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Archived Articles Revisited:
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You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Speaker: Raymond Leury Topic: GHG Trends and Reasons for Hope and Rapid Progress on the Climate Front. Time: Jan 3, 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83369454368?pwd=VDBCek01SGdibitxVVRuRTcwUnArQT09 Meeting ID: 833 6945 4368 Passcode: 921830 Administration: – The CACOR Sponsor is Nigel Wier. – Please invite friends and colleagues. – One …
"Confronting Overshoot: Changing the Story of Human Exceptionalism "We chat with population ecologist, co-creator of the ecological footprint analysis, and one of the world’s best big-picture ecological thinkers, Dr. Bill Rees. Bill explains how our blind faith in human exceptionalism, technological optimism, and neoliberal economics fooled us into disregarding ecological limits and brought us into a state of extreme overshoot. …
Categories: Articles, What are you doing
INNOVATION Building Climate Resilience into Construction By combining future-focused climate data with the latest building science, the industry can adapt the built environment for a planet of extremes BY DIANA KIGHTLINGER DECEMBER 12, 2023 In July 2023, millions in Phoenix baked for 31 days straight as thermometers remained above 110°F. Two months of rain in 48 hours flooded Vermont. And many North …
Categories: Analysis, Trending
In science it often happens that scientists say, "You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken," and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it …
Categories: Articles, Quotes
"Domestic violent extremist threats to U.S. nuclear facilities prove that the nuclear security status quo is at risk By Sneha Nair Lead Author • Anna Pluff Co-Author • Christina McAllister Co-Author In Nonproliferation November 2, 2023 "Nuclear security in the U.S. has historically understood threat as ‘other’ – leaving practitioners, facilities, and physical protection systems vulnerable to threats from within: a glaring vulnerability that was made public in the wake …
Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups
Piezoelectric roads have the potential to revolutionize energy generation, contributing to a sustainable future by harnessing vehicular traffic to generate electricity.
Categories: Articles, Solutions
Discover how bidirectional charging in electric vehicles is revolutionizing the energy landscape, offering backup power during blackouts and supporting renewable energy integration.
Categories: Articles, Climate
N. Gass and N. Németh reviewed the background of the battle between Pakistan and India for control of the province of Kashmir, in the southern Himalayas. There were four main options: independence, division, trusteeship, and plebiscite (regarding which affiliation with which country). They reviewed the obstacles, conventional realities, unconventional possibilities, prerequisites for resolving the conflict, and the way forward.
Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.
Dear Members, I opened up my 15th COP with this “out of office” statement. I am at COP with 90,000+ others. Is this a circus? Yes, but with the backing of youth activists and the Club of Rome, I will continue to push for an ambitious outcome especially on fossil fuel phase out, regenerative food systems, real capital commitment and …
This year we learned 1. There’s a battle brewing over carbon pipelines. The Biden administration is all-in on carbon capture and storage, but pipelines needed to move CO2 around face stiff local opposition. 2. Europe’s housing is not heat-ready. Heat waves in the region are becoming more frequent and more intense, creating livability issues in cities where homes aren’t built for high temperatures. 3. The climate …
The founder of Cirque du Soleil, Laliberté is donating all the money required for his hometown to protect a large piece of natural riparian woodland and wetlands that sits adjacent to it. A suburb of Montreal on the south bank of the Saint Lawrence River, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville received $5 million from Mr. Laliberté, their most famous resident, for the purchase. “It …
There are plenty of climate and air quality reasons to buy an electric vehicle (EV), but is it cheaper to drive? While this is a complicated question that has befuddled car shoppers for years, in most cases, an EV will indeed be cheaper in the long run. And with automakers slashing prices for EVs in the past year on top of federal …
The whole video is worth a watch, but here are some key points I took away from it: Robots from Boston Dynamics have already been left in the dust as they rely on antiquated coding and software structures. These robots can’t learn in the same way computers/robots relying on modern neural nets can learn. Robots from Tesla and startups like Figure …
By Myra Beaman, posted May 18, 2021 at 8:50 AM In case you’ve ever walked, biked or driven past one of our substations, peered through the chainlink fencing, and wondered, “what secrets do they hold?,” we’re here to fill you in. To set the stage, remember the pollinator initiative we shared with you last month? Well, that is only a small part …
In 1995, a leading group of scientists convened by the United Nations declared that they had detected a “human influence” on global temperatures with “effectively irreversible” consequences. In the coming decades, 99.9 percent of scientists would come to agree that burning fossil fuels had disrupted the Earth’s climate. Yet almost 30 years after that warning, during the hottest year on Earth in 125,000 years, people …