
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
January 14, 2023
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website. Signup and previous weekly newsletters are available here.
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To CACOR Members:

Seeking editors for the CACOR Website. Contact Art Hunter at [email protected].
Do you want to contact your Federal MP or Senator?
List of emails for Canadian Members of Parliament and Senators. (
Happy New Year all.

CMOS Ottawa member John Reid passes on the following:
All lectures will be on Monday evenings at Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre, 355 Cooper St., Ottawa
He further advises the presentations will be streamed.


Archived Articles Revisited:

This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.

Latest Presentation

Brian Czech | Degrowth - Toward a Steady-State Economy. | 2023-01-11

Brian Czech | Degrowth - Toward a Steady-State Economy. | 2023-01-11

Speaker:  Dr. Brian Czech Topic: Degrowth Toward a Steady-State Economy. Time: Jan 11, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) SUMMARY: Dr. Brian Czech will define and describe degrowth and the steady state economy as the sustainable solution to our overshoot of planetary limits. Some over-developed countries (including the USA) will need a reasonable period of degrowth toward a steady state economy. Countries …

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Upcoming Events

David Dougherty | New book--Do Yourself a Favour: Live Lightly, Live Better. | CACOR Zoom Presentation 2023-01-18

David Dougherty | New book--Do Yourself a Favour: Live Lightly, Live Better. | CACOR Zoom Presentation 2023-01-18

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Speaker: David Dougherty Topic: New book--Do Yourself a Favour: Live Lightly, Live Better. | 2023-01-18 Time:  Jan 18, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 848 7429 2491 Passcode: 707024 Summary: This book provides a catalogue of things a person can do in his/her personal and family lives …

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Latest Articles Editorial: Don’t wait for COP: the end of the fossil-fuel age must start now

UN climate conferences are too beholden to oil and gas interests. Like-minded nations must come together to keep climate hopes alive. The COP27 United Nations climate conference held in Egypt in November was a mixed bag (Nature 612, 16–17; 2022). Although countries recommitted to the goal of the 2015 Paris climate agreement — to limit global warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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Warmest Ever?

Warmest Ever?
Climate change: Europe and polar regions bear brunt of warming in 2022 Climate change IMAGE SOURCE,GETTY IMAGES Image caption, Europe experienced its warmest summer and second warmest year in 2022 By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent The polar regions and Europe were hit hardest by global warming in 2022, according to a new analysis. The data from Copernicus, the EU's climate …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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The Diderot Effect: Do You Own Your Possessions, Or Do They Own You?

The Diderot Effect:  Do You Own Your Possessions, Or Do They Own You? How Our Wealth is destroying our Lives and our Planet & How you can do a Gentle Swedish Death Clean This essay is personal. My wife and I live in a large country home with 4 bathrooms . That was OK when we had our kids and …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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The Diderot Effect:  Do You Own Your Possessions, Or Do They Own You?

It’s time to switch off generators and turn on resilient, safe renewables

Caucasian Men in His 40s Firing Up Gas Powered Portable Inverter Generator To Connect Electricity To His Camper Van.
The destructive storms of the recent past are hard to forget: 2005: Katrina. 2012: Sandy. 2017: Harvey, Irma, and Maria. 2022: Fiona, Ian, Nicole — and possibly more to come. Hurricanes are here — and sadly, more are on the way. From New York to Texas to Florida to Puerto Rico, over 60 million Americans live in places susceptible to these strengthening storms. Just last …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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The Joy of Guessing - Surviving in a world of incomplete information and unintended consequences

The Joy of Guessing Surviving in a world of incomplete information and unintended consequences Should I buy an electric car?  If so, which one? My house is in a flood plain: should I move? My grandson was just born and I want to get to know him but he lives in BC: should I fly there, even though I stopped …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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The Joy of Guessing - Surviving in a world of incomplete information and unintended consequences

Prepare for Future Urban Living, Tokyo Tiny Apartment Experimental Building

Prepare for Future Urban Living, Tokyo Tiny Apartment Experimental Building
Per Tokyo Lens channel on YouTube: "Built by a well-known Japanese designer, today we are taking a peek inside Tokyo Japan's weirdest tiny apartment. One of the most interesting and unique buildings..." ...The company that manages this tiny apartment See the video here.

