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The road ahead is uncertain, not smooth or straight, and has limited visibility.
March 23, 2024
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Archived Articles Revisited:

This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.

Latest Presentation

Dr. Irvin Waller | Secrets of Persuading Politicians to Halve Violent Crime in 5 Years in the Age of Science and Social Media: Are There Lessons for CACOR | 20 March 2024

Dr. Irvin Waller | Secrets of Persuading Politicians to Halve Violent Crime in 5 Years in the Age of Science and Social Media: Are There Lessons for CACOR | 20 March 2024

Speaker:  Dr. Irvin Waller  Subject: Secrets of Persuading Politicians to Halve Violent Crime in 5 Years in the Age of Science and Social Media: Are There Lessons for Cacor? Time: Mar 20, 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary:  Dr. Waller focuses on parallels needed within the climate changing world and crime prevention world. Scientific evaluations of innovations that stop violence crimes …

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Dr. John Cook | Understanding the Misleading Techniques Used in Misinformation about Climate Change. | 2024-03-27 | CACOR Zoom

Dr. John Cook | Understanding the Misleading Techniques Used in Misinformation about Climate Change. | 2024-03-27 | CACOR Zoom

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Speaker: Dr. John Cook Topic: Understanding the Misleading Techniques Used in Misinformation about Climate Change. Time: Mar 27, 2024 18:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada).  NOTE:   The change in time to 18:30 EDT Wednesday as that is 09:30 a.m. Thursday in Australia. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 883 7511 2995 Passcode: 063017 Summary: The …

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Latest Articles

Salmon Dying Worldwide

Mass die-offs among farmed salmon on the rise around the world 14 hours ago By Matt McGrath, Environment correspondent Share Hundreds of millions of farmed salmon have perished in mass die-offs over the past decade, say researchers. The scientists say that large-scale mortalities are now happening more frequently and at a larger scale than ever before. They argue that warmer …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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Salmon Dying Worldwide

Reasoning in science

Reasoning in science
In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei, physicist and astronomer (1564-1642) 

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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Scientific American: The False Promise of Carbon Capture as a Climate Solution

"Fossil-fuel companies use captured carbon dioxide to extract more fossil fuels, leading to a net increase in atmospheric CO2 BY NAOMI ORESKES MARCH 1, 2024 "Last December the leaders of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai declared victory as the parties agreed to “transition away” from fossil fuels. But there's a big issue that will remain contentious as countries try to …

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Scientific American: The False Promise of Carbon Capture as a Climate Solution

Thailand is exploring renewable energy with a new project combining hydro and floating solar technologies

3D rendering of floating solar
Thailand has made substantial strides in green energy with the launch of a 24 MW project at Ubol Ratana Dam in Khon Kaen province. Spearheaded by the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), this pioneering project melds solar and hydropower with energy storage solutions, marking a significant leap towards augmenting the country's clean energy usage. This venture, a collaboration between …

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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‘Reason-Based Wrecking Ball’ Demolishes the Case for Alberta Restrictions on Renewables

Alberta’s utilities regulator has released a report saying the province’s booming solar and wind industry poses little threat to its agriculture or the environment, after independent observers warned the Danielle Smith government’s latest restrictions could cost it 42 new projects totalling C$11 billion in investment and 6.3 gigawatts of new generating capacity. “Assuming all renewable development locates on (some of …

Categories: Articles, Climate

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Solar panels in a Village of Carmangay Vulcan County, Alberta, Canada

“The ultimate test of man’s stupidity is when, in his grubbing for riches, he destroys the environment that sustains him."

“The ultimate test of man’s stupidity is when, in his grubbing for riches, he destroys the environment that sustains him."
“The ultimate test of man’s stupidity is when, in his grubbing for riches, he destroys the environment that sustains him. - Tom Edwards, Australian writer

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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The Limits to Growth and the Message for Sustainable Development.—From CACOR Archives.

1992  Series 1  Number 2  Page 13 CACOR member Ian Nalder presented this paper at Ryerson Institute in 1991. He concluded that the change in focus from the limits to growth to sustainable development had essentially been a failure.  The warning about collapse remained in force.  Humanity was no closer to preventing catastrophe than it had been before the Brundtland …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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CACOR Writers Quill Pens

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

It's about more than a climate emergency

Flying to Singapore to take part in a meeting of the Lancet Commission on Sustainable Healthcare is not without tragic irony. A defence that more can be achieved from 3 days of face-to-face encounters than a few hours of stilted Zoom calls might be weakly self-exculpatory. Proof will come with the final product, which, judging by the leadership of Co-Chairs Jodi Sherman …

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Why I worry for California's iconic redwoods

Gabrielle Canon When the Guardian reported this weekend that there are now more giant sequoias growing in the UK than in their native California’s mountain ranges, I wasn’t sure how to feel. The story is a positive one; of a new home for the towering trees left at risk in the areas where they had once thrived for millions of years. But …

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IESO Submission to Environment and Climate Change Canada

March 15, 2024 Submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) By email to: [email protected] Re: Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) Submission on ECCC’s Clean Electricity Regulations (CER): Public Update. Executive Summary The IESO is encouraged by the changes to the provisions of the draft CER currently being considered by ECCC, as described in ECCC’s public update report dated February …

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IESO Six Graphs and a Map: 2024 Annual Planning Outlook and Emissions Update

The IESO’s 2024 Annual Planning Outlook identifies system needs and planned actions from 2025 to 2050 that are needed to ensure the reliability, affordability and sustainability of Ontario’s electricity system. With significant progress being made to address these needs, the IESO is also providing an update of its emissions forecast for the sector.

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Club of Rome short

The Club of Rome: Long-term, holistic, interdisciplinary systems thinking. (

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Boston Dynamics just dropped a new video. Look what its humanoid robot can do now

Atlas just got a massive upgrade. Now, the robot can toss and grab things, in addition to excelling in parkour. Boston Dynamics' new video shows off its research robot's exceptional, and slightly terrifying, parkour abilities. In the viral video, the robot, named Atlas, walks across a warehouse floor, picks up items, skips up stairs, jumps, tosses items, and even does …

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Electric school bus program lands vehicle-to-grid funding in California

The project aims to enable electric school bus batteries to support the grid with additional power during emergency events when parked and to generate revenue through participation in demand response programs and other value streams to lower the vehicles’ total cost of ownership. The California Energy Commission (CEC) has awarded BorgWarner and project partners Fermata Energy and Lion Electric a …

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Power across the pond? UK ponders transatlantic grid link with US

The plan, proposed by a group of London investors and consultants, would include installing six cables spanning about 3,500 miles under the Atlantic, allowing both countries to import power during peak demand due to the time zone difference. Ofgem, Britian’s energy regulator, is considering a plan that would involve installing thousands of miles of transatlantic undersea cables to import and …

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Samsung's Surprise Galaxy Ring: Who's This Wearable Actually For?

Samsung didn't reveal much when it teased the Galaxy Ring health wearable, but here's who experts think would choose it over -- or in addition to -- smartwatches. At the end of its Unpacked event back in January, Samsung introduced its Galaxy Ring wearable as the next gadget in its mobile lineup. With no release date or price, the debut was little more than …

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Microsoft Copilot Now Has GPT-4 Turbo for Free: What to Know

The advanced artificial intelligence model powering Copilot's Pro tier wasn't free to all until now. Microsoft's artificial intelligence assistant, Copilot, has received an upgrade to its free tier. GPT-4 Turbo, the OpenAI model that powers Copilot Pro, is now available if you use Copilot free. All you need to do is set Copilot to either Creative or Precise mode to gain …

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