
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
September 02, 2023
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website. Please share our Stay Informed link with your personal networks. That's also the place to catch up on previous newsletters if you missed them.
The latest CACOR Zoom Schedule is found here.
Samrat Bharadwaj recently posted some creative YouTube Short videos
Have you met CACOR's new AI Assistant yet? If not, it's not too late! You can find the AI Assistant in the bottom right corner of our website. Look for the little green icon:
CACOR's AI Assistant is very friendly and knows a lot. In fact, it knows almost everything that has been posted on the website, which is about four thousand posts! Talk to our AI buddy about any topics related to CACOR's concerns. We hope you learn something new from it.

To the SEED community:

Welcome to the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome.

Everything we do to help humanity live in harmony with the natural world that gave rise to and sustains us gives our lives meaning and promise.

How can we become more relevant to your mission? More pertinent news items will be posted here from time to time.

To CACOR Members:

Seeking editors for the CACOR Website. Contact Art Hunter at [email protected].
Four CACOR members have volunteered to make occasional posts into our Breaking News listing.
Breaking News - Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (
Do you want to contact your Federal MP or Senator?
List of emails for Canadian Members of Parliament and Senators. (


Archived Articles Revisited:

This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.

Latest Presentation

Dr. Peter MacKinnon | Artificial Intelligence is on the Rampage: A Call for Guardrails & Regulation | 2023-08-30

Dr. Peter MacKinnon | Artificial Intelligence is on the Rampage: A Call for Guardrails & Regulation | 2023-08-30

Speaker: Dr. Peter MacKinnon  Topic: Artificial Intelligence is on the Rampage: A Call for Guardrails & Regulation.  Time: Aug 30, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: The AI rampage started in the public eye less than a year ago with the release of an AI tool based on advances in Natural Language Processes, a branch of AI, and generally referred to …

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Upcoming Events

Lierre Keith | Bright Green Lies. | 2023-09-06 | CACOR presentation

Lierre Keith | Bright Green Lies. | 2023-09-06 | CACOR presentation

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Speaker: Lierre Keith  Topic: Bright Green Lies.  Time: Sep 6, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 895 2044 2745 Passcode: 881881 Summary: Once, environmentalism was about saving wild places and wild creatures from destruction.  Now, it’s about finding a new power source to continue their destruction. The “bright …

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Latest Articles

MDPI paper: Generation Z Worries, Suffers and Acts against Climate Crisis—The Potential of Sensing Children’s and Young People’s Eco-Anxiety: A Critical Analysis Based on an Integrative Review

by Irida Tsevreni, Irida Tsevreni, ScilitPreprints.orgGoogle Scholar, Nikolaos Proutsos, Magdalini Tsevreni, and Dimitris Tigkas Published: 14 August 2023 Abstract "The adverse and severe impacts of climate-induced natural hazards, which are expected to be aggravated by climate change, are forming a wider outline of the environmental crisis, being a source of negative emotions for human societies. Children and young people, in particular, are one of the most …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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MDPI paper: Generation Z Worries, Suffers and Acts against Climate Crisis—The Potential of Sensing Children’s and Young People’s Eco-Anxiety: A Critical Analysis Based on an Integrative Review

Let the Youth Lead Us to a Future

Let the Youth Lead Us to a Future
HUGE WIN' Can We do the same in Canada? RAFI SCHWARTZ AUGUST 14, 2023 William Campbell / Getty Images A state judge in Montana's Lewis and Clark County on Monday ruled in favor of a group of teens and young adults who had alleged the state's fossil fuel–based energy system and provisions in its Environmental Policy Act violated their constitutional rights by …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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Humans pay attention to pollution only when ...

Environmental protection is a very revealing example of the extent to which a sense of responsibility is generally lacking. Although the harmful consequences of pollution, the extinction of animal species, and the destruction of forests and other natural environments are undeniable and in most cases uncontested, the majority of individuals don’t react until the situation becomes intolerable for them personally. …

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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Humans pay attention to pollution only when ...

BBC Great Lives: Kate Raworth on Donella Meadows

BBC Great Lives: Kate Raworth on Donella Meadows
"Born in Illinois in 1941, Dana Meadows studied Chemistry and Molecular Biology, before turning her back on a post doc position at Harvard, to pursue environmentalism. She joined her husband Dennis Meadows as part of the team working on Professor Jay Forester's World3 computer model of the world economy at MIT and wrote the report on the results of that …

Categories: Articles, Climate

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National Observer: "Our forests have reached a tipping point"

Our forests have reached a tipping point by Barry Saxifrage | Analysis, Climate Solutions Reporting | August 21st 2023 This year's coast-to-coast wildfires in Canada have already emitted an estimated one-and-a-half billion tonnes of CO2. That's triple the annual climate pollution from burning fossil fuels in Canada. It's more than the combined emissions from 100 nations. And there are still months of fire season looming ahead. As extreme …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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National Observer: "Our forests have reached a tipping point"

The Strategy of Engagement--The Global Commons, from Consciousness to Understanding.—From CACOR Archives.