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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Chicken Little Syndrome—From CACOR Archives

Dr. Morris Miller (U Ottawa) asked some questions about COR’s diagnosis and remedy for the World Problematique.  This was a background paper for a talk to CACOR in May 1995. Professor Miller felt that, to succeed, cries for environmentally helpful policies and institutional arrangements had to be placed inside the framework of policies that could lead to a more equitable …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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CACOR Writers Quill Pens

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

MIT engineers develop paper-thin solar cells to turn any surface into a power source

MIT researchers have developed an ultrathin solar cell that is 18x lighter per watt generated compared to conventional silicon photovoltaic solar panels. Link to | New thin solar cells

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The food emissions ‘solutions’ alarming experts after Cop27

The food industry’s fingerprints were all over the solutions touted at the UN climate summit in November 2022, campaigners and NGOs say. At COP27, as in the debate more broadly, corporate interests dominated.  Campaigners and NGOs say the food industry’s fingerprints were all over the solutions being touted, including an array of technologies and incentives that they say will do …

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The Challenges of a Wind Turbine on Your Home

 We’ve seen wind turbines popping up everywhere in the last few years for grid scale renewable energy installations. Solar panels for home has been a disruptive technology, but what if we could scale down wind turbines and install them on our home? In theory it sounds like a good idea to diversify our home power generation, but does it make …

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Mapped: Biggest Sources of Electricity by State and Province

On a national scale, the United States and Canada rely on a very different makeup of sources to generate their electricity. The U.S. primarily uses natural gas, coal, and nuclear power, while Canada relies on both hydro and nuclear. That said, when zooming in on the province or state level, individual primary electricity sources can differ greatly. Here’s a look …

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When will global civilization collapse due to accelerating climate change AND the verified Club of Rome/MIT studies' global collapse factors

The 1970 Club of Rome/MIT study and four supporting studies predicted times for the collapse of global population, food production, industrial output, and raw resources. They did not include new climate change research. This new study does. The big thing to remember is that fewer people means less industrial output, which means less food demand. Fewer people, lower industrial output, and less food production …

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The International Gas Union’s Climate Strategy

This analysis considers a collection of strategy documents detailing the International Gas Union's (IGU) communications, advocacy, and outreach playbooks. IGU describes itself as “the spokesperson for the gas industry worldwide”. It has 150+ members including Shell, TotalEnergies, Sempra Energy, and ExxonMobil amongst others, claiming to represent over 90% of the global gas market. This analysis provides unique and highly significant …

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How to harness the ancient partnership between forests and fungi (exciting and hope)

If we want to better understand the environment and combat climate change, we need to look deep underground, where diverse microscopic fungal networks mingle with tree roots to form symbiotic partnerships, says microbiologist Colin Averill. As we learn more about which of these fungi are most beneficial to forest health, we can reintroduce them into the soil -- potentially enhancing …

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The Real Reason Tesla Developed The Cybertruck!

This was really well done; packed with so much information. I haven't seen the reasoning and logic behind the Cybertruck design explained so well, and in so much detail. Tesla prove time and again that they're arguably the most innovative vehicle manufacturer in the world. You can see Musk's 'first principles' approach at work. This is how you'd design a …

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The IESO Continues Work Toward a Decarbonized Electricity Grid with a Trio of Reports

Toronto, ON - Ontario is in a strong position to decarbonize its rapidly growing electricity grid, with a moratorium on new natural gas generation being feasible starting in 2027, provided new storage, nuclear, renewables and expanded conservation efforts are ready. This conclusion comes from a new report requested by the Minister of Energy and produced by Ontario’s Independent Electricity System …

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The Guardian: Holy grail’ wheat gene discovery could feed our overheated world

A story about research in Norwich, England to breed wheat resistant to high temperatures, apparently a difficult task of gene manipulation because of the complexity of the genes. The researchers expect to succeed with experiments in a hot region of Spain.

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