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Archived Articles Revisited:
This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.
A scheduled CACOR Live meeting. Topic: Keep Our Counties Great: Implementing Limits to Growth at the Local Level. Speaker: Dave Rollo Time: 17 July 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: Economic growth requires ever expanding materials and energy throughput that is unsustainable, and at odds with planetary biophysical limits. Dave will describe the aim of CASSE's Keep Our Counties Great initiative, and how …
You are invited to a scheduled CACOR Live meeting. Topic: Thermal Networks and Nuclear Energy – a pathway to decarbonizing building heating Speaker: Dr. Robert Walker Time: 24 July 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join CACOR Live Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88241604088?pwd=eVFhZS9NSVlEVE5wRVJvbldxZ00yUT09 Meeting ID: 882 4160 4088 Passcode: 246500 Summary: In Canada, about as much energy is used to heat buildings as is …
May 29, 2024 By Sachi Kitajima Mulkey & Grist "Warming waters are reaching several miles into Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier—nicknamed the “doomsday glacier” because of its potential impact on sea-level rise "At the bottom of the Earth sits a massive bowl of ice you may know as the West Antarctic ice sheet. Each day, the ocean laps away at its base, …
Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups
A new electricity pricing program introduced by the Ontario government will be a boon for rooftop solar, even though it was originally designed for electric vehicle owners.
Categories: Articles, Solutions
No society, no matter how good its technological foundations can function without a moral foundation, without conviction that has nothing to do with opportunism, circumstances or expected advantage. Man does not define morality according to the caprice of his needs, wishes, tendencies and cravings; it is morality that defines man. Jan Patoćka, Czech philosopher, 1907-1977 He could have added, it …
Categories: Articles, Quotes
If a draft framework is adopted, the B.C. government would commit to the conservation and management of ecosystem health and biodiversity as an overarching priority Trevor HancockFeb 11, 2024 As far back as 1964, Paul Sears, an eminent American ecologist and former chair of the graduate program in Conservation at Yale University, described ecology as “a subversive subject” and asked …
Categories: Articles, Trending
The Elephant in the Way of Collapse Communication When we’re young we revel in growing our understanding and using reason to gain greater control of our lives and the world around us. As we grow old, assuming that we are still maturing, I think the opposite needs to happen: we need to grow our awareness of our lack of understanding …
Categories: Articles, What are you doing
The impetus for the flipbook was RMI’s observation that utilities are increasingly interested in VPPs as tools to manage projected load growth, thermal generator retirements and higher summer peaks exacerbated by climate change, Tobin said. Because the prospect of setting up a VPP can be daunting for utilities that haven’t done it before, RMI wanted to include detailed guidance showing how …
Categories: Articles, Climate
Change Course conference vision statement. In 2012, CACOR sent member Sarah Dougherty, a recent university graduate, to a Club of Rome conference in Winterthur, Switzerland. The group's final work product is attached.
Categories: Articles, CACOR Writers
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.
By Richard van der Jagt, John Hollins & Geoff Strong | Opinion | July 4th 2024 During his 20-year career as a member of Parliament, Conservative leader, Pierre Poilievre, has voted, according to House of Commons voting records, against the environment nearly 400 times. Photo by Taymaz Valley/Flickr (CCBY2.0DEED) Under the title, “The country is on fire. Pierre Poilievre doesn’t seem to care”, Gary Mason opened an …
from the Economist By Invitation | Games over? Halt the Olympics to save the planet, pleads a sports historian David Goldblatt thinks pausing the spectacle might jolt the world into grasping the severity of the climate challenge The olympics have always been about more than just sport. Since 1896 they have been staged as a cosmopolitan festival that sends a …
From the Economist: In japan it starts with the pulsating song of cicadas; in Alaska, with salmon swimming upstream. However it begins, summer in the northern hemisphere—where more than 85% of the world’s population live—soon involves dangerous levels of heat. This year is no exception—indeed, it carries the trend further. In Saudi Arabia more than 1,300 pilgrims died during the …
Extreme weather hit over half of Canadian businesses: survey By Ian Bickis | News | July 17th 2024 Cars are partially submerged in flood waters in the Don Valley following heavy rain in Toronto on July 16, 2024. Photo by The Canadian Press/Arlyn McAdorey Listen to article A new survey of business leaders finds the vast majority are concerned that …
The development of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Microgrid Program Strategy started around December 2020. The purpose was to define strategic research and development (R&D) areas for the DOE Office of Electricity (OE) Microgrids R&D (MGRD) Program to support its vision and accomplish its goals. The overarching vision for the Strategy and MGRD is: By 2035, microgrids are envisioned …
The next generation of Indigenous rangers: Interview with Manni Edwards
UK was Ill-prepared for COVID and Failed Its Citizens. [The same things would almost certainly be found in each Canadian province. Bad preparation and bad management in the event. Still, we fared better than UK. UK lost ~250,000 in a population of ~67 M. Canada lost ~59,000 in a population of ~38 M. UK had 3,730 dead per million; Canada …
Environmental Activists Sentenced to Years in Prison over UK Highway Protest. Five activists of the Just Stop Oil environmental campaign have been handed prison sentences for their involvement in organizing protests that blocked a major London highway in 2022, PA media reported, sparking a wave of criticism from climate advocates. ‘Just Stop Oil’ co-founder Roger Hallam, 58, Daniel Shaw, 38, …
An average EV does tens of thousands of times less damage to roads than a semi truck over the course of the year, So here we have yet another example of a state falling to fossil fuel propaganda and harming itself in the process, when the obvious solution remains unused – a mileage- and weight-based usage fee, plus pricing to correct for …
Preparing Vancouver and other B.C. communities for climate disasters will always be cheaper than rebuilding from the ruins. When Hurricane Beryl came ashore in southeast Texas early last week, it was a mere Category 1 hurricane. But that was enough to give the Houston region a first-class polycrisis built on inadequate infrastructure. It also gave us reason to look at our own …