Live differently–it’s your choice!
The road ahead is uncertain, not smooth or straight, and has limited visibility.
December 17, 2023

Dear CACOR Members 💚🌎

Seeking editors for the CACOR Website. Contact Art Hunter at [email protected].
Four CACOR members have volunteered to make occasional posts in our Breaking News listing.
Breaking News - Canadian Association for the Club of Rome (
Do you want to contact your Federal MP or Senator?
List of emails for Canadian Members of Parliament and Senators. (

Archived Articles Revisited:

This is your weekly personal list of three random articles extracted from our website archives. These links are unique to you and are more than one year old. The intention is to deliver a sense of what was considered a priority on that date compared with today's latest articles and presentations. You are encouraged to share these links with your social media and other networks.
Welcome to Stay Informed, CACOR's weekly newsletter. It contains all the latest updates to the CACOR Website. Please share our Stay Informed link on your personal networks. That's also the place to catch up on previous newsletters if you missed them.


The latest CACOR Zoom Schedule is found here.


New Promo Videos. Share on your social media please!
CACOR will be active on shortly. Stay Tuned 💚🌎

Latest Presentation

LaUra Schmidt | How to Live in a Chaotic Climate. | 2023-12-13 | CACOR Zoom

LaUra Schmidt | How to Live in a Chaotic Climate. | 2023-12-13 | CACOR Zoom

Speaker: LaUra Schmidt Topic: How to Live in a Chaotic Climate.  Time: Dec 13, 2023 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Summary: The world is full of disruption, turmoil, and trauma.  It can feel easier to shut down, avoid, or distract ourselves to avoid the pain of living through what Francis Weller calls "The Long Dark."  This talk will provide a pathway to …

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Up Next!

Raymond Leury | GHG Trends and Reasons for Hope and Rapid Progress on the Climate Front. | 2024-01-03

Raymond Leury | GHG Trends and Reasons for Hope and Rapid Progress on the Climate Front. | 2024-01-03

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Speaker:  Raymond Leury Topic:  GHG Trends and Reasons for Hope and Rapid Progress on the Climate Front. Time: Jan 3, 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 833 6945 4368 Passcode: 921830 Summary: Bio: Planned Next presentations: 20-Dec-23 Christmas Break. 27-Dec-23 New Year's Break. 03-Jan-24 …

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Latest Articles

Piling it On

Emissions from oil and gas, buildings undercut Canada’s climate progress, estimate finds New independent estimate shows Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions rose 2 per cent in 2022 from previous year 28.09.23 28 September 2023, OTTAWA— Emissions from oil and gas and buildings continued to rise in 2022, undercutting Canada’s progress reducing emissions overall, according to a new independent estimate from 440 Megatonnes, …

Categories: Articles, Trending

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Piling it On

Vested interest

Vested interest
You don’t invite the tobacco lobbyists to a health convention when you’re writing health policy. Emily Lowan Climate Action Network Canada Why on earth is COP28 overrun by fossil fuel lobbyists? Note: The number of oil industry representatives at COP28 is vexing climate activists.

Categories: Articles, Quotes

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Let’s stop trying to save industrial civilisation, cross-posted by Eris Remblance and Max Wilbert

"Excerpts from Bright Green Lies: How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way and What We Can Do About It by Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith and Max Wilbert, OCT 27, 2023 "Erin Remblance hosted me yesterday for a group discussion about greenwashing, the destruction of the planet, and the work I've been doing at Protect Thacker Pass. Today, she republished these …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Groups

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Let’s stop trying to save industrial civilisation, cross-posted by Eris Remblance and Max Wilbert

Smart Meters in Distributed Energy Resources

Smart meter concept
Smart meters are transforming the management of renewable energy. By providing real-time data on consumption and generation, they enhance control and visibility for utilities in balancing supply and demand and integrating renewable sources into the grid. Smart meters also enable greater control over energy usage and play a crucial role in managing energy storage systems to optimize efficiency.

Categories: Articles, Solutions

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We are the Capital - what we can learn from the book The Hunger Games

We are the Capital “May the Odds ever be in your Favour” – Hunger Games quote meaning you have almost no chance of survival If you have not read the dystopian teen-age angst trilogy “The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins you are in for a treat. It is tale of a young people being forced to slaughter each other in …

Categories: Articles, What are you doing

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We are the Capital - what we can learn from the book The Hunger Games

Long Live the COPs!

Close-up of COP28 flag waving
Discover why the COP climate summit struggles to address global warming effectively and how it may need to be reformed for real action to be taken.

