
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
November 11, 2023


To the SEED community:

Welcome to the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome.

Everything we do to help humanity live in harmony with the natural world that gave rise to and sustains us gives our lives meaning and promise.

How can we become more relevant to your mission? More pertinent news items will be posted here from time to time.

To CACOR Members:

Seeking editors for the CACOR Website. Contact Art Hunter at [email protected].
Four CACOR members have volunteered to make occasional posts into our Breaking News listing.
Breaking News - Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (
Do you want to contact your Federal MP or Senator?
List of emails for Canadian Members of Parliament and Senators. (


Archived Articles Revisited:

This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website. Please share our Stay Informed link with your personal networks. That's also the place to catch up on previous newsletters if you missed them.
The latest CACOR Zoom Schedule is found here.
Samrat Bharadwaj recently posted some creative YouTube Short videos
Have you met CACOR's new AI Assistant yet? If not, it's not too late! You can find the AI Assistant in the bottom right corner of our website. Look for the little green icon:

Latest Presentation

David Dougherty | The Publication of ‘The Great Disruption.' | 2023-11-08

David Dougherty | The Publication of ‘The Great Disruption.' | 2023-11-08

Speaker:  David Dougherty Topic:  The Publication of ‘The Great Disruption.' Time:  Nov 8, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Biography:  Our speaker today is TD Dougherty, a retired environmental scientist.  He has been a CACOR member for well over a decade and is one of the administrators of this Zoom presentation series. Description: Today, he explains how he came …

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Upcoming Events

Peter Carter |  The Rapidly Deteriorating Global Climate Emergency and What Must Be Done. | 15 Nov 23 13:30 EST | CACOR Zoom

Peter Carter | The Rapidly Deteriorating Global Climate Emergency and What Must Be Done. | 15 Nov 23 13:30 EST | CACOR Zoom

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Speaker: Dr. Peter Carter  Topic: The Rapidly Deteriorating Global Climate Emergency and What Must Be Done.  Time: Nov 15, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 857 0306 7082 Passcode: 648980 Summary: We live in the age of abrupt and accelerating collapse.  According to NOAA's The Power of Greenhouse Gases, …

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Latest Articles

Break some eggs

You have to break some eggs to make an omelette. David B. Brooks Dr. David B. Brooks's main research interests lie in ways to move toward more sustainable development in the production and use of minerals, energy, and water. He was the founding director of the Office Energy Conservation at Energy, Mines and Resources, worked at IDRC, for 6 years …

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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Break some eggs

Science Alert: Physicists Warn Earth Could Feasibly Descend Into Chaos

Science Alert: Physicists Warn Earth Could Feasibly Descend Into Chaos
06 November 2023 By MICHELLE STARR "The impact of human activity on the Earth system could result in unpredictable chaos from which there is no return, physicists have calculated. "Using a theory conceived to model superconductivity, a team of physicists led by Alex Bernadini of the University of Porto in Portugal showed in a preprint paper this year that, after a …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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Risk Management...Just Look Up!

ENVIRONMENT A tsunami could wipe this Norwegian town off the map. Why isn’t everyone leaving? Within decades or even months, a 300-foot wave could swallow this idyllic village. Here’s how they’re preparing Geiranger and its namesake Geiranger fjord in western Norway. A fissure growing in the side of one cliff could dislodge a rockslide so powerful it unleashes a deadly …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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Risk Management...Just Look Up!

Harnessing the Power of Salinity Gradient: Unlocking the Potential of Blue Energy

Blue energy concept
Salinity gradient power, or blue energy, has the potential to revolutionize electricity generation. By harnessing the difference in salt concentration between bodies of water, this renewable energy source could unlock a vast potential for clean and sustainable energy. There are three main technologies - PRO, RED, and CapMix - that have been developed to convert the energy stored in the salinity gradient into usable electricity. With a global capacity estimated at 2 terawatts, blue energy could significantly contribute to the renewable energy mix and provide electricity to remote communities.

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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CACOR Ecological Development Project—From CACOR Archives.

