
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
August 13, 2022
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presentation # 127 on 2022-12-14
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Are you interested in becoming a CACOR sponsor and Master of Ceremonies at one of our Zoom webinars? We seek someone who has not done this in the past and is willing to become involved. Contact Art at your earliest convenience. We can help you get involved.
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Richard van der Jagt and Meg Sears| Improving Environmental Protection and Public Health | 2022-08-10

Richard van der Jagt and Meg Sears| Improving Environmental Protection and Public Health | 2022-08-10

Topic:  Improving Environmental Protection and Public Health: opportunities during Canadian legal and policy reform Speakers:  Dr. Richard van der Jagt and Dr. Meg Sears Time: Aug 10, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: A medical perspective on health risks of environmental toxins and costs to the Canadian taxpayer illustrates the urgent need to improve environmental public health. Fortuitously, …

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Plan to Survive

Plan to Survive

"Plan to Survive", a CACOR publication is available.   PDF link...

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Latest Articles

A sign of the future.

The area is totally disfigured. We're heartbroken, we're exhausted. (This fire) is the last straw. Jean-Louis Dartiailh, Mayor of Hostens Hostens is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France,  35 km south of Bordeaux. Ce mercredi matin (10 aout), on déplorait 6 000 hectares de forêt brulés sur le secteur d'Hostens. Une telle vitesse de propagation est inédite. …

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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A sign of the future.

Old Beginnings

Old Beginnings
Did life on Earth begin on land or in water? Ancient rocks are helping to piece together the origins of life Photo via @newscientist Did life on Earth begin on land or in water? Ancient rocks are helping to piece together the origins of life Redrawing the geological timeline of Earth’s first billion years is casting new light on whether …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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Learning Lessons from the Mistakes of Germany & Sri Lanka

Every society is a social experiment that we can learn from. – Jarrod Diamond The bigger they are, the mightier they fall. Germany is an industrial power house and the dominant player as Europe tries to lead the world towards a sustainable future. However, for the moment, that bright light is fading. Angela Merkel, the former German Chancellor, made what …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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Learning Lessons from the Mistakes of Germany & Sri Lanka

What near-term climate impacts should worry us most?

Emergency shelter after Hurricane Katrina
This research paper – drawing on insights from 200 experts – highlights that, within the current decade, climate hazards are expected to have increasingly serious disruptive impacts. While many hazards may now be inevitable, action on adaptation has the potential to limit the worst expected climate impacts, at regional and global levels. The 10 hazard-impact pathways of greatest near-term concern …

Categories: Articles, Climate

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Next-gen heat pump could cut energy bills and carbon emissions

Researchers from the University of Glasgow have developed a new type of heat pump, a flexible heat pump technology, which could help households save on their energy bills and contribute toward net-zero emissions goals. Heat pumps are a low-carbon alternative to gas boilers. They draw energy from external low-temperature sources, most commonly outdoor air, in order to heat indoor spaces. …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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Next-gen heat pump - University of Glasgow

Why the Shipping Industry Is Betting Big on Ammonia

Ammonia production - chemical industry plant with pipes and valves.
There's a lot to like about ammonia. This colorless fuel emits no carbon dioxide when burned. It's abundant and common, and it can be made using renewable electricity, water, and air. Both fuel cells and internal combustion engines can use it. Unlike hydrogen, it doesn't have to be stored in high-pressure tanks or cryogenic dewars. And it has 10 times …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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Environmental Choices and Human Perspective—From CACOR Archives

Peter Krek, a prize-winning undergraduate student at Guelph, wrote this article about our life and lives.  He delved into ozone depletion, with a focus on the effects of ultraviolet light on plants, animals, and humans.  He felt that we were failing ourselves at the time.  Link to | Environmental Choices and Human Perspective

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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CACOR Writers Quill Pens

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

Five Pillars of Human Civilization - survival - nobody seems too bothered, until it happens, personally, to them

Water. Energy. Food. Health. And money.  I’ll call them, for simplicity’s sake, the Five Pillars of Human Civilization. A society like Britain is running out of water, and yet nobody seems too bothered, until it happens, personally, to them. This surreal horror nightmare of indifference, incompetence, a total lack of any kind of plan, agenda, or solution for the problem is …

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The Simple Genius of NYC’s Water Supply System

This is the story of a massive infrastructure development.   Operations and security are massive employment generators.    It is still under development with another tunnel.  Interestingly, they use UVC (ultraviolet band C) radiation to kill off all bacteria, viruses. molds and other pathogens at several points along its delivery routes.

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Microgrids: Placing Energy in the Hands of the Consumer

Communities interested in cleaner energy, as well as greater control over their electric supply and reliability, are increasingly turning to microgrids — miniature power systems that serve an individual facility or area with electricity, either on its own or in concert with a larger power grid. Typically, a microgrid consists of energy generation and energy storage that can power a …

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Finland has permanent nuclear waste facility, finally

Finland is the first country in the world to devise a system to permanently store all the radioactive waste generated by its nuclear power plants. Currently power plants have only temporary — and sometimes dangerous — solutions.

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Ontario’s deepening hydro mess

Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives went into the 2018 Ontario election campaign promising, among other things, to fix the province’s “hydro mess.” In practice, fixing the hydro “mess” turned out to be a lot more complicated than it sounded. In the end, the first Ford government did little more than double down on its Liberal predecessor’s mistakes and then added a few …

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Cognitive Dissonance Theory: A Crash Course

Chances are good that you’re heard of cognitive dissonance theory, but how well do you know the ins and outs of it? My job today is to demystify cognitive dissonance. By the end of this video, you’ll have a better sense of what cognitive dissonance is and what effects it produces. Even more, you’ll know more about why and when …

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The Huge, Weird Batteries of the Future

As the planet gets hotter, engineers are racing to find ways to store energy on a massive scale, clearing the way for a transition to renewable electricity.

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MIND-BLANK by Andrew Gaines

On Aug 5, 2022, at 12:56 AM, Andrew Gaines wrote: I asked a young friend of mine how concerned she was about climate change. She thought for a moment, and gave me two answers:     Part of me is really freaked. 10 +.     And for part of me it is about 7. I noticed a similar response in myself when I …

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