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Robert Sandford

Bob Sandford | What On Earth Is Going On? Global Reset & the Future of Hope | 2021-11-17

Despite debates and high profile wagers, time has shown that the Club of Rome was right about limits to growth.  We find ourselves now in a very dangerous time.  The risk at that moment is that our society will lapse into some different but still functionally unaltered version of what we had before the pandemic which would be a disaster leading only to the next disasters.  One crisis does not end simply because of the arrival of another.  There are a lot of problems backed up behind the COVID dam, not the least of which being ecological overshoot and climate change and the attendant threat of widespread societal collapse, issues that cannot be addressed without coherence and consensus within a currently internally divided global community. 

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Glasgow Climate Summit - Government Leadership Needed to Meet Our Commitments

Letter to the Globe and Mail Date: October 26, 2021 at 10:53:50 PM GMT-4 To: [email protected] With mixed expectations for a satisfactory outcome, the COP 26 launches this weekend in Glasgow. Canadians should take heart from the potential our country has for reducing demand and meeting our energy needs from sustainable sources. With government leadership and support, our electricity grids can …

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Glasgow Climate Summit - Government Leadership Needed to Meet Our Commitments

Health and Climate Change Interrelated

Health and Climate Change Interrelated
Ditching fossil fuels will have immediate health benefits for millions, and world leaders must seize the chance by Eloise Marais, Karn Vohra, The Conversation Carbon dioxide (CO₂) emitted by burning fossil fuels for energy today will only be removed from the atmosphere by natural sinks—like forests and the ocean—in the next 300 to 1,000 years. That means the climate benefits of transitioning …

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Our Society seems to have a Death Wish

Our Society seems to have a Death Wish Is our Society Committing Both Cultural & Ecological Suicide? When individuals are overwhelmed and alone and lose touch with the reality that life is wondourful partly because of the struggle they sometimes choose suicide as a solution to their problems. Is this our collective state of mind? Are we over-whelmed? Alone? Filled …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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Our Society seems to have a Death Wish

From Homes to Cars, It’s Now Time to Electrify Everything

Solar photovoltaic panels on a house roof. Solar photovoltaic panels on a house roof for providing sustainable alternative energy from natural resources
By Saul Griffith For too long, the climate solutions conversation has been dominated by the supply-side view of the energy system: What will replace coal plants? Will natural gas be a bridge fuel? Can hydrogen power industry? These are all important questions, but, crucially, they miss half the equation. We must bring the demand side of our energy system to the heart of …

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COP-out in Glasgow

It is not a secret that COP26 is a failure. It should be obvious that we cannot solve a crisis with the same methods that got us into it in the first place. Greta Thunberg, at COP26 in Glasgow Ms Thunberg went on to accuse world leaders and business executives of “actively creating loopholes and shaping frameworks to benefit themselves.” …

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COP-out in Glasgow

Update to Limits to Growth: Comparing the World3 Model with Empirical Data

Growth limits
by Gaya Herrington I conducted a data update to Limits to Growth (LtG), best known from the 1972 bestseller that forecasted a scenario of global societal collapse occurring around the present time if humanity did not alter its priorities. Empirical data comparisons since then indicated that the world was still heading for collapse. My objectives were to examine whether this …

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Removing CO2 from the air no longer optional

Even if the world begins drawing down carbon pollution by three, four or five percent each year—and that is a very big "if"—some sectors like cement and steel production, long-haul aviation and agriculture are expected to maintain emission levels for decades. by Marlowe Hood The burning question going into the Glasgow climate summit is whether major economies can, by 2050, …

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Carbon dioxide emergency illustration
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