In April 1996, CACOR ran an email project on the concept of ecological development.  Ten CACOR members participated.  The project leads were Marcus Hotz, Gail Stewart, and Bob Fletcher.  Tom de Fayer (a founding member of CACOR) provided this summary of the email discussions. A paper by John Walsh was circulated as a starting point for the project. If there …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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CACOR Writers Quill Pens

This guy climbs wind turbines to keep them spinning

A view from the top of a wind turbine - it's equivalent to 20-story tall building
Discover the thrilling and in-demand job of a rope access blade repair technician, who maintains wind turbines while dangling high off the ground.

Categories: Articles, Climate

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Solar Canopies: Shading with a Power Purpose

Solar canopies are emerging as an innovative solution for generating clean energy while providing shade and shelter in public spaces. These structures, also known as solar carports or solar shelters, consist of solar panels mounted on a frame that can be installed over parking lots, walkways, and other open areas. By combining the functionality of a shade structure with the …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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Aerial view of solar panels installed over parking lot with parked cars for effective generation of clean energy

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

Electric Travel Trailers Are Coming to the Great Outdoors and Could Upend RVing

That’s because an electric travel trailer isn’t just an Instagrammable tiny house on wheels. If they fulfill their pre-production promises, the RVs equipped with powerful batteries and solar panels will become mobile power plants, capable of operating off the grid for days or powering stationary homes during a blackout. Down the road, electric travel trailers could also supply power to the …

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Climate-Ready Infographics

We’re in a deep climate crisis. As the world warms, people across the globe face daunting new challenges, on a scale never seen before. To withstand these challenges and protect children and future generations—and maybe even thrive, we all need climate resilience. We need practical information, knowledge and tools to survive as and when unpredictable climate events occur. For that …

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EV Batteries 101: The Basics

In the United States, transportation contributes more climate-warming emissions and air pollution than any other sector. To reduce transportation-related climate pollution and avoid the worst effects of climate change, we must rapidly improve infrastructure for non-motorized ways of moving, and we must transition vehicle transportation to use electricity instead of fossil fuels. We must electrify the way we move. The …

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You're Being Lied to About Electric Cars

I've heard all the supposed arguments. It seems every time anything even tangentially related to electric cars is published, certain people feel compelled to share their own research.  You've probably heard it all, too: A Prius is worse for the planet than a Hummer.  EVs are coal-powered cars.  Electric cars produce more CO2 than internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.  Lithium mining …

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More automakers plug into Tesla's EV charging network

Here is a list of the companies adopting NACS: Company Type Announcement Adoption Ford Motor Automaker May 2023 2025 General Motors Automaker June 2023 2025 Rivian Automotive Automaker June 2023 2025 Volvo Cars Automaker June 2023 2025 Polestar Automaker June 2023 2025 Mercedez-Benz Automaker July 2023 2024 Nissan Automaker July 2023 2025 Honda Motor Automaker Sept 2023 2025 Jaguar Automaker …

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Euclid telescope: First images revealed from 'dark Universe' mission

Europe's Euclid telescope is ready to begin its quest to understand the greatest mysteries in the Universe. Exquisite imagery from the space observatory shows its capabilities to be exceptional. Over the next six years, Euclid will survey a third of the heavens to get some clues about the nature of so-called dark matter and dark energy. These unknown "influencers" appear …

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The heat may not kill you, but the global food crisis might

Just Have a Think A super strong El Niño and record high global sea surface temperatures are set to deliver devastating extreme weather events all over the planet in 2024.   They will be extremely costly and traumatic for many millions of people around the world.   But the real concern is what the consequences of those events will show us about …

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Global Energy Transition. Are we winning

Just Have a Think The Global Energy Transition is the most profound change to human civilisation since the end of the last glacial period about 11,000 years ago. There will be winners and losers, and as a result some are trying to slow or even stop the disruption of their established markets. We all know who they are! So how …

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Tesla to run smaller native version of xAI’s Grōk using local compute power

The first product from Elon Musk-led xAI was announced on Friday, and the CEO has suggested that Tesla’s vehicles may natively run a smaller version of the AI assistant. On Saturday, X user and Tesla enthusiast Chuck Cook spotted that Musk liked a post saying that a smaller, quantized version of the AI model Grōk would run natively on Tesla with local …

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How Estonia ripped up its school plans just 5 years after breaking from Russia and became the top country in math, science, and reading outside Asia

How Estonia ripped up its school plans just 5 years after breaking from Russia and became the top country in math, science, and reading outside Asia basically they reacted to russian communism by creating a new culture

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