Re: Carbon Capture and Storage
The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, MP
Minister of Environment and Climate Change
House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada
Dear Minister Guilbeault,
The Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (CACOR) urges extreme caution in over-reliance on the use of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to reach Canada’s required emission reduction targets.
Given the results of research done as recently as 2021 (see Science Direct - reference https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590332221005418, published in One Earth Volume 4, Issue 11, 19 November 2021, Pages 1569-1584), it is clear that current planning projects will achieve only 10% of the required capacity for CCS by 2050. Since much more must be done to develop that capacity, other measures including regulation will be required to ensure that hard targets are actually met – the outcome Canadians expect of your government.
The case for extreme caution is only enhanced by the June 22nd Hill Times article by Kathryn Kavanagh indicating the enormous gap between proven sites, technological readiness, and the amount of CO2 that must be extracted and stored to reach international targets.
In recent correspondence to you we shared a CACOR initiative: the development of, and the call for adoption of, a Canadian Charter of Climate Change Rights and Responsibilities (see https://canadiancor.com). The third Right named in that document states: “Policy Modification to Ensure Emission Targets Are Met – Progress along chosen pathways must be carefully monitored and new approaches implemented. Where progress is slower than anticipated, incentives, penalties and regulation to limit emissions by law must be utilized as required, rather than allowing failure of lowering targets.”
Can you assure us, Minister, that since CSS progress and milestones are proving to be wholly inadequate to meet Canadian targets, you will undertake modifications and the adoption of additional policies to ensure that Canada’s targets shall actually be met?
Canada cannot afford another failure over the next decade.
Jean Dougherty – Chair, The Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (CACOR) [email protected]
cc: The Prime Minister, all Cabinet members, all MPs and Senate members, as well as the Globe and Mail, National Post, Ottawa Citizen and Hill Times.
The Association is a charitable, non-governmental organization dedicated to intelligent debate and action on global issues. It is incorporated as the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome / Association Canadienne pour le club de Rome. Our Mission is to actively engage the public and decision-makers on key global and Canadian issues by encouraging the sharing of information; we aim to inform and motivate all to take action to limit, stabilize, and reverse demands on local and global ecosystems.
Charitable number 889056271 RR0001