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The road ahead is uncertain, not smooth or straight, and has limited visibility.
March 30, 2024
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Archived Articles Revisited:

This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.

Latest Presentation

Dr. John Cook | Understanding the Misleading Techniques Used in Misinformation about Climate Change. | 2024-03-27

Dr. John Cook | Understanding the Misleading Techniques Used in Misinformation about Climate Change. | 2024-03-27

Speaker: Dr. John Cook Topic: Understanding the Misleading Techniques Used in Misinformation about Climate Change. Summary: The public are overwhelmed with misinformation and conspiracy theories, causing confusion about important issues such as climate change and health. How do we respond to the firehose of falsehoods? One way to effectively neutralize the influence of misinformation and pseudoscience is inoculation - explain the misleading techniques …

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Lalith Gunaratne | Renewable Energy Adventures: Solar and Small Hydro Stories that bind Canada and Sri Lanka | Apr 3, 2024

Lalith Gunaratne | Renewable Energy Adventures: Solar and Small Hydro Stories that bind Canada and Sri Lanka | Apr 3, 2024

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Speaker: Lalith Gunaratne Topic: Renewable Energy Adventures: Solar and Small Hydro Stories that bind Canada and Sri Lanka Time: Apr 3, 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 842 0554 5882 Passcode: 293757 Summary: The presentation will highlight a lifetime of renewable energy adventures with solar …

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Latest Articles

New U.S. Climate Bill

US Senator Manchin is supporting the climate bill that former vice-president, Al Gore says “has the potential to be a historic turning point”. However, there is a catch, of course: Manchin has said the legislation “does not arbitrarily shut off our abundant fossil fuels” and has extracted guarantees of new offshore and onshore drilling, including a stipulation that millions more …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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New U.S. Climate Bill

Moral dimension global warming

Moral dimension global warming
is the ground zero of global warming. There is no question this is being caused primarily by human action. This is way out of natural variation. If you really want people in the West to understand the effect they are having, it is simple.  From now on, we need to have a system where, for every 10,000 tonnes of carbon …

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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The Conversation: Florida home insurance triples since 2018

How Florida’s home insurance market became so dysfunctional, so fast Published: March 7, 2024 "Imagine saving for years to buy your dream house, only to have surging property insurance costs keep homeownership forever out of reach. "This is a common problem in Florida, where average insurance premiums cost homeowners an eye-watering US$6,000 a year. That’s more than triple the national average and about three …

Categories: Analysis, CACOR Groups

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The Conversation: Florida home insurance triples since 2018

Ohio approves a large-scale project combining solar, storage, and agrivoltaics

Rolling Hills in Ohio
The Ohio Power Siting Board has given the go-ahead to what will be one of the largest solar farms in the United States, despite the opposition of local governments and citizens. The gigantic $1 billion endeavor, the largest solar project in the state by far, will spread over 6,000 acres of farmland in staunchly Republican Madison County. Some of the acreage is owned by Bill Gates, …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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Parable of the hawk and the squirrel

Parable of the hawk and the squirrel A young squirrel, having come of age, needed to find a new territory to build his drey and after much travel, came across a massive oak dominating the landscape. ‘This will be my new home,’ he thought, and quickly started to collect twigs and leaves to build it. Many hours into the process, …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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Parable of the hawk and the squirrel

See the map of the largest wildfire in Texas history

The Panhandle wildfires continue to rage. The Smokehouse Creek Fire became the largest in state history, topping the 2006 Amarillo East Complex fires that claimed 12 lives and burned more than 900,000 acres. The massive fire has now reached over 1.075 million acres, as reports claim the 687 Reamer Fire has merged with the Smokehouse Creek fire. The merge occurred Thursday, according to …

Categories: Articles, Climate

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Impediments Working Group 1 Report.—From CACOR Archives.

1992  Series 1 Number 2  Page 4 The chairperson of this working group was Dr. Art Hunter.  Other members were Ian Nadler, Ron Manchee, and Alan Jones. The group was to develop a comprehensive listing of things that stood in the way of  impediments. the global problematique.  Group 2 was to develop options to overcome these issues.  Group 3 was to develop …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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CACOR Writers Quill Pens

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

South Africa Wants to Preserve Its Wild Animals by Eating Them

South Africa has come up with a novel strategy to protect and expand its already abundant wildlife herds: It wants people to eat more of the animals. The idea may seem distasteful to many. But for the environment department tasked with making South Africa’s natural riches pay their way in the world’s most unequal country, it solves a number of …

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Ushering in a New Era: The Rise of US-Made Solar Panels

In a bold move that could change the game for renewable energy, two leading American companies have struck a massive three-year deal worth $400 million. This big step moves us away from relying on foreign-made solar cells and pushes the US toward making its own solar tech. The brains behind this plan are Heliene, a high energy solar panel maker …

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The Origins of Hell On Earth | Carl Safina

I like to think of intellectual discourse as the entangled root network of an ancient tree: everything is connected to everything else. Not so much a linear march of progress but a gnarled and entangled mess from which fruits bear. This is why, despite thousands of years, some ideas don’t travel very far, but double back and loop themselves around …

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IBC Resilience Presentation

A presentation by the Insurance Board of Canada to the CAFE NGO AGM on 27 March.   It addresses climate change and the evolving risk and costs.

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Canada clocks fastest population growth in 66 years in 2023

Canada clocks fastest population growth in 66 years in 2023 back then, 66 years ago, we had "room" on rich lands and enough housing and enough of... well, everything. optimism ruled the day now, in spite of the empty CDN shield lands and tundra, we are full up and stressed and unhappy and pessimistic something has changed...

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Battery prices just fell off a cliff!

Just Have a think Lithium-ion batteries often get a bad rap in the media these days, blamed for high cost, unwanted fires and poor working conditions in the supply chain. But the fact remains that this chemistry provides the power for billions of devices around the world, from the tiniest pacemakers to the largest utility scale stationary energy storage, …

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Rethinking electricity grids.

Just Have a think As renewable energy developers struggle with the almost impenetrable complexity of regulatory and permitting bureaucracy that can add more than a decade to the timeline of a new installation, clever boffins have been quietly revolutionising the materials used to make the wires that run between the pylons that take electrons from where they're generated to where …

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Tesla rolls out new Autopark in software update

Tesla has released a new version of Autopark in Software Update 2024.2.11. Tesla has been working on releasing a more robust Autopark version for some time now, and CEO Elon Musk noted earlier this month that the feature would be rolled out in the near future. It now appears that it is here after much anticipation and waiting from Tesla’s …

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Revolutionising Renewable Energy: Breakthroughs in Solar Panel Efficiency

Today, finding sustainable energy sources is incredibly important, and solar panel tech is breaking new ground. We’re seeing huge strides in how effective and adaptable solar panels can be. All over the world, from South Korea to Down Under to Britain, researchers are leading these exciting breakthroughs that are changing renewable energy for the better. A Fresh Chapter for Solar …

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Tesla looks ready to roll out wireless EV charging.

Tesla appears to be ready to roll out wireless EV charging, according to the company’s Service Manual. Wireless EV charging is still technically in the early stages of development, but it seems to be clearly advantageous for people, and automakers realize that. Tesla has been diving into wireless EV charging development for some time, as last year, it acquired a …

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