
Stay Informed

CACOR's weekly newsletter
December 11, 2021
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. it contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website. It is anticipated that this "newsletter" will improve over the coming weeks.

We would like to bring to your attention the legacy YouTube on the Club of Rome Origin

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To CACOR Members: In the New Year, we have four (4) speakers in our Zoom series that need a CACOR sponsor and Master of Ceremonies. We seek someone who has not done this in the past and is willing to become involved. Contact Art at your earliest convenience. We can help you get involved.

Upcoming Events

CACOR Zoom | Dr. Ian Burton | Q&A forum on COP26 proceedings by a participant. | 2021-12-15 

CACOR Zoom | Dr. Ian Burton | Q&A forum on COP26 proceedings by a participant. | 2021-12-15 

Dr. Burton will give a brief synopsis of his involvement in the recent Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.  He will then open the floor to questions and discussion.


Dr. Ian Burton is an Independent Scholar and Emeritus Professor at the University of Toronto where he was formerly the Director of the Institute for Environmental Studies and a Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning.  He has also been a Senior Policy Advisor at Environment Canada (with Liz Dowdeswell), and was the first Director of the Adaptation Research Branch/Group.  Its mandate was subsequently transferred to Natural Resources Canada.

Ian has served on Canadian delegations to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and as a Lead Author on three IPCC Assessments.  His research has focused on human adjustment to natural hazards, and environmental risks and disasters.  He plans to attend COP 26 in Glasgow in November to promote the adaptation agenda.

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Latest Articles

Making Ecosystems the Wrong Way

Pacific Ocean garbage patch is immense plastic habitat By Victoria Gill Science correspondent, BBC News Original article - December 2021 IMAGE SOURCE,OCEAN VOYAGES INSTITUTE     The researchers collaborated with the Ocean Voyages Institute to collect ocean debris Scientists have discovered marine animals living on plastic debris in an area of the open ocean dubbed "the Great Pacific Garbage Patch". …

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Making Ecosystems the Wrong Way

Human Extinction?

Human Extinction?
Human Extinction? Extinction occurs when species are diminished because of environmental forces (natural disaster, overexploitation of resources) or because of evolutionary changes in their members (genetic inbreeding, poor reproduction). Given the definition above, British paleontologist Henry Gee, thinks that we qualify for being on the road to extinction. As an evolutionary biologist and editor at Nature his opinion is worthy …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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Students’ solar-powered camper van turns heads on 1,800-mile road trip

A team of students from the Netherlands are due to complete a 1,800-mile (3,000km) road trip across western Europe in a solar-powered camper van that they designed and built themselves. The Stella Vita is designed for two passengers and has a kitchen, sitting area, bed, shower and toilet. Using solar energy alone, the vehicle can cover up to 450 miles on a …

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There are more tools than taxes in government's toolbox (John Hollins)

Letter to the Editor published in the Globe and Mail, 2018 December 3 Lead was used in plumbing from the time of the Romans until the middle of the 20th Century.  When the neurological effects were understood, governments acted. • No, they did not tax lead in plumbing. Tetraethyl lead was used in gasoline to retard ignition in the first half …

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There are more tools than taxes in government's toolbox (John Hollins)

Monica Araya: How cities are detoxing transportation

Bicycles parking area near the train station at Delft on in the city of Delft , the Netherlands
People around the world are demanding clean air -- and cities are starting to respond, says electrification advocate Monica Araya. She takes us on a world tour of urban areas that are working to fully electrify their transportation systems over the next decade, shifting to emission-free motorcycles, cars, buses, ferries and beyond. See what a future without the internal combustion …

Categories: Articles, Climate

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A Review of How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: the Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need (by Bill Gates)

This is a book review provided by T. David Dougherty, a member of the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome, in December 2021. Recommendation I think everyone, including climate scientists, technology entrepreneurs, politicians, and ordinary citizens could benefit from reading this book.  If enough of us did so, it would help create the common purpose that will be needed …

Categories: Articles, Book Reviews, CACOR Groups

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Bill Gates

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