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Archived Articles Revisited:
This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.
Speaker: Dr. Michael Marien Topic: 50 Years of Fragmented Futures: From WFS/CAFS to WAAS/CACOR and SSG/SDGs. CAFS - Canadian Association for Futures Studies WAAS - World Academy of Art and Science CACOR - Canadian Association for the Club of Rome SSG - Security and Sustainability Guide SDGs - sustainable development goals Time: Nov 16, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: …
You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting #124. Speaker: Garth Mihalcheon Topic: A Thinker’s Guide to Surviving the Anthropocene: Essential Tools for our Cognitive Toolkits. Time: Nov 23, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: #124 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85315832058?pwd=eXJuUlFGdzEyT1pVVHhtQjI5RWp2UT09 Meeting ID: 853 1583 2058 Passcode: 339253 Summary: As residents of the Anthropocene—the geological Age of Humans—we live in …
"Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are projected to increase 1% in 2022, hitting a new record of 37.5 billion tonnes, scientists announced today at the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. If the trend continues, humanity could pump enough CO2 into the atmosphere to warm Earth to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial temperatures …
Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups
The case for slowing down and stopping GDP growth so that you can truly think about our future Do you Think Like a Futurist? Probably not - not many do. When we had our first snowfall there were around 40 accidents in Ottawa that morning. Why? Many drivers had not yet put on their winter tires! I guess snow was …
Categories: Articles, What are you doing
It is not enough to know what you are fighting against; you must also know what you are fighting for. An ounce of hope is a more powerful stimulant than a ton of despair. George Monbiot, introduction to 2015 book, Feral: Rewilding the Land, the Sea, and Human Life.
Categories: Articles, Quotes
CACOR member David Dougherty came across one of these videos in his internet newsfeeds. They present a unique and frank analysis of why civilizations collapse and how that happens. In the second videos, the anonymous presenter steps the audience through probable events over the coming decades as Earth's average temperature increases. The picture is not a pretty one. This makes …
Categories: Articles, Climate
The coronavirus pandemic has slowed auto development and production, but manufacturers’ plans to introduce electric vehicles (EVs) continue unabated. In fact, dozens of pure electric models are set to debut by the end of 2024. On the menu are cars and an increasing number of SUVs and pickups. And there will be a broader array of plug-in hybrid models, which can …
Categories: Articles, Solutions
SUMMARY: Security cooperation programs have led U.S. forces into unauthorized hostilities alongside foreign partners. Congress must curb this dangerous and undemocratic practice. Introduction: Afghanistan, Iraq, maybe Libya. If you asked the average American where the United States has been at war in the past two decades, you would likely get this short list. But this list is wrong — off by at …
Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups
CACOR member Rick Carpenter wrote the following letter to the Globe and Mail, which published it 12 November 2022. The letter was in response to Peace on Earth? We have to believe in a world without war (Opinion, Nov. 5): I am grateful to distinguished scientist and Nobel laureate John Polanyi for his eloquent expression of what should be a …
Categories: Articles, CACOR Writers
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.
Current rates of global warming have already moved the world perilously close to several tipping points that could send key global weather systems into irreversible collapse, a significant study from Europe has found. The study builds upon the growing body of scientific research on non-linear changes in the climate — major, irreversible change that goes beyond the linear and gradual …
It seems as if the world is encountering a “perfect storm” of simultaneous crises: The coronavirus pandemic is approaching the end of its third year; the war in Ukraine is threatening to go nuclear; extreme climate events are afflicting North America, Europe, Asia and Africa; and inflation is reaching rates unseen in decades and authoritarianism is on the march around …
Published at the BNEF Summit Bali, the ranking sees Canada rise to the second spot this year, which reflects its large raw material resources and mining activity, as well as its good positioning in environmental, social and governance factors (ESG) and infrastructure, innovation, and industry. A lack of significant cell and component manufacturing capacity means that most of the value of …
Although humanity has succeeded in sending spacecraft into orbit and even beyond Earth's gravitational pull, the only way we've done so is via fuel-devouring rocket launches. In the past, alternatives have been proposed: railguns, projectile launches, space elevators, and more, but none have ever delivered a single payload into orbit. With a working prototype successfully launching objects at 1,000 miles-per-hour, …
Approval of the order to surrender the dams’ operating licence is the bedrock of the most ambitious salmon restoration plan in history, and the project’s scope — measured by the number of dams and the amount of river habitat that would reopen to salmon — makes it the largest of its kind in the world, said Amy Souers Kober, spokesperson …
At Gold Fields’ Agnew mine, 18 MW of wind energy and 4 MW of solar power has taken the electricity provided by renewable energy to 54% and there has been a 42% net reduction in diesel and electricity emissions. The Granny Smith and Gruyere mines still have a way to go. The renewable energy fraction at Granny Smith is down at 9%, with a net emission reduction of 7%, very similar …
Another interesting consequence of the climate crisis… IMHO microbes tend to be quite invisible in climate coverage (bad joke) but as everyone knows our tiniest critters are the foundation of ALL life on earth. As our phytoplankton go (which produce at least half of earth’s oxygen) so goes our species! The following is a common theme in the philosophy of …
It seems numbers don’t matter as long as we keep our “xenophobia and hatred of the other” in check. What’s gotten into the United Nations Population Fund? It used to worry about population growth. Now, as we officially reach 8 billion on November 15, its executive director, Dr. Natalia Kanem, warns us against “population alarmism.” “Some express concerns that our world …
From deadly floods in Nigeria to devastating drought in Somalia, Africa has faced a run of severe--and sometimes unprecedented--extreme weather events in 2022. While the US hurricane season and 40 degree C heat in the UK have captured headlines, many of Africa’s most extreme and life-changing weather events went largely unreported in global-north media. Link to | Africa's unreported extreme …
With Russian gas imports largely cut off, Europe is facing an energy-scarce winter—and next year could be even worse. Europe's energy crisis could finally force countries to dramatically pivot toward renewable energy.