CACOR Writers Quill Pens
Fred Belaire made this presentation to a CACOR lunch in February 1996. Among other things, he thanked Dr. Rennie Whitehead for reminding members that CACOR was not, at the time, an environmental advocacy group.  That was in a recent editorial Dr. Whitehead wrote in the association newsletter.  However, Fred went on to issue a call to action (his words).  As …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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Power from Outer Space: Lunar Solar Power Systems

By Daniel Hall The race to find alternative energy sources has been on for decades, and as we continue to deplete our planet’s natural resources, the urgency to find sustainable solutions intensifies. While solar and wind power have made significant strides in recent years, one potential energy source has remained largely untapped: the moon. Lunar solar power systems (LSPS) have …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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Lunar surface with Sun on the horizon

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

Unbelievable changes Tesla Semi 2024 & Tesla Semi 2023, Tesla semi Update Here.

The article discusses the remarkable updates and enhancements in the Tesla Semi for the years 2023 and 2024. These improvements make the electric heavy truck a compelling choice for commercial transportation. In terms of pricing, the Tesla Semi 2024 comes at a slightly higher cost due to increased production costs, especially for advanced lithium-ion battery packs and materials like aluminum …

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Why you haven't seen these wind turbines around (yet)

While we've grown accustomed to seeing solar panels on rooftops, what about wind turbines? Are they destined to be overshadowed by their bigger counterparts? What challenges are hindering the implementation of small-scale wind turbines and what are possible solutions for more wind power for the people?

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How to cool our homes (even without ACs)

As the planet gets hotter, more people use air conditioners to keep cool. Running these takes lots of energy, which means emissions that then further speed up global warming. Rethinking our architecture and using more efficient cooling technologies could help us break this vicious circle.

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The Energy Technology Revolution Will Drive Renewable Energy Prices Even Lower

A new report from RMI, formerly known as the Rocky Mountain Institute, claims that renewable energy — wind and solar — is on track for exponential growth that will lead to a disruption of the electricity sector worldwide this decade. The report, written by Kingsmill Bond, Sam Butler-Sloss, Amory Lovins, Laurens Speelman, and Nigel Topping, says that solar, wind, and storage batteries have …

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Daylight savings time

In a unanimous vote on Tuesday, the U.S. Senate passed a bill, called the Sunshine Protection Act, that could make daylight time permanent next year and bring an end to the long-running, twice-a-year flip. While the legislation still needs approval from the House of Representatives before President Joe Biden can sign it into law, the move is being welcomed with renewed optimism by …

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How Does Solar Paint Work? – A Comprehensive Guide

Solar paint is more than just a buzzword in renewable energy circles; it’s a technological breakthrough with the potential to redefine how we harness solar power. Imagine converting the walls of your home or office into energy-generating surfaces, all without the bulk and aesthetic limitations of traditional solar panels. Intrigued? In this comprehensive guide, we demystify the science behind solar …

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Climate defenders are under attack | The Guardian

Arresting climate and environmental activists is so widespread that it’s almost become routine – applauded, even, as governments and corporations label those who block roads, disrupt shareholder meetings and throw confetti at tennis matches as radical lawbreakers. But jailing ordinary people trying to stop the destruction of the planet – while the industries responsible keep profiteering and elected officials keep letting them – isn’t normal …

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Computer science can help farmers explore alternative crops and sustainable farming methods

These advances made it possible for farms to produce much larger quantities of food, but at the expense of the environment. Large-scale agriculture has helped drive climate change, polluted lakes and bays with nutrient runoff and accelerated species losses by turning natural landscapes into monoculture crop fields. The most familiar example is the "three sisters"—maize, squash and beans—developed by Indigenous farmers of the Americas. …

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A Transition to “Clean” Energy Is Hurting Indigenous Communities

Companies and countries alike are bypassing environmental principles and laws as we hope for a less dangerous future. They are doing so in favor of profitable ventures, most recent of which are clean energy projects. Right now, companies that advance the “clean” energy transition are threatening the land and the livelihoods of indigenous peoples and peasants. Demand for minerals like …

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An Australian Holocaust: greenhouse gas emissions and mass deaths

By Julian Cribb AM Australian governments and mining houses are cold-bloodedly contemplating the needless deaths of 5.3 million human beings – many of them our own citizens - from climate causes resulting from new Australian fossil fuels developments. The death toll from climate impacts was highlighted in a recent paper by Canadian researchers Joshua Pearce and Richard Parncut who argued …

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