Categories: Articles, Climate

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Human Freedom and Cybernetic Principles—From CACOR Archives.

Bruce. H. Buchanan, M.D., provided CACOR with a brief paper in which he discussed the state of humanity, delving first into E.F. Schumacher’s Small is Beautiful.  He then went into cybernetics, explaining it essentially as control systems.  He touched on various important theories that affect our worldviews, such as evolution, relativity, and psychology.  Finally, he posited that we are having …

Categories: Articles, CACOR Proceedings, CACOR Writers

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CACOR Writers Quill Pens

How well are we doing?

How well are we doing?
Key indicators of how humans are changing the Earth: Sea level, species, carbon dioxide, sea ice, population, daily temperature extremes, annual climate change performance by country, air pollution, temperature records, climate change indicators, top ten emitters, historic emissions, electric vehicles.

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Breaking News

Loop - Teslas in Tunnels

Loop is an all-electric, zero-emissions, high-speed underground public transportation system in which passengers are transported to their destination with no intermediate stops. Also known as "Teslas in Tunnels!"

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The Battery Domino Effect

Summary Battery demand is growing exponentially, driven by a domino effect of adoption that cascades from country to country and from one sector to the next. This battery domino effect is set to enable the phaseout of half of global fossil fuel demand and be instrumental in abating transport and power emissions, propelling us over 60% of the way toward …

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Exploring Revolutionary 5-Million-Mile NMC532 Battery Technology- 200 years of EV driving 100 km/day

Exploring Revolutionary 5-Million-Mile NMC532 Battery Technology and still under life testing to extend this 5 million. The cost of changing electric vehicle batteries in the US has never been cheap. For the Chevrolet Bolt, the driver has to spend $16,000 for a new battery pack; the Volkswagen e-Golf is even more expensive at $23,443 and does not include the worker's …

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Deep in the Wilderness, the World’s Largest Beaver Dam Survives (Canada)

Wood Buffalo National Park, the largest national park in Canada, covers an area the size of Switzerland and stretches from Northern Alberta into the Northwest Territories. Only one road enters it from Alberta, and one from the NWT. IN the park’s southeast region, where the Peace River and the Athabasca River come together is one of the largest freshwater deltas …

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Will universally compatible EV chargers ever be a reality in the US?

A fragmented business landscape is to blame for many of the problems that plague EV charging. Government-backed standards could change that — if the industry obliges. Erika Myers can talk about EV charging standards all day. After all, as head of the world’s premier organization dedicated to promoting them, that’s pretty much her job. She does wish she could spend less time talking about the EV charging-standards …

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Revolutionizing Energy Services: The Future of Microgrids

Applications of Microgrids Microgrids are not limited to a specific industry or application; their versatility makes them suitable for a wide range of sectors and use cases, including: Industry and Manufacturing: Microgrids can help industrial facilities ensure a secure, reliable, and affordable energy supply, improving operational efficiency and reducing downtime due to power outages. Remote Communities: Microgrids can provide secure, reliable, and …

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All night Ultra-Low Electricity rate and charging batteries

I recently converted my Hydro One electricity billing scheme to their new weekday Ultra Low rates which are: 07:00 -- 16:00   12.2 cents/kWh  mid-peak 16:00 -- 21:00   28.6 cents/kWh peak rates 21:00 -- 23:00   12.2 cents/kWh mid-peak 23:00 -- 07:00     2.8 cents/kWh Ultra Low rates It is easy to see that one wants to use electricity after 11 p.m. through …

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Best Solar Panels for Homes

The Solar Panel's Efficiency Rating: The efficiency rate of a solar panel indicates how effectively it converts sunlight into electricity. It is expressed as a percentage and typically ranges from 15% to 23%. Higher efficiency panels produce more electricity per square foot and are more suitable for homes with limited roof space or those seeking maximum energy output. Solar Panel Wattage: The …

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NASA’s Webb Stuns With New High-Definition Look at Exploded Star

End of life for a star as it goes supernova.   This is an amazing image with debris expanding outward.   Rather like imagining a nuclear bomb exploding in space and then multiply that by many billions.   This certainly captures the power of nature's cycles to refresh itself to eventually become a new Solar System. The outskirts of the main inner shell, …

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New Co-President and new Secretary-General for the Club of Rome

The Club of Rome Elections/appointment. The new co-president of the Club is Paul Shivistrava  Professor University of Pennsylvania 28 November 2023 – The Club of Rome, a platform for leading scientists, economists, policy and business leaders to collaborate and promote leading-edge thinking, has elected Paul Shrivastava as its new co-president. This follows the recent Annual General Meeting held in Winterthur, …

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