
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
June 11, 2022
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website.

There is a new section on the Home Page "Hoffman Hall of Honour" Where CACOR shall honour those that make noteworthy contributions to the CACOR Mission. Robert Hoffman is the first. The eligibility, selection process and frequency of update is still under development but it is available for viewing.
Hoffman Hall of Honour - Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (

The complete list of the CACOR Zoom series from
presentation #1 on 2020-04-15
presentation # 115 on 2022-09-21
Presentation spreadsheet

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To CACOR Members:

Are you interested in becoming a CACOR sponsor and Master of Ceremonies at one of our Zoom seminars? We seek someone who has not done this in the past and is willing to become involved. Contact Art at your earliest convenience. We can help you get involved.

Seeking editors for the CACOR Website. Contact Art.

We would like to bring to your attention the legacy YouTube video on the Club of Rome Origin

Do you need to contact your Federal MP or Senator?
List of emails for Canadian Members of Parliament and Senators. (

Latest Presentation

Dr. Ronald Colman | How Do We Create the Economy We Need? | CACOR Zoom presentation -- 2022-006-08

Dr. Ronald Colman | How Do We Create the Economy We Need? | CACOR Zoom presentation -- 2022-006-08

Speaker:  Dr. Ronald Colman Topic:   How Do We Create the Economy We Need? Time:  Jun 8, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 836 3774 0828 Passcode: 059397 Summary: How can measures of true progress practically help to build a better world? For two decades, Ronald Colman worked hands-on with three governments to adopt …

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Latest Articles

One Planet

In countries that are already very rich, we especially need to figure out if there are feasible alternatives to our hidebound commitment to economic growth, because it is becoming increasingly clear that endless material growth is incompatible with the long-term viability of the Earth’s environment. To do this we have to transcend the evolutionary advantages that focusing on the local …

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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One Planet

First the Bees Died, then the Birds, are We Next?

First the Bees Died, then the Birds, are We Next?
First the Bees Died, then the Birds, are We Next? I had planned to write a piece about our deep disconnection from each our bodies, other people and the natural world but that was derailed after a chat with my friend Buzz the beekeeper who told me that ALL his bees had died this past winter. As a former beekeeper …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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War Makes Us Sick!

ENVIRONMENT,WORLD The Environmental Consequences of War 01/03/2022 V. RAMANA DHARA Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Imperils Global Space Cooperation A satellite image shows grass fires and damages at Antonov Airport in Hostomel, Ukraine, February 27, 2022. Photo: Maxar Technologies/Reuters Health impacts of conventional and unconventional war range from physical and mental injuries, and loss of life in the hundreds to millions. …

Categories: Articles, Geopolitics, Trending

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War Makes Us Sick!

As the Great Salt Lake Dries Up Utah Faces An Environmental Nuclear Bomb

Reflection at the Great Salt Lake, Utah
Climate change and rapid population growth are shrinking the lake, creating a bowl of toxic dust that could poison the air around Salt Lake City. If the Great Salt Lake, which has already shrunk by two-thirds, continues to dry up, here’s what’s in store: The lake’s flies and brine shrimp would die off — scientists warn it could start as …

Categories: Articles, Climate

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On Managing Chaos—From CACOR Archives

Norbert Gass used chaos theory to model the dynamic of conflict.  This modelling can help interpret chaotic events between several actors in an international organization, between countries, or among factions within countries.  Examples include Bosnia, Chile, Venezuela, Tajikistan, and Russia. Link to | On Managing Chaos

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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CACOR Writers Quill Pens

Microgrids: a critical solution towards powering a net-zero world

High voltage tower
What happens when the power goes out? Citizens could lose their ability to connect online for work or education, homes could be damaged due to lack of necessary heating or cooling, and access to medical treatment or other critical resources would be impaired. Businesses would have to close temporarily, the supply chain disrupted, and telecommunication outages would hinder all types …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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This tiny fusion reactor is made out of commercially available parts

Nuclear startup Avalanche Energy has modest funding, a skeleton crew, a pocket-sized prototype — and grand ambitions. For more than 70 years, governments, oil and gas companies, and entrepreneurs have dreamed of harvesting energy from the nuclear fusion reaction. But while nuclear fission plants have been providing electricity around the world since the 1950s, nuclear fusion has never come to fruition. Nevertheless, fusion has been …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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Atom molecule in dark interior as science concept. 3d rendering

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

Limits to Growth 50th anniversary Symposium, 27 May 2022

Limits to Growth 50th anniversary Symposium, 27 May 2022.  Speakers include: Mamphela Ramphele, Dennis Meadows, Jerome Glenn, Barry Hughes, Sandrine Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Hazel Henderson, Keith Suter, Hunter Lovins, Sylvia Zimmerman del Castillo, Ted Manning, John Gilmore, Anitra Thorhaug, Marilyn Mosely-Gordanier, Julia Kim, Ryan Jackson, and others. 3 hours and 25 minutes

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Antarctica : What happens if the 'Doomsday' Glacier collapses?

Just Have a Think Antarctica is home to some of the world's largest ice sheets and glaciers. They existed in a stable equilibrium of ebb and flow for millions of years until global warming started to melt them faster than the snow falls could replenish their ice. Now a new US / UK research collaboration has discovered that the rate …

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California's First Multi-Customer Renewables Microgrid.

The Redwood Coast Airport Microgrid features a 2.2-megawatt solar photovoltaic array that is DC-coupled to a 2 megawatt (9 megawatt-hour) battery energy storage system, comprised of three Tesla Megapacks. During standard blue-sky operations, RCAM generates clean and renewable energy for the North Coast, and participates in the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) wholesale energy markets, including the day-ahead, real-time, and …

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Ontario Clean Air Alliance push for V2G

This presentation to the IESO (Nov. 2021) explains why Ontario should embrace vehicle-to-grid technology that allows us to use electric vehicles to store power in off peak periods and feed it back to the grid in peak periods. It notes that: 1. EV batteries with bi-directional chargers are cheaper than gas plants for peak power2. EVs are an enormous opportunity to lower electricity rates …

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NEW Zinc catalyst dismantling plastics at room temperature.

Just Have A Think Plastic Upcycling may not be a familiar phrase for many people, but it could just be the solution to our global plastic waste problem. Existing recycling methods tend to degrade plastics until they're only good for landfill. Now a new zinc catalyst has been developed that can break down polymers completely and make them into even …

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We cannot adapt our way out of climate crisis, warns leading scientist

The world cannot adapt its way out of the climate crisis, and counting on adaptation to limit damage is no substitute for urgently cutting greenhouse gases, a leading climate scientist has warned. Katharine Hayhoe, chief scientist for the Nature Conservancy in the US and professor at Texas Tech University, said the world was heading for dangers unseen in the 10,000 …

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