
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
September 10, 2022
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website. Signup and previous weekly newsletters are available here.
The complete list of the CACOR Zoom series from
presentation #1 on 2020-04-15
presentation # 127 on 2022-12-14
Presentation spreadsheet
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To CACOR Members:

CACOR has added a new google group [email protected]
"A CACOR group focused on GHG reduction techniques integrated into a plan to survive an extinction event." If any CACOR member wishes to join this group, contact Richard van der Jagt or Art Hunter.
Seeking editors for the CACOR Website. Contact Art at [email protected].
Do you want to contact your Federal MP or Senator?
List of emails for Canadian Members of Parliament and Senators. (

Archived Articles Revisited:

This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.

Latest Presentation

Dr. John Thor Arnason | The Future of Medicinal Biodiversity: Plants and Other Organisms. | CACOR Zoom Presentation 2022-09-07

Dr. John Thor Arnason | The Future of Medicinal Biodiversity: Plants and Other Organisms. | CACOR Zoom Presentation 2022-09-07

Speaker: Dr. John Thor Arnason Topic: The Future of Medicinal Biodiversity: Plants and Other Organisms. Time: Sep 7, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary:   Plants, marine organisms, bacteria and other species have provided or inspired the development of many medicines. Medicinal organisms  are subject to the major threats to all biodiversity including habitat loss, climate change and invasive species. As well commercial …

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Upcoming Events

CACOR Zoom presentation | Andrew Welch | The Value Crisis – Re-visioning What We Know | 2022-09-14

CACOR Zoom presentation | Andrew Welch | The Value Crisis – Re-visioning What We Know | 2022-09-14

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: The Value Crisis – Re-visioning What We Know Speaker: Andrew Welch Time: Sep 14, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 843 5409 8346 Passcode: 544765 Summary: The amount of intellect and information represented by CACOR and its guest speakers is huge.  Are the problems that …

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Latest Articles

How can Talk with our Children and Grandchildren about our Ecological Disaster?

How can Talk with our Children and Grandchildren about our Ecological Disaster? “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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How can Talk with our Children and Grandchildren about our Ecological Disaster?

Action leads to hope

Action leads to hope
Even if there is no hope, we have to do something. Not having hope is not an excuse for not doing anything. But the thing we need more than hope is action, because once there is action there is hope. Greta Thunberg

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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Global Disaster Resistance Report 2022

UN Disaster Risk Reduction Report 2022 Executive summary Link to full report  is The central question for this Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 (GAR2022) is how governance systems can evolve to better address the systemic risks of the future. In today’s crowded and interconnected world, disaster impacts increasingly cascade across geographies and sectors, as the coronavirus …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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Global Disaster Resistance Report 2022

Ruben Nelson's View on the Need for a Paradigm Shift.

Ruben Nelson's View on the Need for a Paradigm Shift.
What we are trying to do is change thinking processes of the 2nd level from the top, and then hope this change will be enough to lead to new ways of acting/doing things.  However, we do not challenge or alter the processes of the bottom two layers.  We don’t get it yet that the ontological and epistemic (O/E) presuppositions of …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Writers

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Three degrees of global warming is quite plausible and truly disastrous

The Economist drew attention to an article it first published in July 2021. It is a comprehensive, level-headed review of where the world is going. I particularly appreciate these graphs as a way of explaining to lay people the consequences of a shift in average temperatures, with a text that may help readers who cannot understand graphs like these, of …

Categories: Articles, Climate

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Aerial view of grassland field burning with red fire during dry season

“We’ve Got The Power” — Sandia Technology Test Delivers Electricity To The Grid

A diagram of Sandia National Laboratories’ simple closed-loop Brayton cycle test loop
This carbon dioxide, which stays within the system and is not released as a greenhouse gas, can get much hotter than steam — 1,290 degrees Fahrenheit or 700 Celsius. ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico — For the first time, Sandia National Laboratories researchers delivered electricity produced by a new power-generating system to the Sandia-Kirtland Air Force Base electrical grid. The system uses …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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'Forever chemicals' destroyed by simple new method

PFAS, a group of manufactured chemicals commonly used since the 1940s, are called "forever chemicals" for a reason. Bacteria can't eat them; fire can't incinerate them; and water can't dilute them. And, if these toxic chemicals are buried, they leach into surrounding soil, becoming a persistent problem for generations to come. Now, Northwestern University chemists have done the seemingly impossible. …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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Empty white cup cakes papers ready for baking

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

Elon Musk: Tesla Energy is becoming distributed global utility and could outgrow automotive business

When talking about Tesla’s latest solar power and energy storage changes and production, CEO Elon Musk said that Tesla is becoming a “giant distributor global utility”: “Tesla’s overarching strategy here is effectively to become a giant distributor global utility.” Musk is especially referencing Tesla’s new solar subscription product under which they deploy solar arrays on people’s roofs at no cost …

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Big oil and Opec are holding the world to ransom – it’s time to rein them in

A new study calculated that the oil and gas industry has made more than $2.8bn (£2.4bn) a day in profits over the past half-century. In the second quarter of 2022, Exxon posted a profit of $17.9bn, the highest any publicly listed oil company has ever reported. Chevron hauled in $11.6bn, while Shell reported $11.47bn and BP $9.3 bn, its biggest windfall in …

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live microgrid demo

This year’s demonstration will feature a fully operating hybrid bi-directional residential microgrid, complete with appliances, HVAC, lighting, EV charging and various plug load distributions including line AC and DC, USB-C, PoE and FMP. It will also provide the excess power it generates to the adjacent Grid Edge presentation theater and other exhibitor loads on the convention center floor. Power resources …

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Model Y Earns 5-Star Safety Rating From Euro NCAP

Achieves highest Euro NCAP Overall Score under the new protocol At Tesla, vehicle design is an iterative process through which we aim to make some of the safest cars on the road even safer. Today, Model Y is our latest vehicle to earn a 5-star safety rating from the European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP). As part of this assessment, Model Y received …

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Why heaters are the future of cooling

Experts call it the “cold crunch." As temperatures rise in regions that historically haven’t needed indoor cooling, global demand for air conditioning units is expected to skyrocket. Indoor cooling is already the fastest-growing use of energy in buildings. But the emissions associated with cooling buildings are still tiny compared to the emissions from heating them — and that's because while …

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The End of Oil, Explained

As the planet warms, why is it so hard to turn away from fossil fuels, and can we do it in time? This is “The End of Oil, Explained” an episode narrated by Ethan Hawke from the current season of our Netflix series. Catch up on the rest of this season of Explained on Netflix at and lookout for …

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Liquid Metal Batteries are going global in 2022!

Liquid metal battery technology has the potential to revolutionise utility scale energy storage, but it's been a long and difficult road for the creator, Donald Sadoway, and his company, Ambri Inc. 2022 looks like their breakthrough year though, and their liquid metal batteries now look set to become a global phenomenon.

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Global Dimming Dilemma

What is Global Dimming? The topic of global dimming, known in scientific terms as the aerosol masking effect (video), is often misunderstood. Global dimming produces forces that act opposite to global warming for which it has become known as a devil’s bargain. It has been implicated in both climate change denialism and doomism. It is a well-known scientific phenomenon, like its counter part global brightening (video). The global warming puzzle would …

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