basic Training) Essential Wisdom for Hard Times

DESCRIPTION: No one needs convincing that we are living in hard times and in an age of chaos and breakdowns. Even those with no understanding of the runaway nature of biospheric and civilizational decline feel the stress. Just to read or watch today’s propaganda, formerly known as “the news”, is a sobering (or un-sobering!) experience. So... How do we cope? …

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This color educational film is about 'The Eight Sea ', the St. Lawrence Seaway. It was produced in 1958.  It brags about man conquering nature for economic growth.   Caterpillar Tractor Co. presents The Eight Sea credits. Produced in cooperation with the St Lawrence Seaway Development Corp (:06-:29). Sea footage, old artist rendering of boats on the sea and how all …

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Tesla Model 3 Real-World Costs After 60,000 Miles: Owner Surprised

The author uses the expression "The greatest deal in automotive history". "Tesla Model 3 Performance owner Two Bit da Vinci calls the entry-level Tesla sedan – a car that many folks still consider expensive – the "greatest deal in automotive history." He asks if he's crazy to suggest that this is true, prior to revealing all of his data in an …

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Our Civilization Just Hit Three Great — And Ominous — Inflection Points

What will history think of this decade? How will it remember it? I think that it’ll come to be thought of as the Age of Inflection. An age where inflection points were hit — and after that, certain forms of decline, if not collapse, began to become irreversible, gather a pace and momentum all their own. If it feels like …

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EV batteries with 1,000km range unveiled by Svolt Energy

Svolt Energy, a subsidy of China’s Great Wall Motors which is soon to release its Ora Cat EV in Australia, has announced its new innovative Dragon Armor battery product with a claimed range for electric vehicle of up to 1,000km. The announcement of the new battery technology, according to cnevpost, was made on its latest “battery day” which highlighted that the biggest innovation came …

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Tesla confirms 4680 battery cell production now enough for 1,000 cars a week

Tesla has confirmed that its 4680 battery cell production has now reached a level that can support the production of over 1,000 cars a week. The 4680 battery cell is a new format that Tesla unveiled back in 2020 as the automaker’s first cell developed from the ground up. In the past, Tesla had been involved in cell development, but …

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US Postal Service commits to buy 66,000 EVs — finally

With this week’s news, the Postal Service is now committed to significantly decarbonizing its aging fleet of over 230,000 vehicles. It plans on buying 60,000 ​“next-generation delivery vehicles” from Oshkosh, a defense contractor, of which 45,000 will be electric. The agency will also purchase 46,000 vehicles from commercial automakers, of which 21,000 will be electric, according to The Washington Post. That’s a procurement total of 66,000 electric delivery vehicles, which will make USPS, which already has the largest vehicle fleet …

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