
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
February 19, 2022
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website.

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To CACOR Members:

We have two (2) speakers in our Zoom series that need a CACOR sponsor and Master of Ceremonies. We seek someone who has not done this in the past and is willing to become involved. Contact Art at your earliest convenience. We can help you get involved.

Seeking editors for the CACOR Website. Contact Art.

Charter of Climate Change Rights and Responsibility:

CACOR is pleased to post our Charter of Climate Change Rights and Responsibility that we would like to see enacted into legislation in all jurisdictions. Please help by urging municipal counsellors and MPs and MLAs to support this initiative. We believe the Charter is self-explanatory but the ideas embedded within the Charter are drawn from insights CACOR drew from the Pathways Project (see postings on the website as well).

Similarly, we have launched the call for the adoption of this Charter with a set of 7 initial companion recommendations also drawn from Pathways insights except for the biological ones. Please note we intend to advocate for further recommendations as seem useful. Your ideas for future recommendations are welcome. But for now, there is much to do to ask your friends and organizations and networks you know to post this Charter everywhere so more Canadians become familiar with it. If adopted, it would provide a framework to prevent future governments from inaction. Please consider both documents carefully.

We would like to bring to your attention the legacy YouTube video on the Club of Rome Origin

Do you need to contact your Federal MP or Senator?
List of emails for Canadian Members of Parliament and Senators. (

Latest Presentation

Dr. Jack Alpert - Imagining a Sustainable Civilization.. - CACOR Zoom 2022-02-16

Dr. Jack Alpert - Imagining a Sustainable Civilization.. - CACOR Zoom 2022-02-16

Topic: Dr. Jack Alpert | Imagining a Sustainable Civilization | CACOR Zoom Meeting Time: Feb 16, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Link to | Chat record for Jack Alpert Bio: Dr. Jack Alpert is director of Stanford Knowledge Integration Lab, a Lab which he started in 1978 at Stanford University.  In 1992, the Lab left Stanford and …

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Upcoming Events

Tzeporah Berman | International Cooperation to Align Fossil Fuel Production with Paris Goals | CACOR Zoom 2022-02-23

Tzeporah Berman | International Cooperation to Align Fossil Fuel Production with Paris Goals | CACOR Zoom 2022-02-23

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Tzeporah Berman | International Cooperation to Align Fossil Fuel Production with Paris Goals: A Bold New Idea Time: Feb 23, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 839 1651 1294 Passcode: 756352 Biography: Tzeporah Berman is the International Program Director at and the Chair …

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Latest Articles

The Anatomy of Global WarNing—From CACOR Archives

N Németh followed Buzz Nixon's article discussing how "sustainable development" needed top be replaced with "sustainable ecology" with his own view of the repeated warnings about global warming, which appeared to be getting ignored in the early 1990s.  He saw that we were headed for global disaster.  He analyzed the nature of the problem, ways (3) to express concern about …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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CACOR Writers Quill Pens

Stop being a Grumpy Old Man!

Stop being a Grumpy Old Man!
Stop being a Grumpy Old Man! Have you noticed yourself or a friend turning into a grumpy old man? Of course you have! Sadly, it is normal to become grumpy with old age. So why are you grumpy and why do you complain when you don’t want to? Here are the answers to this question. Now, as I become an …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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Suffocating Fish

FULL STORY School of fish in ocean (stock image). Credit: © artifirsov / By 2080, around 70% of the world's oceans could be suffocating from a lack of oxygen as a result of climate change, potentially impacting marine ecosystems worldwide, according to a new study. The new models find mid-ocean depths that support many fisheries worldwide are already losing …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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Suffocating Fish

Maintain hope

Maintain hope
… in times of perplexing, unprecedented, and dangerous threats, we can learn much from childhood imagination—that wonderful capacity to generate endless “How abouts.” For our species to succeed and prosper through this century, as it has during earlier eras of peril, we’ll need to activate our ability to imagine possibilities. Sometimes it’s a mistake to fasten too quickly on constraints: …

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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100 million people for 300 years

Yesterday’s presentation Dr. Jack Alpert – Imagining a Sustainable Civilization.. – CACOR Zoom 2022-02-16 (  brings a key issue to my mind.  Oft-quoted is the notion that we cannot solve problems with the same thinking that caused the problems. While Jack’s calculations are no doubt sound, they are based on sustaining exactly the sort of civilization we have at present.  Perhaps by …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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100 million people for 300 years

These 12-mile-deep holes could convert power plants from fossil fuel to geothermal

Large drill for geothermal drilling - Renewable Energy
Iceland was one of the first countries to move to 100% renewable electricity, in part because it was able to tap into geothermal energy from its unique volcano-filled geology. In many other places, that energy isn’t as readily available. But new technology could make geothermal power accessible anywhere—and the company is aiming for one specific use case: putting the geothermal …

Categories: Articles, Climate

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Recent Advancements to a Million Mile Battery

A panel discusses the recent webinar presentation by Professor Jeff Dahn. Dr. Dahn is with the Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science and the Department of Chemistry at Dalhousie University and is recognized as one of the pioneering developers of the lithium-ion battery that is now used worldwide in laptop computers, cell-phones and many other devices including electric cars. The …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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Electric car charging station

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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